Air & Space Expeditionary Force BRIEF: Society of Armed Forces Medical Laboratory Scientists BRIEFER: MSgt Lee McGuire,, DSN: 665-2158 DATE: 23 Mar 2010 LOCATION: San Diego, CA Talking Points: - Introduce Team: Myself (4A0X1), Mr. Bill Holmes (Retired MSgt, 4A0), Mr. Fred Schenck (Ret MSgt, 4N0) and Maj Brad Nielsen (NC, Deputy Branch Chief) 5 Mar 10 template MSgt Lee McGuire AFPC/DPWSM 23 Mar 10
Overview Air and Space Expeditionary Force (AEF) AEF Tempo Bands Posturing and Coding CCDR Top 10 and Tour Length Shift Deployed Personnel and Locations Tasking Process ART Reporting AEF Online Tools MESSAGE: Overview TALKING POINTS: Explain how Air Expeditionary Forces deploy to meet Combatant Commander Requirements. Explain the Tempo band construct and how the HAF FAM distributes UTC capabilities to meet deployment requirements. Explain posturing and coding construct DXX, DWS ect. Review current Top 10 CCDR requirements and tour length shifts Explain the tasking Process Explain the ART reporting process Finally, we’ll discuss a few of many useful tools available on AEF Online to assist you in setting your people up for a successful deployment. 5 March 2010
Air and Space Expeditionary Force (AEF) Force generation construct that allows the Air Force to prepare and present forces (capabilities) globally Meet Combatant Commander requirements Provide Airmen deployment predictability Maintain home station readiness MESSAGE: The AEF is the methodology that allows the Air Force to prepare and present forces to meet defense strategy requirements while reconstituting the rest of the force so that the capability can be provided on a sustained basis. TALKING POINTS: Explain how Air Expeditionary Forces deploy to meet Combatant Commander Requirements. In simple terms, it’s how the Air Force provides our forces to the combatant commanders. It’s designed to be predictable, transparent and equitable It allows home-station units to reconstitute the force so the capability can be provided on a sustained basis 5 March 2010 3
Enabler = Strategic Capabilities AEF Tempo Bands GFM EOC GFM EOC GFM EOC GFM EOC Months 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 Enabler = Strategic Capabilities R I S K R I S K 1/2 A 3/4 1:4 AF Postured; 4-Month Vulnerability Period 5/6 7/8 9/10 1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8 9/10 1/2 3/4 Low B 1:4 AC Postured; 6-Month Vulnerability Period Sig 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 Mod C 1:3 AC Postured; 6-Month Vulnerability Period 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 D 1:2 AC Postured; 6-Month Vulnerability Period MESSAGE: AEF Tempo Bands Background on AEF construct: The baseline Band A is still 5 pairs broken down over a 20-month period; 4 months vulnerability; 16 months dwell The previous AEF methodology was built for sustained operations under Operations Southern Watch and Northern Watch While this methodology served us well then and in the early stages of Operations Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Enduring Freedom (OEF), as those operations continually required more of specific resources many functional areas had to deviate from the standard construct to meet the increasing requirements TALKING POINTS: HAF FAMs assess each of their AFSCs capability’s true deploy-to-dwell rate and assign them to one of seven tempo bands Capabilities (UTCs) will be aligned with a band, then assigned to a block within that band Under the Tempo band construct. Airmen will not deploy for longer periods or more often than their capabilities are required For example, I may be assigned to a UTC that is in Band C, Block 2. My AEF Indicator will be C2 and I should expect to be vulnerable for deployment for 6 months, then not be deployed until the next time C2 rolls around. An increase in requirements may cause functional areas to reassess band alignments A decrease in requirements in a functional area may move to a band higher on the chart. Tempo Band A remains the AF AEF baseline 5 March 2010 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 Sig 1:5 ARC Mob-to-Dwell; 6-Month Vulnerability