Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Implementation of FP7 support actions READi KICK-OFF MEETING 26 September 2013 MURCIA Carmen Madrid.


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Presentation transcript:

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Implementation of FP7 support actions READi KICK-OFF MEETING 26 September 2013 MURCIA Carmen Madrid Policy Officer Regional Dimension of Innovation ' 1

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Focus on European regions: need to boost research and technology-based economic development, through better innovation strategies within the framework of the Europe 2020 strategy for a performing knowledge-based economy With a view of promoting the emergence of world class clusters in Europe Through increased synergies between Cohesion, and Research & Innovation policies Policy context

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation FP7 Programme under the Capacities Specific Programme (FP7) Budget of 126 M€ ( ) Programme promoting the Triple helix: regional authorities, research institutes and business sector Harness successful clusters to promote regional Smart Specialisation strategies What is REGIONS OF KNOWLEDGE?

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Objectives of REGIONS OF KNOWLEDGE Objectives of REGIONS OF KNOWLEDGE * Strengthen the research potential of European regions by supporting the development of research-driven clusters * Consortia of at least 3 regional research driven clusters from 3 different countries * Regional Research Agendas and Joint Action Plans are key elements

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation The five most potential impacts of the participation to a Regions of Knowledge project according to the survey were:  An improved strategic vision in the cluster area;  The formation of new, long-term relationships with clusters at the EU level;  More knowledge transfer between research organisations and enterprises;  Access to a pool of complementary competencies;  Improvement in the strategy making process. 5 Key findings of the impact assessment study Key findings of the impact assessment study Source: Technopolis Group

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Priorities for the call  * Innovation in objective and scope (from excellent research to novel products, processes and services)  * Sustainability through the leverage of private investments (stronger commitment of industry including more large companies than in the past)  * World class clusters through internationalisation  * Smart specialisation (bottom-up) to be included in the business plan 6

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation All reports (scientific and financial) have to be submitted electronically via the Participant Portal: The financial reports will be submitted via the Participant Portal through Forms C (no paper submission anymore) At the end of each reporting period, the Commission shall evaluate and approve project reports and deliverables and disburse the corresponding payments within 90 days of their receipt (Art II.5.1). Reporting Reporting

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation During the course of the project To be submitted: 1. The deliverables identified in Annex I to the Grant Agreement, according to the timetable specified in the Deliverables list. 2. A periodic report within 60 days of the end of each reporting period (including the last reporting period). The periodic report comprises: a) An overview + a publishable summary of the progress of work towards the objectives of the project. This report should include the differences between work expected to be carried out in accordance with Annex I and that actually carried out b) An explanation of the use of the resources c) A Financial Statement: Form C (Annex VI to the Grant Agreement) together with a financial report. Deliverables Deliverables

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation At the end of the project In addition to the periodic report for the last period of the project, a final report has to be submitted, within 60 days after the end of the project. This final report shall comprise: a) An overview final publishable summary report which includes: an executive summary, a summary description of project context and objectives, a description of the main S&T results, the potential impact (including the socio-economic impact of the project) and the main dissemination activities and exploitation of results/foregrounds b) A plan for the use and dissemination c) A report covering the wider societal implications of the project, in the form of a questionnaire, including gender equality actions, ethical issues, efforts to involve other actors. Final report Final report

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Art II.7 Subcontracting Art II.7.3: Minor tasks The criteria to decide whether a subcontract concerns minor tasks are qualitative and not quantitative: Examples: Organisation of the rooms and catering for a meeting Printing of material, leaflets, etc. Art II.14.3: Non-eligible costs VAT is not eligible. The particular case of airport taxes In general, airport taxes are not real taxes in the sense of tax law but a fee for a service delivered by a public or semi-public body in charge of a (public) service, such as airports (independent of the fact that that some airports might have a private legal form). In this case the airport taxes imposed by these authorities may be considered a fee and therefore is eligible. Financial issues

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Art II.15: Identification of direct and indirect costs Direct costs Direct costs are all those eligible costs which can be attributed directly to the project and are identified by the beneficiary as such, in accordance with its accounting principles and its usual internal rules. Example: The cost of personnel assigned to the project Only the costs of the actual hours worked by the persons directly carrying out work under the project may be charged (need to use Timesheets to record hours– Art II.15 - a.1). Indirect costs Indirect costs are all those eligible costs which cannot be identified by the beneficiary as being directly attributed to the project, but which can be identified and justified by its accounting system as being incurred in direct relationship with the eligible direct costs attributed to the project. Direct/indirect costs

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Project Officer Organises the evaluation of proposals Contract negotiation Project management and monitoring Specific tasks on Unit and Directorate level Interservice consultation, reports Programme committee Organisation of workshops, conferences (WIRE), etc. 12

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation My job is to catalyze the interactions between the Consortium and the European Commission ● Ensure that the Consortium fulfills the contract with the EC (deliverables) ● Monitor the scientific, technological and financial execution of the project ● Assess the eventual deviations to the DoW proposed by the Coordinator during the project’s implementation ● Accept (or not) the eventual amendments proposed by the Coordinator during the project’s implementation ● Carry out assessment, analysis and approval of project’s reports and deliverables ● Ensure that money is transferred as quickly as possible 13 Role of the Project Officer

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Role of the COORDINATOR Technical, administrative and financial management  Intermediary, contact with the Commission – single entry point  consolidates reports from participants and work packages  Submits all documents and informs the Commission  Reports on use of financial resources  Receives all payments and transfers the appropriate amounts to each contractor  Chairs the Steering Committee (by default)  Oversees the project progress, makes proposals to adapt the project plan 14

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Eligible Costs (1)  Eligible  actual*  during duration of project  in accordance with its usual accounting and management principles  recorded in the accounts of beneficiary  used for the sole purpose of achieving the objectives of the project  Non-eligible (identifiable indirect taxes including VAT…) 15

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Eligible Costs (2) Average personnel costs accepted if :  Consistent with the management principles and accounting practices AND  they do not significantly differ from actual personnel costs = if identified according to a methodology approved by the Commission 16

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Project Management You will be doing project and results cannot be predicted Thus: Changes are expected Changes can be accepted BUT Inform the EC as early as possible Suggest what should be done to compensate. 17

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation THANK YOU for your attention! 18 I count on ALL of you to make this project a real ‘SUCCESS ’

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Useful references on Cordis Model Grant Agreement and annexes: Guide to Financial Issues relating to FP7 indirect actions: ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/fp7/docs/financialguide_en.pdf Rules to ensure consistent verification of the existence and legal status of participants: ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/fp7/docs/rules-verif_en.pdf Checklist for a consortium agreement for FP7 projects: ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/fp7/docs/checklist_en.pdf Guides to Intellectual Property Rules for FP7: ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/fp7/docs/ipr_en.pdf 19