agentia spatiala romana - romanian space agency Space Activities Towards Sustainable Development: Case Romania Dr. Marius-Ioan Piso Romanian Space Agency EISC Thematic Workshop 13‐15 May, Krakow, Poland
agentia spatiala romana - romanian space agency Contents Romanian Space Agency (ROSA) History Long-term strategy and results
agentia spatiala romana - romanian space agency Romanian Space Agency ROSA - National Space Agency established 1995 Public organization in the system of the Ministry responsible for Research and Technology Representative and Coordinator of space activities in Romania Financing agency for research in Space, Aeronautics and Security Research Developer and integrator of its own RTD programmes by the ROSA Research Centre (RRC)
agentia spatiala romana - romanian space agency Romanian Space Agency Romania – the 19 th ESA Member State since 2011 Continuous process of ESA integration since 1992 Agreement of cooperation 1992 (Law 40/1993) ROSA Legal person establishment 1995 (HG 923/1995) Agreement of cooperation 1999 European Cooperating State status since 2006 PECS Agreement since 2007 (Law 1/2007) ESA Accession Agreement January 2011 ESA Accession Law no. 262/2011 By Law, Romania and ESA are developing a 8 years plan of industrial integration in ESA, with ROSA its implementing authority
agentia spatiala romana - romanian space agency Romanian Space Agency ROSA – national representative for: European Union: GNSS Supervisory Authority, GMES Committee, FP7 programme committees for Space, Security research, Aeronautics and Galileo NATO and EDA specific issues UN – COPUOS (chair STS and Committee) COSPAR, IAF, GEO, Eurisy, ESPI, other bilateral agreements with national agencies.
agentia spatiala romana - romanian space agency National Space Strategy Defined by means of the RTD policy, with effects on both academia and industry Three constant objectives since the 90’s Participation to international space missions and programmes – in particular ESA Development of specific national projects Capacity building at national level
agentia spatiala romana - romanian space agency National Space Strategy Results Romania become the 19 th ESA member State and a presence in the international space framework Niches as nanosatellite technologies, advanced data technologies, integrated space applications Participation of industry to ESA programs as third party contractors, i.e. mechanical and electrical components and tools for Ariane Centres of competence as Institute of Space Science, CRUTA, ROSA RC, University, industry and SME research centres; consortia of actors from institutes, academia and industry Human resources building – diplomas, masters and PhD courses in space-related items in several universities
agentia spatiala romana - romanian space agency National Space Strategy Political position of space in Romania ROSA – authority for Security research at national level – director and participant to Inter-ministerial Councils Establishment of the Sub-committee for Space in the Romanian Parliament (2007, ) ROSA – legislative role – e.g. National INSPIRE directive (2009) and Protection of Critical Infrastructures (Space is recognized as a distinct area and ROSA is a national authority) Recognition of space at scientific community level – ROSA representative in National Accreditation Council and RO representative in NATO Scientific Council Role in professional organizations – e.g. ROSA is the National Certification Authority for the GRID distributed computing system
agentia spatiala romana - romanian space agency Direct applications for sustainable development Emergency monitoring: floods, fires, industr5ial hazards (2005) Telemedicine (1999) Security: Imagery Intelligence (GEOINT) system (2007), applications to border security (as Poland, Romania should protect a major component of the EU eastern border Marine: RO riparian to the Black Sea (and the only ESA Member State)
agentia spatiala romana - romanian space agency Direct applications for sustainable development Land Parcel Information System – monitoring EU agricultural policy (2007) Crop information systems (1998) and Precission Farming (2004) Land Use / Land Cover – LCCS (2003, 2010)
agentia spatiala romana - romanian space agency Emergency response Major floods Monitored since 2005
agentia spatiala romana - romanian space agency Emergency response 2008
agentia spatiala romana - romanian space agency Emergency response 2010
agentia spatiala romana - romanian space agency Land and Atmosphere LPIS
agentia spatiala romana - romanian space agency Land and Atmosphere LCCS
