Annie Lalé of SQUARIS FP7 Themes Relevant for Safety and Security Focus of Research Projects in Emergency and Disaster Management ICT Themes in FP T he ICT PSP Security in FP7 Space in FP7 New: Joint Call ICT & Security 1st European Security and Safety Summit, Brussels 6th June 2007
FP7 Themes Relevant for Safety and Security 1. Information and communication technologies (ICT) 2. Space 3. Security 1st European Security and Safety Summit, Brussels 6th June 2007
Focus of Research Projects in Emergency and Disaster Management Upstream aspects of research (e.g. innovative technologies for communication) : ICT Programme Downstream aspects of research (e.g. application and exploitation of technologies) : Security programme Space programme, main focus on GMES Initiative (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) ! Combination of upstream and downstream aspects: Joint Call ICT + Security 1 ! 1st European Security and Safety Summit, Brussels 6th June 2007
ICT Themes in FP Work Programme divided into seven “challenges” –N° 1 - Pervasive and trusted network and service infrastructures –N° 2 - Cognitive systems, interaction and robotics –N° 3 - Components, systems and engineering –N° 4 - Digital libraries and content –N° 5 - Sustainable and personalised healthcare –N° 6 - Mobility, environmental sustainability and energy efficiency –N° 7 - Independent living and inclusion –Plus: Future and emerging technologies (FET) Total Budget 2007 – 2013 : € billion 1st European Security and Safety Summit, Brussels 6th June 2007
Of Special Interest in ICT: T he ICT PSP 1 ICT PSP *: The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Policy Support Programme (PSP) * One of the three multi-annual specific programme in the Competitiveness and Innovation framework Programme (CIP) Types of implementation instruments: Pilots (type A and B) Thematic Networks Indicative Budget Total € 730 M 1st European Security and Safety Summit, Brussels 6th June 2007
Of Special Interest in ICT: T he ICT PSP 2 Horizontal Actions in the 2007 Themes : –Intelligent cars awareness action –Privacy protection infrastructures First Call deadlines: opened 25 May 2007 closes 23 October 2007 Budget 2007: € 54 M s/ict_psp/calls/call_proposals_07/index_en.htm 1st European Security and Safety Summit, Brussels 6th June 2007
Security in FP7 1 Four Security missions / activities: 1.Security of citizens 2.Security of infrastructure and utilities 3.Intelligent surveillance and border security 4.Restoring security and safety in case of crisis 1st European Security and Safety Summit, Brussels 6th June 2007
Security in FP7 2 Three Cross cutting activities: 5.Security systems integration, interconnectivity and interoperability 6.Security and Society 7.Security Research coordination and structuring Total Budget 2007 – 2013 : € billion ! Special funding rates in this theme: Up to 75% also for large industry ! 1st European Security and Safety Summit, Brussels 6th June 2007
Security in FP7 3 5 Types of projects, funding schemes* and size: 1st European Security and Safety Summit, Brussels 6th June 2007 DemonstrationCPUp to € M IntegrationCPUp to € M CapabilityCPUp to € 2-5 Me Supporting Coordination actions CSAUp to € 0.5 Me * CP: Collaborative projects, CSA: Coordination and support actions
Space in FP7 1 Divided into two themes: GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) Strengthening the foundation of Space Science and technology + cross-cutting issues Total Budget 2007 – 2013 : € billion, 85% for the GMES Initiative = € billion Biannual calls : 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013(?), budget to be fixed by budgetary authorities in (?) 1st European Security and Safety Summit, Brussels 6th June 2007
Space in FP7 2 Safety/Security Topics in GMES Priorities : 1st European Security and Safety Summit, Brussels 6th June 2007 Call € 200 M Development/Validation Fast Track Services (among others Emergency) and new applications for Pilot Services (among others Security) 85% out of Budget Call Call € 400 M Among others Intergration of SatCom with GMES for prevention and management of emergencies 85% out of Indicative budget Call
New: Joint Call ICT & Security Activity 1 (cross cutting activity 5) in Security programme Theme: Security Systems Integration, interconnectivity and interoperability Among others: ICT support for first responders in crises occuring in critical infrastructures Call Publication: 30 August 2007 Submission: 29 November 2007 1st European Security and Safety Summit, Brussels 6th June 2007
Thank you for your attention For more information Annie Lalé Managing Director SQUARIS Sprl 1st European Security and Safety Summit, Brussels 6th June 2007