Εξεύρεση Συνεργατών στο Πρόγραμμα ΟΡΙΖΟΝΤΑΣ Μαΐου 2014 ΚΥΠΡΟΣ-ΕΥΡΩΠΗ: ΠΡΟΧΩΡΩΝΤΑΣ ΜΕ ΕΡΓΑ! Πύλη Ενημέρωσης ΓΔ ΕΠΣΑ για τα Ευρωπαϊκά και Εθνικά Χρηματοδοτικά Προγράμματα Λίτσα Κουντουρίδου Εθνικό Σημείο Επαφής Τεχνολογίες Πληροφορικής και Επικοινωνιών Μελλοντικές και Αναδυόμενες Τεχνολογίες Ίδρυμα Προώθησης Έρευνας
Presentation Outline When are partners needed? Roles in a Consortium Where should you look for partners? Good characteristics in partners Characteristics of a good Consortium Online Networking Tools Services provided by the National Contact Points (NCPs) and the Research Promotion Foundation (RPF) Information may be valid for other Programmes!
When are Partners Needed? Collaborative Projects (Research and Innovation Actions, Innovation Actions): where a minimum of three partners from three different EU member states or Associated Countries are required to form a Consortium. Where stated in the Call: such as in the cases of bilateral scientific and technological agreements or any other arrangement between the EU and an international organisation or a third country.
Roles in a Consortium Coordinator Work Package Leader 1 Task Leader 1.1Task leader 1.2 Participant 2 Participant 1 WP leader 2 … WP leader 3 Task leader 3.1
Where should you look for partners? Where to start... Personal contacts Previous Project or other Collaborations Contacts from participation in Working Groups / Committees More Partners Partners from running FP7 projects ( ects_en.html) Info-days, Seminars, Conferences COST Actions ( Brokerage Events (...participation funded by RPF) NCP Networks Partner Search Tools Contact the NCPs for Cyprus
Good characteristics in partners... Are they reliable? Are they suitable for the purposes of the Project? Is their Organisation able to provide the necessary resources? Do they bring added value to the Consortium? Do they contribute to gender balance?
Characteristics of a Good Consortium Experienced coordinator Scientists with track record Relevant expertise and skills Good infrastructure and resources Involvement of competent staff Gender Balance Multidisciplinary Complementary (no major overlaps) Relevant stakeholders Good distribution of work Added value of each partner Previous collaborations Commitment
Online Networking Tools What? Launching a Partner Search Sending an Expression of Interest Uploading a Profile When? You have an idea and you are looking for partners You wish to participate as a partner by responding to a Partner Search You want to provide a general description of your research interests/contact details
Contends of a Good Profile/Expression of Interest Written in good English, no copy-paste! Clear and correct contact details Use of suitable keywords Publications only relevant to the topic References to other national/international collaborations and relevant Projects
KEY Messages If you are a Coordinator... Analyse the needs of your project in terms of expertise, experience and capacity before contacting potential partners Make sure partners are indeed eligible ! Evaluate/Screen each partner carefully If you wish to participate as a Partner... Make yourself, your lab, your company visible Advertise your interest in H2020 participation Attract the attention of Coordinators Remember! A Coordinator has very little time Your Profile / Expression of Interest may be the only information a Coordinator has on you Your Profile is your H2020 résumé
Useful Links 1/2 Specific for each subject Health (all projects related to life science & health supported by EC) ICT (but also related subjects eg. Health, Security, Energy etc) Transport Socio-Economic Sciences and the Humanities
Useful Links 2/2 RPF Partner Search Forms and NCP support Enterprise Europe Network Cooperation Opportunities Database fileSimpleSearch Social Networks LinkedIn etc. NO QUALITY CHECK!
Services provided by the National Contact Points of Cyprus and the RPF
What is a National Contact Point? A Contact or Information Point - part of a wider system of NCPs established by each participating country. The aim is to ensure that H2020 becomes known and readily accessible to all potential applicants through different support services. One H2020 NCP for each thematic area/Programme at the RPF.
Services provided by the NCPs and the RPF What? Disseminating Information Organising Infodays, Training and other Seminars How? Through mailing lists for specific areas, H2020 Blog and FB Website, direct communication General Infodays and Infodays on specific Calls, Customised Training Seminars for newcomers/experienced proposers/multipliers
Services provided by the NCPs and the RPF What? Assisting proposers with the preparation of proposals Assisting with partner search How? Resolving queries, Pre- screening of Proposals, Organisation of relevant Training Seminars Customised Partner Search Forms, Online Partner Search Tools, Promoting important Brokerage Events abroad
Services provided by the NCPs and the RPF What? Customised support / advice How? Assistance based on proposers’ needs (IPR Issues, Consortium Agreements, Grant Agreements, Project Management etc.) Presentations/Training Seminars for different groups by one or more NCPs upon request
Other Information 1/2 Direct Helpline for Horizon 2020: Help Desk Address:
Other Information 2/2 Social Media: Participation in specific Brokerage Events is funded by the RPF through the Action “Participation in International Conferences” (
Ευχαριστώ! Λίτσα Κουντουρίδου Εθνικό Σημείο Επαφής Τεχνολογίες Πληροφορικής και Επικοινωνιών Μελλοντικές και Αναδυόμενες Τεχνολογίες Τομέας Ευρωπαϊκών Ερευνητικών Προγραμμάτων και Διεθνούς Συνεργασίας Τηλ: