Getting prepared for FP7 - Universities’ Participation in FP7: Towards Full Costs Support Prague, 5 May 2006 Willem Wolters, Wageningen International Helpdesk
Contents Seventh F ramework Programs in brief Tooling up for FP7 Some tips and tricks
Framework Programs in brief Competitiveness of European industry In service of Community policies Implementation of Lisbon agenda
Framework Programs, evolution Excellent science at European level (FP1/2) Support of EU policies (FP3) Social-economic relevance (FP4) Exploitation of results (FP5) European Research Area (FP6) Implementing of Lisbon agenda (FP7)
Evaluation criteria Relevance to the objectives of FP6 R&D excellence Strategic impact Quality of the consortium Quality of the project management Mobilisation and effectiveness resources
Ability to identify costs Effectiveness of EC contribution Effectiveness of own resources Sustainability of university funding
Seventh Framework Programs (FP7) Budget (48-55 billion Euro) Duration 2007 – 2013 More themes and topics From ‘basic’ up to applied research Diversification of instruments, less large projects Favourable reimbursement of costs, if capable of..
FP7, structure Cooperation (follow-up FP6) Ideas (basic/frontier research) People (Marie Curie fellowships) Capacities (SMEs, regions etc.)
FP7, Cooperation: ten themes Health (6 billion €) Food, agriculture and biotechnology (2 billion €) Information & communication technologies (9.1 billion €) Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials & new production technologies (3.5 billion €) Energy (2.2 billion €) Environment (incl. climate change) (1.9 billion €) Transport (incl. aeronautics) (4.1 billion €) Socio-economic sciences & humanities (0.6 billion €) Security Space (2.8 billion € for Security + Space)
FP7 under construction Principles and thematic priorities known No Work Program or calls published yet Nevertheless, make up your mind now! Getting prepared for FP7!
Tooling up for FP7 Why a European Adventure? European university/faculty/team strategy
Why a European adventure? Funding Contacts and networks Complementary disciplines Recruitment of young researchers Public relations Knowledge, skills, products, markets etc. Contributing to European strategy Do you really need a EU-project?
European university/faculty/team strategy Define scope and focus Investigate contacts and networks Qualify as complementary and reliable partner Commit supportive organisation and resources Match ambition, capabilities and opportunities
Wageningen UR as an example Leaderships in strategic domains Partner in niches of strategic interest Invest in various contacts and networks Mobilise skills for international activities Top up of own resources by EC contribution
Some tips Select your fields of strategic interest Draw up road map tapping opportunities FP7 Investigate availability of skills, resources etc.
Some tricks Create awareness / concerns Get attention of senior management Focus on and train your best people Show NCPs / Ministries etc. your ambition Trace coordinators / partners of your interest
Further information Towards FP7: CORDIS: National Contact Point: