CIRAS PROJECT OVERVIEW 1st Stakeholders’ Workshop Katowice, March, 5th, 2015 Jaime Martín Pérez, Project coordinator
Project: EC’s DG HOME CIPS programme Introduction Project: EC’s DG HOME CIPS programme - Co-funded by the Prevention, Preparedness and Consequence Management of Terrorism and other Security-related Risks Programme of the European Union - Grant Agreement: CIRAS (HOME/2013/CIPS/AG/4000005074) Aim: to protect citizen and CIs from terrorist attacks and other security incidents. Duration: 2 years (Sept, 2014 – Sept, 2016) Total funding: circa 700k Eur Directorate-General (DG) Migration and Home Affairs Terrorism & other Security-related Risks (CIPS) The Prevention, Preparedness and Consequence Management of Terrorism and other Security-related Risks (CIPS) programme is designed to protect citizens and critical infrastructures from terrorist attacks and other security incidents. It does this by fostering prevention and preparedness, particularly by improving the protection of critical infrastructures. At the same time, projects address consequence management – a key component for the smooth coordination of crisis management and security actions, in particular following terrorist attacks.
R&I HQ, Madrid, Spain (Coordinator) Consortium Consortium partners: R&I HQ, Madrid, Spain (Coordinator) Katowice, Poland Munich, Germany The Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG The Centre for European Security Strategies CESS
Where does CIRAS come from? ValueSec Project FP7-Topic SEC-2010.6.4-1 Cost-benefit analysis of the present and future security measures in Europe Duration: 3 years (Feb, 2011 – Jan, 2014) Budget: 4.473.885€ Aim: support decision making processes with a toolset assessing security measures from different perspectives including societal, economic and political points of view CIRAS has its origin in another EU research project called ValueSec. Our reserach started from the last outcomes and results from it
ValueSec decision framework Security measures to assess Assets Decision contexts Threats Aggregated results #1 Public mass event RRA – Risk Reduction Assessment #2 Mass transportation CBA – Cost-Benefit Assessment #3 Air transport/airport QCA – Qualitative Criteria Assm. #4 Communal security planning #5 Cyber threats Budget Social values
CIRAS Project goals Define a novel Risk Assessment and Management approach for critical infrastructures including: Interdependencies Cascading effects Escalation of consequences Focus on Assessment
CIRAS Project goals(II) Provide a methodology and application for the assessment of risks in a wide range of CI considering several threats Identification of needs large aceptance Help harmonisation of CIP processes in Europe
ValueSec pillars will be revisited to focus on CI Link with ValueSec ValueSec pillars will be revisited to focus on CI Specific use cases for CIs will be prepared focus on CIs
Requirements & Concept Management & Coordination CIRAS Workflow Requirements & Concept Management & Coordination Design Implementation Validation Dissemination & Exploitation
Project WorkPackages WP0: Management and Coordination of the Project (ATOS) WP1: Requirements and concept of the tool (CESS) WP2: Design of the CIRAS tool (EMAG) WP3: Implementation of the CIRAS tool (ATOS) WP4: Validation (CESS) WP5: Dissemination and Exploitation (EMAG)
WP0: Management and Coordination of the Project Coordination and overall legal, financial, and administrative management of the project: set a management process for the project and the consortium to review and assess the progress done according to the defined aims Quality and Risk Assurance Reporting and communication with the EC
WP1: Requirements and Concepts Identify needs and expectations of Cl stakeholders in the range of tools and methods Questions; Needs; Your Feedback Specify requirements for the CIRAS tool for risk assessment and management, Plan the use cases and their development for experimentation
WP2: Design of the CIRAS tool Tool architecture design Based on ValueSec project Updated to fulfill CIRAS needs Functional design requirements defined in WP1 stakeholders’ needs analysis of existing solutions Software design Definition of uses cases, data structures, data mechanisms, user interface solutions software engineering tools, UML
WP3: Implementation of the CIRAS tool Software development Development of components Integration, including additional sw implementations, scripts, configuration… Test plan: unit & overall testing Preparation of user documentation Integration Development of the necessary additional sw implementations to integrate the tool to achieve a full working toolset. supporting the CIRAS methodology for CIs It may mean: development of new sw components deployment scripts Configuration and parametrization of app server
Scenarios/ Use Cases Specification WP4: Validation Scenarios/ Use Cases Specification Experiments in co-operation with an associated partner or external stakeholder from the given sector Input data Tool setup Evaluation of results: Performance, Flexibility, Usability User Acceptance Experiments in co-operation with an associated partner or external stakeholder from the given sector
WP5: Dissemination and Exploitation Promotion of the project, activities and results To develop dissemination means and strategies To actively involve external stakeholders, To disseminate results via conference papers, presentations and publications To provide maximum exploitation of project results by project partners in their regular business To provide sustainability of project results. To ensure the adequate promotion of the project, the activities and the results To develop dissemination means and strategies To define and carry out promotional activities, To actively involve external stakeholders, To disseminate results via conference papers, presentations and publications, To provide maximum exploitation of project results by project partners in their regular business, To provide sustainability of project results.
2nd stakeholders’ workshop Next public events 2nd stakeholders’ workshop focused on use cases Location: Munich Date: end 2015 / beginning 2016 Final Conference summary of project activities and achievements Location: Madrid Date: Before summer 2016 To ensure the adequate promotion of the project, the activities and the results To develop dissemination means and strategies To define and carry out promotional activities, To actively involve external stakeholders, To disseminate results via conference papers, presentations and publications, To provide maximum exploitation of project results by project partners in their regular business, To provide sustainability of project results.
Thank you for your attention! Jaime Martín Pérez Project Coordinator ATOS Spain +34 912148908 Co-funded by the Prevention, Preparedness and Consequence Management of Terrorism and other Security-related Risks Programme of the European Union