Period / 9-Month Mobilization M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 E 1:1 AC Postured; 6-Month Vulnerability Period 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 High 1:4 ARC Mob-to-Dwell; 6-Month Vulnerability Period / 9-Month Mobilization N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Example of Band Assignment 180 540 900 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 Total Requirements = 100 Total Forces Available = 385 Low UTCs will cover three rotations And will be in Band D at a 1:2 Deploy-to Dwell Mod RISK MESSAGE: Example of Tempo Band Assignment TALKING POINTS: Total Requirements = 100 Total Available = 385 Enough personnel to cover 3.85 rotations UTCs assigned to Band “D” on a 1:2 Deploy to Dwell ratio 5 March 2010 1:2 Postured in 179-day blocks Sig D 1 2 3 (128) (128) (129) High (2680) MONTHS 6 12 18 24 30 5 5
Posturing and Coding UTCs UTCs are made visible and available through posturing and coding Posturing = visibility; Coding = availability Posturing Coding 1:4 A / B DWS/AWS – Supports the full range of military operations DXS/AXS – Home station support, can normally deploy 1:3 C DPS/APS – CCDR in-place mission, can deploy with risk MESSAGE Posturing and coding are critical components of the AEF TALKING POINTS Posturing is the process of assigning a UTC to an AEF (i.e. making them visible) Coding then determines the UTC’s availability to deploy based on wartime / home station requirements (i.e. availability) Posturing and coding are done by MAJCOM FAMs in coordination with unit commanders and HAF FAMS While FAMs do the posturing, commanders must review and be aware of the impacts to their unit 5 March 2010 1:2 D DWX/AWX – Available upon reaching minimum surge DXX/AXX – Home station support, not normally available 1:1 E DPX/APX – CCDR in-place mission, not normally available
(% of tot. AF authorization Top 10 CCDR Requirements by AFSs (365-day/Officers) (*) Jan – Dec 10 (% of tot. AF authorization for career field) (2.5%) (3.0%) (2.4%) (3.8%) (*) (1.3%) (5.6%) (.30%) (1.3%) 16G* = AF OPS STAFF (Can be filled by any AFSC) 21R = LOGISTICS READINESS 33S = COMM & INFO 14N = INTEL 38F = FORCE SUPPORT 11G* = GENERALIST PILOT (Can be filled by any Pilot AFSC) 21A = AIRCRAFT MX 65F = FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 11F = FTR PILOT 63A = ACQUISITION MANAGER 3 Mar 10 7
(% of tot. AF authorization Top 10 CCDR Requirements by AFSs (365-day/Enlisted) (1.55%) Jan – Dec 10 (% of tot. AF authorization for career field) (.34%) (1.3%) (.37%) (1.1%) (.12%) (.15%) (.40%) (.23%) (.06%) 1N0 = OPS INTEL 3CO = COMM/COMP SYS OPERATOR 6FO = FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 2SO = MATERIAL MGT 2T1 = VEH OPS 2A5 = AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE 3A0 = COMM KNOWLWDGE OPS MANAGEMENT 3S0 = PERSONNEL 2W0= MUNITIONS SYS 3P0 = SFS 3 Mar 10 8
(% of tot. AF authorization Top 10 CCDR Requirements by AFSs (179-day/Officers) (18%) Dec 09 – May 10 (% of tot. AF authorization for career field) (8.0%) (6.7%) (4.6%) (5.2%) (8.3%) (*) (12%) (14.7%) 32E = CIVIL ENGINERING 33S = COMM & INFO 14N = INTEL 46N = CLINICAL NURSE 21R = LOGISTICS READ 38F = FORCE SUPPORT 16G* = AF OPS STAFF (Can be filled by any AFSC) 11G* = GENERALIST PILOT (Can be filled by any Pilot AFSC) 64P = CONTRACTING 31P = SFS 3 Mar 10 9
(% of tot. AF authorization Top 10 CCDR Requirements by AFSs (179-day/Enlisted) (15%) Dec 09 – May 10 (% of tot. AF authorization for career field) (11%) (14%) (17%) (6%) (11%) (3%) (19%) (2%) (11%) 3P0= SECURITY FORCES 2S0 = MATERIAL MANAGEMENT 2T2 = AIR TRANSPORTATION 2T1 = VEHICLE OPS 4N0 = AERO MEDICAL 2F0 = FUELS 3C0 = COMM/COMP SYS OPERATOR 3E2 = CE PAVEMENT/CONSTR 3A0 = COMM KNOWLEDGE OPS MANAGEMENT 2T3 = VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 3 Mar 10 10