agentia spatiala romana - romanian space agency Land and Atmosphere Iasi-Barnova Bacau Craiova Constanta Timisoara Cluj Bucharest Oradea Medgidia Bobohalma Sibiu VSAT Comm GSM/SMS SIMINcas t Broadcast of combined shared data ANM COF ANM RFC GSMA & GSN 98D S-band radar EEC C-band radar Gem C-band radar MSG/Met-7 Satellite AWS Sites* Lightning Network Sea/River Buoys* * Representative set of AWS/Buoy sites shown
agentia spatiala romana - romanian space agency Security GEOINT – pilot system developed by ROSA and partners Integrated System for the Security of the Romanian State Border
agentia spatiala romana - romanian space agency National Space Strategy Presently defined by: Romanian Research, Development and Innovation Strategy 2007 – 2013 National RTD Plan Law no 262/2011 for the ratification of ESA accession and the STAR Programme
agentia spatiala romana - romanian space agency National Space Programmes National RTD Programmes with space components since 1993 First multiannual RTD Programme in 2001 – AEROSPACE Second National RTDI Plan 2007 – 2013 including Space and Security as thematic area with a financing of 8% of the total national public RTD budget ESA PECS programme National programme STAR – Space Technology and Advanced Researc h drafted for More than 550 fte professionals and 80 RTD and academia organizations involved presently in the programs
agentia spatiala romana - romanian space agency National Research, Development and Innovation Programme II– Area 8. Space and Security
agentia spatiala romana - romanian space agency Regional cooperation FP7 GMES projects: –GEOLAND2 – Towards an operational GMES Land Monitoring Core Services –SAFER – Services and Applications for Emergency Response COSMOS – Cooperation Of Space National Contact Points as Means to Optimise Services SERENE – SEcurity REsearch Ncp network – phase I GALILEO: EEGS / EGGS 2– EGNOS Extension to Eastern Europe AirTN 2– Aeronautics ERA-NET as one of the key enablers of the prosperous development of Aeronautics in Europe C-SPACE - Conditions for Space Policy and related Action Plan Consolidation in Europe SERENE 2 SEcurity REsearch Ncp network – phase II – ROSA coordinator GEO: BalkanGeonet
agentia spatiala romana - romanian space agency European Cooperating State Programme (PECS) A total of 10.7 M€
agentia spatiala romana - romanian space agency Programme STAR General Objectives Identification of specific niche markets for research, technology and industry at national, European and international level Definition and identification of projects for participation in ESA’s optional Activities Development and promotion of the national capabilities for research, education and industry in space, aeronautics, security and related areas Liaisons’ improvement (interact and collaborate) between research and industry Continuous development and provision of highly-qualified pluri-disciplinary specialized personnel High-level scientific outcome and quality increase in fundamental and applied research Development and increasing the variety of industrial, social, commercial and educational applications of the space research
agentia spatiala romana - romanian space agency Programme STAR Specific Objectives Participation in ESA’s optional programmes: – Science /Robotic Exploration – Earth Observation (including GMES) – Telecommunication and Space Applications – Navigation (GNSS and Galileo) – Human Space Flight – Launchers – Space Situational Awareness –SSA Development and operation of micro-satellite missions Development of technologies, systems, sensors and equipment for space, aeronautics, security and related domains
agentia spatiala romana - romanian space agency Romanian Space Agency
agentia spatiala romana - romanian space agency Human resources Diplomas and masters in space related fields given by several universities, as Politehnica, University of Bucharest, Military Technical Academy, State Universities in Cluj, Iasi, Timisoara, USAMV Bucharest Summer schools on advanced Earth observation data processing Training courses organized by ROSA and universities: dedicated facility in the campus of USAMV in Bucharest
agentia spatiala romana - romanian space agency Governance Provided by ROSA by means of the space and security components of the National RTD Plan RTD top-down project oriented towards horizontal issues Implemented by consortia of RTD organizations, academia and industry and supported officially by user organizations Programme management unit provided by ROSA Periodic meetings with the actors and the users Inter-ministerial and inter-agency groups on thematic International and national conferences (ESA, EU, Eurisy, COSPAR, GEO, UN... )
agentia spatiala romana - romanian space agency Thank you for your attention!