1 E-Frame “European Framework for Measuring Progress” - The contribution to Europe 2020 and European Research Area policies and to European Statistical.


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Presentation transcript:

1 E-Frame “European Framework for Measuring Progress” - The contribution to Europe 2020 and European Research Area policies and to European Statistical System - Paris, 28 June 2012 Dr. Marianne Paasi, B5 Commission européenne, DG RTD

2 E-Frame Coordination action = coordination of 'Beyond GDP'-activities putting the national statisticians at the centre of the action so to lead to improved official statistics. Guidelines and recommendations will be proposed for future activities within the European Research Area and the European Statistical System.

3 E-Frame-project in the FP7 SSH research program The objective of the FP7 SSH program is to implement European research policy by taking into account European policies (Lisbon Treaty): Closing knowledge gaps and increasing quality of research This implies that E-Frame Coordination Action needs to be seen in the context of European Research Area policy and in the context of Europe 2020 objectives It integrates and contributes to the European Statistical System

4 The objectives of European Research Area policy European Research Area (ERA) policy aims to reduce the harmful fragmentation of research – and measurement - activities in Europe European “problem”: => 27 research systems + 1 EU level research funding schemes

5 The ultimate objectives of the E- Frame The harmful fragmentation of activities in European research and measurement on indicators and data/ Statistics  The quality of indicators/ measurement/ data suffers  Inefficient use of resources  Policy making has lower qualitative information for decision making E-Frame reduces fragmentation by Bringing different stakeholder communities together: statistical community, policy making and academic research across borders and subject areas Coordination/ communication across stakeholders and subject areas

6 European policy making: subject areas of Europe 2020 policy Secondly, the objective of the E-Frame is to contribute to Europe 2020 subject areas: smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in Europe, the five Target indicators, Seven Flagship Initiatives GDP and beyond Crisis and well-being in Europe: vulnerability, poverty, unemployment...

7 E-Frame – opportunities for measurement and European Statistical system Thirdly, what type of “fragmentation” in measurement: -Coordinate indicators’ work across borders (for a given indicator in the areas concerning well-being) -Questions like “Is the selection of indicators towards the Europe 2020 policy objectives adequate” (adequately adressing the underlying problem and designed) -Quality of the indicators: Common criteria or Could one thematic area learn from another thematic area, for example could globalisation indicators learn something from social indicators

8 Some ideas for the work of E-Frame as Coordination action: Final conference or workshops Reduce fragmentation across thematic focus: workshop across indicators from different areas/ session/ panel in the final conference No “harmonisation” for the indicators work but eventually a development of certain, universal quality criteria for policy indicators (chapter in the Handbook?) Underlying concepts/ normative issues for public policy Indentifying future research agenda

9 Horizon 2020 Multiannual financial framework (2011) – « A Budget for Europe 2020 » Three areas for R&I: Structure  Excellence in the science base  Tackling societal challenges  Industrial leadership and competitiveness home

10 Horizon 2020 SSH research in : Tackling societal challenges Theme 6: Innovative, inclusive and reflective society as societal challenge SSH is mainstreamed across the various societal challenges (Environmental challenges, Mobility (transport), Health, Energy...)


12 Stock-taking