Where are we within SOLID? SOLID First Annual Meeting Margit Haberreiter Oct 14 – 18, 2013, Orléans S O L I D Dec 1 2012 Oct 18 2013 Nov 30 2013 Nov 30.


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Presentation transcript:

Where are we within SOLID? SOLID First Annual Meeting Margit Haberreiter Oct 14 – 18, 2013, Orléans S O L I D Dec Oct Nov Nov Nov rst Annual Report Dec Review Brussels Jan Final 1rst Annual Report Feb 2012 Kick-off YOU ARE HERE

FP7 SOLID - Deadlines “Scientific” Report: Deadline Nov 30 Each WP leader is responsible for the contribution of his/her WP First input 3 weeks from now: Monday Nov 6 Be in Time!!! Provide how many Person Month spent on each WP this should reflect the work being done in each WP

FP7 SOLID - Deadlines “Scientific” Report: Deadline Nov 30 Report will be a summary of the so far submitted Deliverables BUT: we also need to mention the work being done to connect these steps “how to bring it all together”

Deliverables within first year of SOLID (3) NoTitleLead Beneficiary MonthStatus D6.3Determination of the needs of the wider scientific atmospheric and photobiology communities AUTH10 ✔ D4.4Reconstruction and validation of EUV/UV Spectral irradiance based on SOHO/EIT, PSPT and Ca II images PMOD/WRC12In progress D8.2Database to disseminate the irradiance time series and segmentation maps PMOD/WRC12 (✔)(✔)

FP7 SOLID - Deadlines Financial Report (“Form C” in ECAS System): Deadline Nov 30 e Please talk to your administration who will take care of this Number of Person Month spent on WP (this should be reflected in the report, Excel Sheet will be provided) Time Sheets are needed (at your institution) for the time that is charged to SOLID

ECAS Reporting System SOLID First Annual Meeting Margit Haberreiter Oct 14 – 18, 2013, Orléans

Person Month per Work Package SOLID First Annual Meeting Margit Haberreiter Oct 14 – 18, 2013, Orléans

Person Month per Work Package SOLID First Annual Meeting Margit Haberreiter Oct 14 – 18, 2013, Orléans

FP7 SOLID - Deadlines

Deliverables within 2nd year of SOLID NoTitleLead Beneficiary MonthStatus D5.1Release daily solar full-disk simulated magnetograms MPS14In progress D5.2Release the final time series of the reconstructed daily total solar irradiance MPS18started D4.5Reconstruction and validation EUV/UV Spectral irradiance based on PROBA2/SWAP, PSPT and Ca II image (PMOD/WRC) PMOD/WRC18(started) D3.3Filling factors catalogue for ground-based images INAF18started ✖(✔)✔✖(✔)✔

Deliverables within 2nd year of SOLID NoTitleLead Beneficiary MonthStatus D2.2Preliminary refined SSI & ground based proxy time series UniBre18In progress D8.3Workshop and conference material, including presentations and proceedings AUTH20Planning started D3.4Filling factors catalogue for PROBA2 images ROB23(started) D3.7Compilation of segmentation maps into SOLID Data Archive ROB23started ✖(✔)✔✖(✔)✔

Deliverables within 2nd year of SOLID NoTitleLead Beneficiary MonthStatus D2.3SSI composite in the UVUniBre24In progress D2.4Report on the intercalibration of CDS and SEM UCAM24(started) D4.6Reconstruction and validation EUV/UV Spectral irradiance based on PICARD/SODISM, PSPT and Ca II images (PMDO/WRC) PMOD/WRC24(started) ✖(✔)✔✖(✔)✔

SOLID - Upcoming events European Space Weather Week, 2013, Antwerp Open Discussion of Solar Spectral Variability as Product for Space Weather and Space Climate User Communities Convenors: Veronique Delouille and Margit Haberreiter EGU, Vienna, 2014 Session on Solar Proxies: Convenors: Matthieu Kretzschmar, Marty Snow, Margit Haberreiter TOSCA/SOLID Session on Influence Convenors: Kattja Matthes and Margit Haberreiter

Upcoming events Workshop on Statistics, gap filling, merging the different data sets -> how to stitch it all together March 2014 (before or after EGU?) Davos UK (Imperial College London)

Upcoming events 2 nd Annual Assembly (in a year from now) End of September 2014 Italy or Germany (Bremen) – maybe in line with a TOSCA meeting

Final Goal – all stitched together SOLID First Annual Meeting Margit Haberreiter Oct 14 – 18, 2013, Orléans Courtesy, T. Dudok de Wit

Feedback from the Advisory Board and Brainstorming on possible future steps SOLID First Annual Meeting Margit Haberreiter Oct 14 – 18, 2013, Orléans

Thank you all for coming! SOLID First Annual Meeting Margit Haberreiter Oct 14 – 18, 2013, Orléans