Tour Length Shift Over Time 30,847 Requirements 16,826 12,588 1,433 MESSAGE: AEF Tour Length Shift Over Time – represents “snap-shot” of current requirements TALKING POINTS: 365-Day data for Jan 10 was calculated on CY09, but Mar 10 data is calculated on CY10 requirements. AEF is a tool to execute the Combatant Commander’s requirements. 179 day deployments except for stressed career fields (SFS, CE, Intel) are happening because of Combatant Commander requirements. 120 are no longer the most occurring deployments and when you combine 179s and 365s they significantly outnumber 120 day deployments! Again, this does not mean that the AEF is broken – it is simply a shift in what the warfighter requires the AF to deliver. Sep 07 Jan 08 May 08 Sep 08 Jan 09 May 09 Sep 09 Jan 10 Mar10 365-day (CY10) 179-day (D09-May10) 120-day (AEF 3/4) 60% of taskings > 120-days 4 Mar 10 11
How we deploy: AF vs. Joint Total JET: 4,023 IA: 2,499 30,847 Requirements MESSAGE: AF vs. Joint Taskings TALKING POINTS: ECS Requirements are increasing in Joint AV / MXS Requirements remain fairly constant NOTE: - Slide is based on 120-day (3/4), 179-day (Dec 09 – May 10), and 365-day (10) Total Level4 Requirements. 120-day 365-day Joint AF 179-day 21% of taskings are Joint 4 Mar 10 12
USAF Deployed Today 112,823 Airmen deployed in CY 09 Standard Force Solution: 30,381 Joint Expeditionary Tasking: 5,303 Individual Augmentee: 2,773 TOTAL: 38,457 The numbers on this slide indicate the total number of Airmen deployed. This includes Airmen on contingencies and exercises in all AORs. The data is filtered on start and stop date to ensure only those currently deployed are included. Airmen deployed in CY09 included all Airmen with a start date between 1 Jan 2009 and 31 Dec 2009, multiple deployments not counted. 112,823 Airmen deployed in CY 09 4 Mar 10 13
AEF Deployment Locations MESSAGE: AEF Deployments are not just in support of OIF/OEF There are 17 locations that have only one requirement. TALKING POINTS: EXAMPLES OF MISSIONS AT FOLs Theater Support Package: Andersen AFB, Hickam AFB, Counter Drug: Manta City, Gomez Nino Apiay, Bogota Joint Guardian: Akrotiri, Pristina, Poggio Renatico, Camp Bondsteel Joint Forge: Sarajevo, Ft George Meade, Naples, Pirmasens Ahp, Tuzla, Stuttgart-Vaihing NORAD: Tyndall AFB, Shaw AFB CAP: Shaw AFB, Bolling AFB Intel: Shaw AFB, Nellis AFB CENTCOM IA: MacDill AFB Medical: Incirlik AB, Andrews AFB, Ramstein, Landstuhl COBRA FOCUS: Ft Gordon
Tasking Process Key IPR notifies UDMs IDO/MOF IPR Unit Airmen Key IDO & MOF accepts taskings at Wing 15 day clock starts UDMs prepare eligible unit Airmen Wheels Up Aircraft Departure Units process shortfalls as required Airmen process thru mobility line (>25) or complete individual checklist IPR notifies UDMs IPR inputs names in system and creates orders Unit CC/UDMs assign names & provide to IPR; Airmen notified MESSAGE Several base agencies ensure deployment taskings reach Airmen in a timely manner. TALKING POINTS IDO and manpower accept and verify the capability is authorized within the wing/unit and forward the requirement to IDRC IDRC reviews taskings and notifies units Unit commanders Decide which capability will fill the taskings Notify Airmen Provide names to IDRC IDRC inputs the names into the system (DCAPES) and creates orders UDMs prepare/equip Airmen for deployment Airmen outprocess the base More than 25 deployers normally process through mobility line Less than 25 deployers normally outprocess through checklist and IPR 5 March 2010
ART Reporting: How you can help! ART Timeliness and Accuracy Minimizes late notice shortfalls / reclamas / re-taskings Ensures units only tasked for what they can provide Properly tracks residual forces Places the right people in the right place Used by all levels of command to determine the health of the force Substitutions generally not allowed in planning ART upward assessments discouraged MESSAGE: Commanders must be strong advocates of and strictly enforce accurate and timely ART reporting. reporting. TALKING POINTS: ART data is global and live It provides readiness feedback to all levels of command AFPC/DPW schedulers can ensure they only task packages capable of doing the job This in turn means that units are less likely to have shortfalls or need to submit reclamas. Residual forces are those forces remaining when only a portion of a capability is tasked By looking at the Tasking Assessments schedulers