European Innovation for Active and Healthy Ageing Design for All Workshop and ENSA Elderly and Disability thematic networks Jan Komarek European Commission DG Information Society and Media 17th May 2012
Demographic Ageing – From Challenge to Opportunity Social Necessity Major Opportunity Dependency Ratio From 1:4 to 1:2 80+ doubles by 2025 Cost of Care Up by 4-8 % of GDP by 2025 Human Resources Shrinking work force Lacking 20 million carers by 2020 Empowerment Active Ageing New Care Models Integrated care Large Efficiency gains Growth and Markets 3000 B€ Wealth 85 Million Consumers and growing ••• 2
From curing diseases to improved functioning
Age Friendly Environments Innovation and Ageing Work Home Community Flexible Work Volun teering Social Inclusion Prevention Age Friendly Environments Independent Living Public Services Integrated Care ••• 4 4
Example: ICT and Alzheimers Disease Total care costs of Alzheimer's disease in 2005 was €130 billion for the EU 27 region (7.3 Million people) ICT solutions can help to: Detect disease earlier Keep elderly mentally active and delay impact Keep elderly at home for longer and improve QoL Assist relatives and carers through remote monitoring and tracking =>Reduce stress and workload Improve efficiency of care Reduce costs for society High social impact and large market opportunity ••• 5 ••• 5 5 5
How can Innovation Contribute? It is all about partnerships and changing mindsets Society: From them to us Policy: From burden to opportunity Industry: From long-tail to first movers ICT can help achieving the Triple Win ••• 6
Ageing Well The EU Picture Active and Healthy Ageing Partnership New Knowledge More Years Better Lives Alzheimer’s JPIs Ageing well action plan eHealth action plan · Public Health Programme Struc tural Funds EIB ESF Natio nal funds Deployment support New solutions AAL · · CIP ICT & Ageing well CIP eHealth Evidence and innovation guidelines Proven Ideas FP7 ICT & Ageing well FP7 eHealth · Health Policy Areas Research Innovation Deployment
European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing bringing together interested stakeholders from public and private sectors across the entire innovation value cycle to cooperate, share same vision and aim to deliver innovative solutions for an ageing society, responding to their needs and demands At scale
HEADLINE TARGET +2 HEALTHY LIFE YEARS by 2020 A TRIPLE WIN FOR EUROPE health & quality of life of European citizens, incl. older people Improving long-term sustainability & efficiency of Europe’s health and social care systems Supporting growth & expansion of EU industry Fostering
Building synergies Existing EU funding tools Aligning Use efficiency Synergies Coordination Optimisation Overlap Replacement Duplication
Steering Group
Developing the Strategic Implementation Plan Stakeholders Workshops Strategic Implementation Plan building blocks EIP specific actions …
Strategic Framework of the Partnership Strategic Implementation Plan
Specific Action Falls prevention HOW innovative tools for screening of risk factors European network of ideas, actors, programmes, good practices assessment tools, evidence based standards, best practice guidelines for falls prevention AIM identification of risk factors of falls and injuries of older people reduced falls of older people older citizen as a co-producer of his/her own health DELIVERABLE validated programmes on early diagnosis & prevention of falls in at least 10 EU countries & 15 regions
Specific Action Integrated care models for chronic conditions HOW scalable, reproducible organisational models for integrated care trainings/coaching of end-users evaluation mechanisms for assessment of good operational practices in integrated care models networks of stakeholders DELIVERABLE programmes for chronic conditions in >50 regions, available to >10% of target population replication/scale-up of proven & effective interested care models in at least 20 regions in 15 MSs AIM communication & integration between different health & social care providers reduction of avoidable & unnecessary hospitalisation of older patients improved performance of care systems serving older people
Conclusions Demographic change is a major challenge but can be turned into a large opportunity through innovation Ageing and innovation a major priority for the EU, large investments are made (>1 Billion €) Join the movement and the EIP as well as the other initiatives in promoting active and healthy ageing and the resource absorption of aged related innovations – from research to market and 18
Thank you for your attention EU ICT and Ageing Well Initiatives ICT Policy Support Programme Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme More Years – Better Lives Active and Healthy Ageing Partnership