Agnès Robin DG Research & Innovation Research Infrastructures


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Presentation transcript:

Agnès Robin DG Research & Innovation Research Infrastructures Marine Knowledge 2020 and EU Research Infrastructures action Marine Knowledge projects meeting Brussels, 12 October 2012 Agnès Robin DG Research & Innovation Research Infrastructures

Background: ERA, Innovation Union, ESFRI, ERIC Marine Research Infrastructures projects (FP7) Horizon 2020

European Research Area "a unified research area open to the world based on the Internal Market, in which researchers, scientific knowledge and technology circulate freely and through which the Union and its Member States strengthen their scientific and technological bases, their competitiveness and their capacity to collectively address grand challenges."

Key areas of action: Researchers Research infrastructures Knowledge sharing: Knowledge Transfer and Open Access Joint Programming International cooperation …

Commitments within Innovation Union « By 2015 (…) have completed or launched the construction of 60% of the priority European research infrastructures currently identified by the ESFRI (…). « … opening of Member State operated research infrastructures to the full European user community…» « The European Union should step up its cooperation on the roll-out of the global research infrastructures. »

ESFRI – European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures Set up by the EU Council of Research Ministers in 2002 Brings together representatives of Ministers of the 27 Member States, 10 Associated States, and of the European Commission To support the development of a European policy for Research Infrastructure and discuss a long term vision at European level To facilitate multilateral initiatives leading to the better use and development of Research Infrastructures, at EU and international level Mandate (2004) to develop a roadmap (2006) and its updates (2008, 2010): 48 projects, major financial investment (~20 b€) and long term commitment for operation (~2 b€/year)

ESFRI roadmap 2010 10+38 new - or major upgrade of - Research Infrastructures of pan-European interest (+ 3 additional projects from the CERN Council strategic roadmap for particle physics*) Social Sc. & Hum. ( 5 ) Life Sciences ( 13 ) Environmental and Earth Sciences ( 9 ) Energy ( 7 ) Material & Analytical Facilities ( 6 ) Physics & Astronomy ( 10 ) e-Infra- structures (1)  SHARE  BBMRI ELIXIR  ICOS  EURO-ARGO ECCSEL EUROFEL  ELI TIARA* PRACE  ESSurvey  ECRIN INFRA FRONTIER IAGOS  LIFEWATCH Windscanner EMFL KM3NeT CTA  CESSDA INSTRUCT  EATRIS  EMSO EPOS EU-SOLARIS European XFEL E-ELT SKA  CLARIN  EU-OPENSCREEN  EMBRC SIOS EISCAT_3D JHR ESRF Upgrade SPIRAL2 FAIR DARIAH Euro BioImaging ERINHA BSL4 Lab COPAL IFMIF NEUTRON ESS SLHC-PP* ILC-HiGRADE* ISBE MIRRI HiPER ILL20/20 Upgrade ANAEE MYRRHA RIs in the implementation phase  ERIC set up  ERIC application  expected ERIC application   Distributed research infrastructures Single sited research infrastructures

ERIC - European Research Infrastructure Consortium (Council Regulation (EC) No 723/2009 of 25 June 2009) A legal instrument at EU level, to facilitate the joint establishment and operation of RI of European interest. Legal personality recognized in all Member States Qualifies as an international organization for the purposes of VAT (exemption under certain limits and conditions from VAT and excise duties) and Public Procurement Directives 8

Background: ERA, Innovation Union, ESFRI, ERIC Marine Research Infrastructures projects (FP7) Horizon 2020

FP7 Research Infrastructures (1.7 B€) Preparatory phases of ESFRI projects (210 M€) Support to the construction of ESFRI projects (90 M€) Integrating Activity networks (670 M€) supporting in particular access e-Infrastructure projects (410 M€) Design studies for new research infrastructures (45 M€) Policy incl. int’l cooperation (75 M€) Contribution to RSFF (200 M€ - access to debt financing) 10


Beginning FP7, 1st ESFRI Roadmap End FP7 Marine RIs EMSO GEOSTAR*(1995)… ESONET*(FP6) (FixO3 ???) EURO ARGO Gyroscope*(FP5), MERSEA*(FP6) SIDERI MyOcean, MyOcean2* GROOM …MyOcean, EGO* (Cost FP7) MFSTEP*(FP5)… JERICO MarinERA* (EraNet FP6) EUROFLEETS (EUROFLEETS 2) TA: RV Sonne, Sonars, Submersibles (FP5) GMES, EEA, GEOSS, EMODNET, MSFD, INSPIRE… SeaDataNet (FP6) SeaDataNet II Sea-Search*(2002)… Black Sea Scene (FP6) Upgrade Black Sea Scene Geo-Seas MESOAQUA TA: MPFCR* (FP5) iMarine HYDRALAB IV HYDRALAB III (FP6) HYDRALAB (FP4, FP5) IA PP DS CSA e-Infra … 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 12

Marine RIs Significant support from RIs actions + (past) RTD projects e.g. MAST… technological challenges due to hostile env't Ship based exploration  multiplatform Innovation (e.g. gliders, new sensors incl. biochemical) Delayed data  quasi-real time Interrelated approaches & scales: in situ/remote - observation/modelling – local/regional/global – short- term/long-term - multidisciplinary “Dual” use: research / operational incl. monitoring (EU directives MSFD, Fisheries, GMES, GEOSS…) and… exploitation? Well organised community (EU & int'l) – yet very distributed nature of some of the RIs: towards an "EOOS" (expert group on MRIs)?