can reach into the remaining forces Makes more efficient use of our total force ART provides the ability to show the limitations of our resources Exp member is medically coded to only deploy to certain area Accurate readiness data ensures that schedulers and commanders make the most of limited assets Timeliness of reporting is included in briefings such as MAJCOM AEF Debriefs as well as Vice Chief of Staff of the AF (VCSAF) level updates When ART reporting is inaccurate or delayed, our schedulers task a “green” UTC that is, in fact, either “yellow” or “red”. By improving the accuracy and timeliness of ART reporting, we should reduce the number of unnecessary Condition I-IV reclamas and reduce the resultant re-sourcing that delays getting a valid name in the system. Background data: AF Substitution Rules and ART Excerpt from AFI 10-403 2.3.3. UTC personnel requirements are reflected in the UTC Manpower Detail (MANFOR). The AFSC/skill level/grade requirements listed in the UTC MANFOR must match AFSC/skill level/grade of the UMD positions postured. Substitutions of AFSC, skill level, and grade are allowed if specifically referenced in the MISCAP; however, the UTC must still be able to perform its MISCAP. EXCEPTION: Civil Engineers (CE) may substitute positions for posturing of UTCs IAW substitution rules outlined in AFI 10-210. Additionally, for posturing, units can fill lower skill or grade UTC requirements with a higher UMD skill or grade position. When making AFSC and/or grade substitutions, changes should be reflected in the LLD of the postured UTC. If authorizations are unfilled, this must be reflected in ART. Units will not be tasked to provide personnel resources for wartime and/or major operation and campaign requirements that exceed their UMD authorizations unless authorized to posture above their authorizations. (See AFI 10-401 for exceptions to posturing). In English – Substitution of AFSC or lower grade/skill level not authorized unless the MISCAP specifically allows; with any substitutions, the substitution must be noted in the Line Level Detail of the UTC and the UTC must still be able to meet its MISCAP. Excerpt from AFI 10-244 (ART Reporting): 3.4.10. AFI 10-403 Deployment Planning and Execution issues directives relating to personnel substitution. These directives apply for ART reporting purposes. For reporting purposes personnel substitutions reflected in the UTC MISCAP are authorized unless precluded in the deployment planning guidance. In English – Substitution of AFSC or lower grade/skill level not authorized unless the MISCAP specifically allows; with any substitutions, the substitution must be noted in the Line Level Detail of the UTC and the UTC must still be able to meet its MISCAP. 5 March 2010 Update every 30 days or within 24 hrs of change AEF Online Website MESSAGE AEF Online, AFPC/DPW’s webpage, has been developed to provide as much assistance as possible to individual deployers, unit deployment managers UDMs), installation deployment officers (IDOs), and commanders. NIPRNET and SIPRNET versions exist. TALKING POINTS The three most helpful pages for you to know about are: Deployment Information, Force Providers, and AEF Reference Library. We’ll start with Deployment information. Information for individual deployers includes the Personal Deployment Preparedness Tool ( a subset of the Commander’s Toolkit), Cultural Awareness, Entitlements, and family information. Next is Force Providers information. There is a spreadsheet of all of the AEF cells in the AF, transportation information, list of training/readiness requirements, deployment discrepancy checklist, and information on reintegration / reconsititution. The AEF Reference library can be accessed in two places on the home page. One location is at the graphic, the other location is under the search bar. The AEF Reference library is a great place to start a new UDM out on. It contains all of the AFIs that are relevant to the overall AEF, user manuals for the different AEF Online tools, and Air Force messages pertaining to the AEF. FOR MORE INFORMATION AEF Online at: 5 March 2010
