Latest (EC funded) research projects on bees and pollinators Béla ATZÉL, PhD planning and programming officer Agri-Food Chain European Commission Directorate-General for Research & Innovation
Structure of the presentation 1) Completed projects 2) On-going projects 3) Future perspectives
1) Completed projects FP6 BRAVE - Bee research and virology in Europe - identifying the research needs for protecting European agriculture and ecosystems against viral diseases (2005) ALARM - Assessing LArge-scale environmental Risks with tested Methods (2004-2009) BEE SHOP - Bees in Europe and Sustainable Honey Production (2006-2009)
FP7 BEE DOC - Bees in Europe and the decline of honeybee colonies (2010-2013) CLEANHIVE - Detecting the Pathogen that Threatens European Honey Bees (2008-2012) APIFRESH - Developing European standards for bee pollen and royal jelly: quality, safety and authenticity (2010-2013)
2) On-going EC funded research 5 projects, funded by FP7 instruments: FP7-KBBE - FP7 Specific Programme 'Cooperation' - Research Theme: 'Food, agriculture and fisheries, and biotechnology' FP7-ENVIRONMENT - FP7 Specific Programme 'Cooperation'- Research Theme: 'Environment (including climate change)' FP7-SME - FP7 - Research theme: Research for the benefit of SMEs FP7-IDEAS-ERC - Specific Programme 'Ideas' implementing the Seventh Framework Programme Total cost: EUR 25.603.317 EU contribution: EUR 20.360.667
Inventory of projects SMARTBEES – Sustainable Management of Resilient Bee populations (2014-2018) AMIGA - Assessing and Monitoring the Impacts of Genetically modified plants on Agro-ecosystems (2011-2015) STEP – Status and Trends of European Pollinators (2010-2015) SWARMONITOR - development of a tool for effective diagnostic monitoring of honey bee colonies (2012-2015) SPACERADARPOLLINATOR - Space use by bees– radar tracking of spatial movement patterns of key pollinators (2014- 2019)
SMARTBEES Sustainable Management of Resilient Bee populations (2014-2018) Project reference: 613960 Total cost: EUR 7 762 261 EU contribution: EUR 5 998 866 Coordinated in: Germany Subprogramme: KBBE.2013.1.3-02 - Sustainable apiculture and conservation of honey bee genetic diversity Call for proposal: FP7-KBBE-2013-7-single-stage Funding scheme: CP-TP - Collaborative Project targeted to a special group (such as SMEs)
Objectives to identify crucial facets of honeybee resistance to colony losses, Varroa and viruses; to characterise the genetic background of the resistance mechanisms in honeybees; to develop breeding strategies to increase the frequencies of these valuable traits in local honeybee populations; to promote multiple local breeding efforts, to conserve local resilient populations and will develop molecular tools for describing and safeguarding future populations; to protect European natural honeybee heritage.
AMIGA Assessing and Monitoring the Impacts of Genetically modified plants on Agro-ecosystems (2011-2015) Project reference: 289706 Subprogramme: KBBE.2011.3.5-01 - GM crops in the EU - systematically assessing environmental and economic impacts Call for proposal: FP7-KBBE-2011-5 Funding scheme: CP-IP - Large-scale integrating project Total cost: EUR 7 779 852 EU contribution: EUR 5 997 963 Coordinated in: Italy
Objectives providing baseline data on biodiversity in agro-ecosystems in the EU; defining lists of suitable bioindicators for various European regions; improving knowledge on potential long term environmental effects of genetically modified plants (GMPs); testing the efficacy of the EFSA Guidance Document (GD) for the Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) of GMPs; exploring new strategies for post market monitoring; estimating the compatibility of GMPs with the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) principles implemented in the EU; providing a systematic analysis of economical aspects of GMPs cultivation in the EU; and setting a training and communication plan addressing public concerns about GMPs.
STEP Status and Trends of European Pollinators (2010-2015) Project reference: 244090 Total cost: EUR 4 787 289 EU contribution: EUR 3 499 994 Coordinated in: United Kingdom Subprogramme: ENV.2009. - Assess the pan-European status of pollinators Call for proposal: FP7-ENV-2009-1 Funding scheme: CP-FP - Small or medium-scale focused research project
Objectives to document the status and trends of pollinators (managed honeybees, wild bees and hoverflies) and animal-pollinated plant populations; to determine and analyse the multiple pressures that are driving changes in pollinators and animal-pollinated plants; to assess the impact of changes ; to evaluate and synthesise strategies to mitigate the impacts; to analyse and improve the interface between the scientific knowledge base on pollinator change assessment and policy instruments to reduce pollinator / pollination loss and mitigate its effects; to develop communication and educational links with a wide range of stakeholders and the general public.
SWARMONITOR Development of a tool for effective diagnostic monitoring of honey bee colonies (2012-2015) Project reference: 315146 Subprogramme: SME-2012-2 - Research for SME associations Call for proposal: FP7-SME-2012 Funding scheme: BSG-SME-AG - Research for SME associations/groupings Total cost: EUR 1 834 993 EU contribution: EUR 1 424 922 Coordinated in: United Kingdom
Objectives to develop the first monitoring tool that would detect changes in honey bee activity within the beehive for the effective management of bees. the tool to allow beekeepers to remotely diagnose colony status without the invasive opening of hives for physical inspection. to increase the efficiency of beekeeping allowing small and hobby beekeepers to more closely manage their colonies and predict behaviour that requires intervention remotely. to allow commercial beekeepers to keep more hives over greater geographical distances so increasing their efficiency and profitability.
SPACERADARPOLLINATOR Space use by bees– radar tracking of spatial movement patterns of key pollinators (2014-2019) Project reference: 339347 Funded under: FP7-IDEAS-ERC Subprogramme: ERC-AG-LS8 - ERC Advanced Grant - Evolutionary, population and environmental biology Call for proposal: ERC-2013-ADG Funding scheme: ERC-AG - ERC Advanced Grant Total cost: EUR 3 438 922 EU contribution: Coordinated in: United Kingdom
Objectives transponder miniaturisation, to develop radar technology to allow coverage of areas of up to 10km2 and the exploration of the 3rd dimension of insect flight; tracking bees in three dimensions: to identify the rules of bee movements at the landscape scale, to monitor natural resource exploration and exploitation to quantify individual differences in space use. to monitor competitive interactions as well as the possibility of social learning in space use. to identify spatial movement strategies of queens and males; to increase the understanding of pollinator space use, but also for the conservation, management, and the understanding of mating patterns in the plants they pollinate.
3) Future perspectives FP7 is replcaced by Horizon 2020 Increase in budget, coupling research to innovation, challenge- based approach, new approach to Work Programme and Calls… THERE IS ROOM for project proposals on bees and pollination Excellent Science European Research Council (ERC) Industrial leadership Innovation in SMEs Societal Challenges SC2: Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry… SC5: Climate Action, Environment, Research Efficiency…
Thank you for your attention!