SeaDataNet partner countries NODCs + ICES + IOC-IODE + EU-JRC + technical experts (Slides from Dick M.A. Schaap – MARIS, SeaDataNet Technical Coordinator)

2002 – 2005: Sea-Search project (EU funding 3 ME) Building a Pan-European infrastructure for ocean and marine data management 2002 – 2005: Sea-Search project (EU funding 3 ME) Networking NODCs from 30 countries around European seas: Focus on metadata 2006 – 2011: SeaDataNet project (EU funding 9 ME) Connecting 40 NODCs from 35 countries around European Seas: harmonisation of metadata services and unified access to distributed archived data via central portal 2011 – 2015: SeaDataNet II project (EU funding 6 ME) robustness of services; machine-to-machine interfacing for specific communities; real-time data exchange; full INSPIRE compliance; improved capability for marine biological data

SeaDataNet infrastructure - services Discovery services = Metadata directories Delivery services = Data access & downloading of data sets Viewing services = Visualisation of metadata, data and data products Product services = Generic and standard products Monitoring services = Statistics on usage and performance of the system Security services = Authentication, Authorization & Administration Maintenance services = Updating by Data Centres A network of interconnected Data Centres and a central Portal, that gives users access to the various SeaDataNet services, and information on data management standards, tools and protocols. Versatile tools for editing (MIKADO, NEMO, ..), analysis, interpolation and presentation of SeaDataNet data output (ODV, DIVA)

Common Data Index (CDI) Data Discovery and Access Service CDI is a fine-grained index to individual data measurements. The CDI Service provides users a highly detailed insight and unified access to the large volumes of marine and oceanographic data sets An intelligent middle tier connection is configured between the SeaDataNet portal and the local data management systems at each of the data centres. A shopping basket allows users to submit a shopping request for multiple data providers in one go and to follow its processing by each of the providers via an online transaction register. Providers include a data access restriction label in the CDI metadata which determines immediate access or negotiations in combination with the registered role of the user Data are delivered to users in standard SeaDataNet formats (ODV ASCII and NetCDF (CF))

(FP6) SeaDataNet A successful data infrastructure Enhancing the results of previous EC projects and initiatives on which it has been built Bringing together the main European and Mediterranean NODCs and marine research institutes Developing a common data infrastructure providing access to their data and metadata Developing vocabularies and directories that are becoming the reference ones for marine sciences Well integrated and/or cooperating with all the most relevant marine initiatives and projects as well as other environmental data initiatives Strong impact on new initiatives, many of them adopting SDN architecture and solutions

Central hub for the dissemination of relevant information Building a Framework for a Sustainable, Transatlantic Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Research Infrastructures EU funding : 2 M€, 3 year grant from Sept.2012 Coord.: C. Waldmann, Bremen Univ., MARUM, DE Central hub for the dissemination of relevant information Facilitate data harmonisation, curation, and interoperability Design of a new generation of interconnected RI and of working principles to provide a sustainable platform for data, information, and knowledge sharing Articulate overall goals for 10 year EU-US collaboration on environmental infrastructures and cyber-infrastructures Reaching consensus (readily extensible on a global scale) on instruments, standards, protocols, data, information, analytical & modeling capabilities, knowledge exchange Addressing needs of research communities by implementing interworkability Identifying critical needed breakthroughs for each community Supporting GEOSS with information services particularly tuned to RI communities

Background: ERA, Innovation Union, ESFRI, ERIC Marine Research Infrastructures projects (FP7) Horizon 2020

From FP7 to Horizon 2020 An increased budget, from around €1.7 billion (FP7) to €2.5 billion (Horizon 2020 – 2011 constant prices) New activities to support the implementation and operation of world-class infrastructures such as ESFRI infrastructures Continuation of the successful FP7 Integrating Activities Reinforcement of the support to e-infrastructures New objective of better exploiting the innovation potential and human capital of infrastructures

Societal challenges (31 743 M€) Industrial leadership (17 938 M€) Horizon 2020 Excellent science (24 598 M€, constant 2011 prices) European Research Council (13 268 M€) Future and Emerging Technologies (3 100 M€) Marie Curie actions (5 752 M€) European Research infrastructures (including e-infrastructures) (2 478 M€) Societal challenges (31 743 M€) Industrial leadership (17 938 M€) Health, demographic change and wellbeing (8 028 M€) Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine -maritime research, bio-economy (4 152 M€) Secure, clean and efficient energy (5 782 M€) Smart, green, integrated transport (6 802 M€) Climate action, resource efficiency, raw materials (3 160 M€) Inclusive, innovative and secure societies (3 819 M€) Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies (ICT, space, nanotechnologies, advanced materials and advanced manufacturing and processing, biotechnology) (13 781 M€) Access to risk finance (3 538 M€) Innovation in SMEs (619 M€) EIT (1 364 B€ + 1 461 B€) JRC (non-nuclear: 1 961 M€)

Research Infrastructures 4.1. Developing the European RIs for 2020 and beyond 4.1.1 Developing new world-class RIs 4.1.2 Integrating and opening national RIs of pan-European interest 4.1.3 Development, deployment and operation of ICT based e-Infrastructures 4.2. Fostering the innovation potential of RIs & their human capital 4.3. Reinforcing European RI policy and international cooperation Main actions Specific actions Policy actions

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