Prof. Vincent Rollet, Taiwan Health NCP Info Day, National Cheng Kung University 06 July 2012, Tainan, Taiwan EU FP7 at Glance & 2013 Health Working Program and Calls
Brief introduction to EU FP7 FP7 is 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development. EU’s main funding tool for supporting research and technological development Lasts for 7 years from Total budget of over € 50 Billion (substantial increase compared with the previous Framework Programme FP6, +/- 43%)
This money will be spent on grants to research actors all over Europe and beyond, in order to co-finance research, technological development and demonstration projects Supports research in selected priority areas Objectives – to strengthen the scientific and technological base of European industry – to encourage international competitiveness, while promoting research that supports EU policies.
FP7 Structure- 5 major pillars Cooperation – Collaborative research Ideas – Frontier Research People – Marie Curie Actions Capacities – Research Capacity Nuclear research- Joint Research centers
Research carried out in 10 key thematic areas Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials and new production technologies Environment (including climate change) Health Energy Food, agriculture and fisheries, and biotechnology Information and communication technologies Transport (including aeronautics) Socio-economic sciences and the humanities Space Security
Info days
Who can participate? >> Participation in FP7 is open to a wide range of organisations and individuals: Research groups at universities or research institutes Companies intending to innovate Small or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) Public or governmental administration Early-stage and experienced researchers International organisations civil society organisations, ….
From which countries? As a general principle, FP7 is open to participation from any country in the world. The procedures for participation and funding possibilities vary for different groups of countries Participation from industrialised high-income countries, such as Taiwan, is also possible on a self-financing basis.
Taiwan NSC Funding scheme
Advices for potential applicants Analyse the WP carefully ! Apply if you see a clear opportunity and a precise topic that fits your strategy. Do not see EC grants only as a source of cash, but as a means to access know-how & ressources from partners Use support structures : NCPs
Taiwan official participation in EU-funded Health Research (July 2012) Name DomainPartnersBudget ASIAFLUCAP (2008-…) Pandemic influenza in Asia Germany, Netherland, UK, Vietnam, Taiwan 2,6 millions euros SILVER (2010 -….) Emerging and neglected virus France, Austria, Belgium, Taiwan 12 millions euros
Key features for 2013 WP
Horizon 2020 to go -profiles-detail&ctry=germany
With approximately 100 published calls and 40,000 proposals expected per year, and the need to support projects throughout their lifecycle from research to innovation, the quest for excellence remains the top priority of Horizon 2020.