Present and future context of national STI in Europe Manfred Horvat Mid-term Evaluation of the Implementation of the National Strategy for RTDI Closure Conference Bucharest, 31 January 2012
Manfred Horvat2 Outline The European context The global context Romania: The present state The new period Widening participation Outlook Bucharest, 31 January 2012
Manfred Horvat3 The European context FP7 –Cooperation, Ideas, People, Capacities –Technology Platforms, Joint Technology Initiatives –ERA-NETs, Joint Programming Initiatives Structural Funds ( ) Europe 2020, Innovation Union, etc. –European Innovation Partnerships HORIZON 2020 ( ) –Societal Challenges, Industrial Leadership, Excellent Science, European Institute of Innovation and Technology European Cohesion Policy Funds ( ) Synergies … Bucharest, 31 January 2012
Manfred Horvat4 The global context Role of knowledge in global competition Changing global landscape of knowledge production Grand challenges – new ways of organising STI - the needs for collaboration The “war for talent” – brain drain vs. brain circulation … : the window of opportunity for EU Bucharest, 31 January 2012
23-24 January 2012Manfred Horvat5
6 Romania: The present state Mid-term evaluation of National STI Plan STI as a national priority Level of national funding for STI Romanian participation in FP7 - participations & EU funding - wider benefits Awareness for European cooperation People and infrastructure available for information and assistance Synergies between FP7 and Structural Funds Bucharest, 31 January 2012
Manfred Horvat7 The new period Getting organised for competition & cooperation National and institutional STI policies and strategies – : the management challenge Synergies National Plan - HORIZON 2020 – Structural Funds: a common Romanian strategy and close cooperation of the main actors, alignment at EU level A task force for STI – use national champions for mobilising the STI community: Resources for information, advice, support and training at national and institutional level At EU level: Building the ERA Framework Streamlining the new EU programmes for integration Bucharest, 31 January 2012
Manfred Horvat – Widening participation in European RTDI activities Building on FP7 collaborative links and strengthen links to coordinators Extending or combining close bilateral links to broader cooperation in HORIZON 2020 Strengthening regional smart specialisation Modernizing universities towards coping with grand societal challenges Developing the science-business links Providing incentives for output performance Activating the potential of the RO diaspora Bucharest, 31 January 2012
Manfred Horvat9 Outlook European collaboration and strengthening ERA as a “condicio sine qua non” Strengthening the Romanian position in ERA through targeted EU and national efforts Sharpening and streamlining strategies and instruments Bucharest, 31 January 2012
Climbing the “Staircase to Excellence”
Thank you! Prof. Manfred Horvat Vienna University of Technology