ICN(Information-Centric Networking) CCN(Content-Centric Networking) NDN(Named Data Networking) Chon, Kilnam Keio University, and KAIST ( revised)
Van Jacobson Started CCN Project in late 2000s at PARC
NSF Future Internet Architecture Program, 2010~2014 NDN Mobility FIRST NEBULA XIA
NDN Lixia Zhang as the project manager Van Jacobson as the chief architect Name as the narrow waist(rather than IP) in hourglass
EU Framework Program 7(FP7) has the very big future internet projects(> one billion euro/year) Future Internet Week; May and November Several ICN-related Projects under FP7 including PURSUIT,
Asia China: Huawei(China and USA) Tsinghua University Japan: (preparation) Korea: Samsung KT Seoul National University AsiaFI: ICN WG( NDN BoF)
Hands-on/Testbed Workshop CCNx with NDN CCN Boot Camp, Palo Alto, PURSUIT Summer School on ICN, Cambridge, AsiaFI NDN Hands-on Workshop, Seoul, ~21
Workshop SIGCOMM, 2011, 2012 Infocom, 2012 MobiHoc, 2012 IRTF ICN BoF, 2011 AsiaFI ICN/NDN Workshop,
Remark Clean Slate with backward compatibility(unlike IPv6) Naming Publish/Subscribe Cashing/Mirroring Traffic