1 Ideas About the Future of HPC in Europe “The views expressed in this presentation are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Ideas About the Future of HPC in Europe “The views expressed in this presentation are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission” HPC User Forum Stuttgart, 7-8 October 2010 Bernhard Fabianek European Commission - DG INFSO GEANT & e-Infrastructures

2  Scientific advances more important than ever  Global challenges with high societal impact  Innovation and economic development  Adoption of ICT changes the scientific discovery process  Computing, simulation and data  Tackling the very small, very big and very complex  Cost efficiency  Open, cross-border & cross-discipline collaboration

3  Collaboration between European and worldwide research teams; remote access  Global virtual research communities  Data-intensive science and innovation  Use and manage exponentially growing sets of data  Experimentation in silico, simulation  Use of High-Performance Computing  HPC a fundamental enabler for research & innovation

4 The Communication on ICT Infrastructures for e-Science Com(2009) 108 asks:  “Building a new generation of supercomputing facilities”  Member States to scale up and pool investment in support of PRACE  Commission to define and support an ambitious European strategic agenda for supercomputing

5 Conclusions of 2982 nd Competitiveness Council of Dec invite the Member States and the Commission to :  pool their investments in high performance computing under PRACE, in order to strengthen the position of European industry and academia in the use, development and manufacturing of advanced computing products, services and technologies;  explore how to extend the benefits of e-Infrastructures (such as PRACE) to industrial research and innovation, to public services and to SMEs;  examine the need and the means to provide incentives for the wider use of pre-commercial procurement at local, regional national and European level to provide innovative solutions to the public sector, including for the deployment of e-Infrastructures (such as PRACE) and for the support to SME.

6  Investments in HPC infrastructures require a long term perspective  Combine and reinforce the efforts of national and EU funding authorities - PRACE  Exploit the innovative potential of HPC services beyond science  Develop a new HPC strategy for industrial involvement  Transition to peta-scale and exa-scale computing creates new opportunities for both science and computing

7 National Tier-1 DEISA2/PRACE2 – €30 M HP-SEE & LinkSCEEM2 EU Tier-0 –PRACE1/exa-scale – €55 M Local Tier-2 Grids EGI – €50 M numerous other projects

a.u. PRACE DECI 2011 DEISA PRACE Tier-0 2 systems “DECI”

9 National Tier-1 DEISA2/PRACE2 – €30 M HP-SEE & LinkSCEEM2

10  Most powerful European supercomputers  Dedicated high speed network (10 Gb/s)  Single sign-on, common AAA  Common production environment  European teams of experts  Extreme Computing Initiative  Virtual Science Communities support  Grand Challenge Projects on regular basis

11 HP-SEE (€2.1 M) –South-East European and Black Sea regional HPC interconnection –Expected result: sustainable national HPC centers, long- term sustainable (hierarchical) model in collaboration with PRACE LinkSCEEM2 (€2.5 M) –Optimally integrate resources by linking established lead HPC centers –Create user support and training programs –Focus on climate science, cultural heritage and synchrotron applications, that are of particular relevance to the Eastern Mediterranean region

12 EU Tier-0 –PRACE1/exa-scale – €55+ M

13 PRACE – A Partnership with a Vision Provide world-class HPC systems for word-class science Support Europe in attaining global leadership in public and private research and development … and a Mission  Create a world-leading persistent HPC infrastructure Deploy 3 – 6 systems of the highest performance level Ensure a diversity of architectures meeting needs of users Provide support and training

14 Partnership for Advance Computing in Europe 20 Countries joined forces to create a unique high-end High-Performance Computing Research Infrastructure National investments of 400 Mio € to deploy and operate up to six leading edge Tier-0 systems The first Tier-0 system has more than 1 PetaFLOPS and is fully available to European scientists via PRACE now High interest in early access call (10 out of 60+ proposals funded) Address issues like more effective solar cells, biochemistry, fluid dynamics, particle and plasma physics, weather and climate models, material science, and astro-physics Study "Development of a Supercomputing Strategy in Europe" PRACE AISBL opened on 5 October in Brussels by Commissioner Kroes Second PRACE Tier-0 system (1.6 PetaFLOPS) announced by France 14

15  Europe has lost 10% of its HPC capabilities in the last 2 years while Asia and the US have increased their capabilities by 30% and 40% respectively  China will overtake Europe (all 27 Member States combined) in terms of HPC capacities available in 2011  Fragmentation of European HPC efforts across many countries

16  Pooling of national investments in HPC in order to strengthen the position of European industry and academia in the use, development and manufacturing of advanced computing products, services and technologies  Further development of the European HPC Infrastructure - PRACE  Make European industry more innovative through the use of HPC  Demonstrate impact and benefits of HPC ‐ use ‐ supply  Develop exa-scale prototypes and support of international HPC collaborations - EESI

17  Implement a common Supercomputing Strategy in Europe together with Member States  Strengthen the European industrial base for the supply of HPC systems, technologies and services  Make Europe more attractive for leading scientists through the provision of a world-class HPC infrastructure  Establish a wide ranging HPC training scheme  Use mechanisms for the joint, often pre-commercial, procurement of supercomputers by Member States

18  Two further phases of PRACE in 2011 and 2012/2013 (20 M€ each)  Development of exa-scale prototypes from 2011 onwards (first tranche of 25 M€)  Support to international exa-scale coordination  Preparation of the 8 th Framework Programme for R&D with the objective to reach an agreement between Member States and the European Commission to jointly fund (50/50) HPC systems

19  a new corner-stone for e-Science  key element of the Digital Agenda for Europe to facilitate innovation and competitiveness  an integrator of national infrastructures  an instrument for pan-European Science Cooperation High-Performance Computing is THE Enabler

20 Every European Digital