Daniel Escacena Andalusian Agency of Knowledge FP7 in Andalucia People Programme Seville November 2011
Who we are? International Programmes Promotion of Andalusian entities involvent in the FP7 and other R&D international funding programmes International Programmes Promotion of Andalusian entities involvent in the FP7 and other R&D international funding programmes Technology Trasfer Promotion of the technology transfer and knowledge at regional, national and international level Technology Trasfer Promotion of the technology transfer and knowledge at regional, national and international level Public Agency under the authority of the Regional Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Science. What we do? Talentia Grants International mobility programme for human resources training Talentia Grants International mobility programme for human resources training Universities Quality Assessment, accreditation and certification of Andalusian universities quality Universities Quality Assessment, accreditation and certification of Andalusian universities quality
Andalusian Agency of Knowledge Materials / AeroTICAgri-Bio Bio - Health Energy and EnvireonmentEmerging sectors Technology Trasfer International Programmes
Technologies and Ideas Market: Public tool for the promotion of the techology transfer in Andalusia. Showcase for Andalusian innovative technologies (offers and demands) Companies find solutions to their demands of technological innovation Detection of new research topics in research centers and universities Generation of new innovation requirementes in companies Universities, research centers and companies show and transfer innvative technologies Andalusian Agency of Knowledge
INTERNATIONALI- ZATION STRATEGY DESIGN Strategic planning for internationalisation of R&D activities Advising, training, partners search Open and planned calls, dissemination of FP7 DEFINITION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF SPECIFIC ACTION PLANS Leadership, incorporation, technology missions, … PROPOSALS PREPARATION SUPPORT INFORMATION SERVICES ON R&D INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMMES REGIONAL CONTACT POINTS 7th Framework Programme Support offered by the Andalusian Agency of Knowledge
Analysis: FP7 funding for Andalusian organizations Period Total funding : 80,42 M €Andalusian share period : 6.07% Source: CDTI
Best organizations in FP7 - Andalusia Number of Projects TotalCoordinator Abengoa Bioenergía Nuevas Tecnologías S.A.41 CSIC4121 University of Granada269 University of Malaga173 University of Seville163 IPTS122 University of Cordoba155 Abengoa Solar New Technologies S.A.11 Isofoton S.A.50 Junta de Andalucia31 Analysis: FP7 funding for Andalusian organizations Period
Source: CDTI Analysis: FP7 funding for Andalusian organizations Period PEOPLE
Source: CDTI Analysis: FP7 funding for Andalusian organizations PEOPLE Programme
Source: CDTI Some statistics of PEOPLE/MARIE CURIE ACTIONS under the FP7 and FP6 in Andalusia Total running projects in FP7 Total funding in FP7 Total proposals submitted in FP7 Ratio proposals funded/submitted in FP7 Projects coordinated in FP7 % funding PEOPLE/FP ,2 M€ % 45 14% Total running projects in FP6 Total funding in FP6 2,1 M€ 8