Coopeus meeting AGU 2014 Organized by Christoph Waldmann, Lindsay Powers, Hank Loescher and Ketil Koop-Jakobsen
COOPEUS Business Meeting 15:30-15:40 Planning Final meeting under FP7 (Koop-Jakobsen) 15:40-15:50 Funding (SAVI, COOP+, other) (Powers et al.) 15:50-16:00 Formal partnerships (Powers) 15:30-16:15 Dissemination strategy. (Koop-Jakobsen) Putting names to dissemination tasks prioritized at the Helsinki meeting. COOPEUS Webinar – presentation and discussion – Jay Pearlman 16:45-17:00 Wrap-up. (All)
COOPEUS Business Meeting 15:30-15:40 Final COOPEUS meeting under the FP7 framework COOPEUS management suggests: Meeting: 1 full-day meeting Date: May 28 th 2014 Location: Brussels Content and concepts: Ideas and suggestions from COOPEUS will be developed by the COOPEUS Steering committess. (start thinking about it now)
COOPEUS Business Meeting 15:40-15:50 Funding Next SAVI proposal – priorities? COOP+ - proposal
15:50-16:00 Formal partnerships (Lindsay Powers) – ICSU, RDA, NDS, who will sign agreements etc.
16:00-16:45 Dissemination strategy. Putting names to dissemination tasks prioritized at the Helsinki meeting Booth at AGU w. Flyer + iLEAPS mags etc. * Commentary in High-end Journal * Events at larger Conferences * Webinar
COOPEUS Business Meeting Dissemination strategy. Putting names to dissemination 16:00-16:10: Topical general interest pieces for high profile journals 16:10-16:20 Events at larger Conferences EGU15(12 – 17 April 2015): 1) WP8-workshop 2) COOPEUS business meetings 3) Other events: Meeting? Workshop?, Townhall? Other Conferences: 16:20-16:45 Webinar
COOPEUS Business Meeting Wrap-up and meeting adjourned (Waldmann et al)
COOPEUS Business Meeting 15:30-16:15 Dissemination strategy. (Koop-Jakobsen) Putting names to dissemination tasks prioritized at the Helsinki meeting. COOPEUS Webinar – presentation and discussion – Jay Pearlman 16:15-16:25 Planning Final meeting under FP7 (Koop-Jakobsen) 16:25-16:35 Funding (SAVI, COOP+, other) (Powers et al.) 16:35-16:45 Formal partnerships (Powers) 16:45-17:00 Wrap-up. (All)
15:30-16:15 Dissemination strategy. Putting names to dissemination tasks prioritized at the Helsinki meeting Booth at AGU w. Flyer + iLEAPS mags etc. * Commentary in High-end Journal * Events at larger Conferences * Webinar
COOPEUS Business Meeting Dissemination strategy. Putting names to dissemination Commentary in High-end journal - Topical general interest pieces for high profile journals (Loescher) Events at larger Conferences EGU15(12 – 17 April 2015): 1) WP8-workshop 2) COOPEUS business meetings 3) Other events: Meeting? Workshop?, Townhall? Other Conferences: Webinar
COOPEUS Business Meeting 16:15-16:25 Final COOPEUS meeting under the FP7 framework COOPEUS management suggests: Meeting: 1 full-day meeting Date: May 28 th 2014 Location: Brussels Content and concepts: Ideas and suggestions from COOPEUS will be developed by the COOPEUS Steering committess. (start thinking about it now)
COOPEUS Business Meeting 16:25-16:35 Funding (Powers) Next SAVI proposal – priorities? COOP+ - proposal
16:35-16:45 Formal partnerships (Lindsay Powers) – ICSU, RDA, NDS, who will sign agreements etc.
COOPEUS Business Meeting 16:45 – 17:00 Wrap-up and meeting adjourned (Waldmann et al)