OpenAIRE & OA in H2020 Open Access Infrastructure for Research In Europe Inge Van Nieuwerburgh Gwen Franck
1 2 3 Open Access Different options Self-archiving in digital archive (repository) Publish in Open Access Journal Best practice: always self-archive an OA version of your work, regardless if and where you publish What is OA? Online, digital Peer-reviewed research results Freely accessible, ideally with re-use rights Not plagiarism or violation of copyright ! Why OA? Enhance visibility and impact of research Speeds up publication process Allows others to build on your work Research paid for by public funds
OA policy development in H2020 A long time “in development” July 2012: policy announced (Commission) December 2013: Grant Agreement defines final, practical responsibilities for authors: Immediate deposit If embargoed, open at end of embargo period ‘Aim to deposit’ research data DG Research Unit A6 (Science policy, foresight and data) instead of DG digital agenda Unit B7 (Science in Society)
OA policy development in H2020 Recommendation to member states July 2012 Member States to define policies for and implement: OA to publications OA to research data – taking into account data-specific concerns Preservation and re-use of scientific information E-infrastructures Consistency between H2020 policy and MS policy Multi-stakeholder dialogue Structured co-ordination of MS at EU-level + reporting: National Points of Reference (Belspo in Belgium)
OA policy development in H2020 The policy Mandatory for peer-reviewed publications ‘Green’ OA mandate (repositories) Publish as normal in subscription-based journals Place author’s copy in OA repository Permits payments from grants for OA journal publication: ‘Gold’ OA Mute on monographs, but may be quite progressive on this in practice Announcing an open data pilot for H2020
FP7 – H2020 ‘Green’ policy: ‘make best efforts…’ ‘Green’ mandate (obligatory) ‘Gold’ payments eligible Covers 20% of research (selected fields) Covers 100% of research (all fields) 6/12 month embargoes Mute on monographs Nothing on Open Data Open Data pilot
OA policy in H2020 Mandate for publications Each beneficiary will be asked to ensure OA to all peer-reviewed scientific publications relating to its results: Deposit a machine-readable copy of the published version or final peer-reviewed manuscript accepted for publication in a repository "Aim to deposit" at the same time the research data needed to validate the results Ensure OA on publication or at the latest within 6/12 months Ensure OA to the bibliographic metadata that identify the deposited publication, via the repository Both routes will be valid and complementary Encouragement to authors to retain their copyright and grant adequate licences to publishers
OA policy in H2020 Pilot for Data A limited pilot will ensure OA to some data, on a voluntary basis and with opt-out safeguards Beneficiaries will accept to: deposit in an open access repository: the data, including associated metadata, needed to validate the results presented in scientific publications as soon as possible; other data, including associated metadata, as specified and within the deadlines laid down in the data management plan; provide information, via the repository, about tools and instruments at the disposal of the beneficiaries and necessary for validating the results (where possible, provide the tools and instruments). Projects participating in the core areas of Horizon 2020 that are part of the Open Research Data Pilot: Future and Emerging Technologies Research infrastructures – part e-Infrastructures Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies – Information and Communication Technologies Societal Challenge: Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy – part Smart cities and communities Societal Challenge: Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw materials – with the exception of raw materials topics Societal Challenge: Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective Societies Science with and for Society
Facilitating the Open Access policy of the European Commission What is OpenAIRE? Open Access Infrastructure for Research In Europe Facilitating the Open Access policy of the European Commission OpenAIRE = aims for the widest possible dissemination of and access to research output. Offers infrastructure, tools, information and helpdesk system.
OpenAIRE & Open Access Submit publication to journal of choice Only a few steps towards Open Access through the OpenAIRE portal Submit publication to journal of choice OA = good! ( but not necessary ) Deposit open access version in repository Almost all publishers allow this! Embargo’s are allowed OpenAIRE harvests publications from network Makes them visible through OpenAIRE portal
What does OpenAIRE offer? 1 2 3 Aids data providers to make content more visible to make Open Access a daily reality in knowledge management to ensure interoperability with repositories, CRIS systems and project databases Helps researchers to share and archive research maximize the use of their research output comply with funder’s Open Access demands linking publications to datasets Assistance for project coordinators compliance with funder’s Open Access demands reporting publication progress and research output searching and compiling performance indicators for a project linking publications to data
Project coordination: What does OpenAIRE offer? What does OpenAIRE has to offer for project coördinators and managers? OpenAIRE makes project reporting easier, by providing you with performance indicators such as usage statistics and tools The possibility of linking research data to publications facilitates the re-use of research and allows for contextualizations OpenAIRE helps your project to comply with funder’s Open Access demands OpenAIRE also allows export of the publication data, which means that you can integrate automatically updated publication lists on your project websits OpenAIRE provides you with performance indicators and reporting tools Linking publications to Data to facilitate the re-use of research output and describe research in its context OpenAIRE helps your project to comply with funders’ Open Access demands View and export publication progress reports and integrate them in project website
Example of project on OpenAIRE NEXPRES project
of research output easy! OpenAIRE makes LINKING & REPORTING of research output easy!
Useful links EC Guidelines on Open Access in H2020 Open Access Guidelines for researchers funded by the ERC
Thank you! Inge Van Nieuwerburgh Gwen Franck Questions? Thank you! Questions?