Commander’s Toolkit Enables commanders or UDMs to quickly check medical, dental readiness and duty status Commanders have near real-time direct access to unit Individual Medical Readiness (IMR) status and due / overdue reports Updated weekly All Airmen can check Personal Deployment Preparedness MESSAGE Commander’s Tool Kit enables commanders to quickly check personnel, medical, and dental readiness information. TALKING POINTS Personnel data uses files from Military Personnel Data Systems (MILPDS) on Mondays Individual Medical Readiness (IMR) on Thursdays Data provided by Population Health Support Division (PHSD) at Brooks City Base Full refresh on Thursdays and change updates several times during the week FOR MORE INFORMATION IDO / UDM Guide to the AEF, Chapter 4 Log onto AEF Online, and then click on the CC Toolkit tab. View the following under “Additional Information” Frequently Asked Questions Understanding the Commander's Toolkit 5 March 2010
Guides to the AEF - IDOs, UDMs, IPRs, TMFs & Wing/Unit Senior leaders MESSAGE The AEF Guides are quick reference tools. TALKING POINTS The WLG provides a broad overview of how the AEF works--for everyone involved in the process from front-line supervisors to commanders to key personnel working as part of the mobility machine (IDOs, UDMs, IPR personnel, TMFs). Do you need more information on training and exercises? How about UTCs, ART, and Reclamas? You can find more information on these subjects at a macro-level in this guide. Purpose: One-stop quick reference guide on hot AEF topics that impact leadership when preparing & executing the AEF Target audience: Supporting commanders at the wing, group, squadron, and flight levels Deputy commanders Senior noncommissioned officers Supervisors The IDO / UDM Guide was primarily built of members of the mobility machine, but provides great information for others who want to get deeper into the AEF processes. If you have questions about the different computer systems that are used in the AEF process, want step-by-step instructions on the reintegration process, or want to learn more about TPFDDs—this is the book to find that information. Purpose: One-stop quick reference guide on hot AEF topics that impact IDOs and UDMs from planning, preparation, all the way through execution IDOs, UDMs, IPR personnel, and TMFs Supporting leaders at the wing, group, squadron, and flight levels The DLG provides a broad overview of the issues that leaders face in a deployed environment with references to the AF Instructions and other guidance for further research. It includes information on rotating Airmen, security and force protection, base operating support, morale and discipline, managing resources, sister services, and cultural awareness. Purpose: To provide leaders in a deployed environment a common foundation to work from. Based on your career field you might be extremely knowledgeable about security and force protection, but need a jump-start on contracts and contractor support. Target Audience: Deploying and deployed leaders from technical sergeants through general officers. 5 March 2010 - IDOs, UDMs, IPRs, TMFs & Wing/Unit Senior leaders WG, GP, SQ and flight level CCs/CVs and Command-level leaders TSgts to general officer
Air Force Personnel Center
BACK-UP SLIDES To be used at briefers discretion
AEF Deployment Terms Defined UNCLASSIFIED AEF Deployment Terms Defined Standard Force Solution: Mission ready, joint capable force with associated table of organization and equipment executing its core mission. Joint Expeditionary Tasking (JET): Non-Standard Sourcing Solution Joint Force/Capability Solution: A service providing a force / capability its core mission in place of another service’s core mission. (EX: Engineering Battalion – Construction, filled by AF Red Horse) In-Lieu-Of (ILO): A standard Force that is deployed/employed to execute missions and tasks outside its core competencies. (EX: SF Team performing Detainee Operations) Adhoc: Consolidation of individuals/equipment from various commands/services formed into a deployable/employable entity, properly manned, trained and equipped to meet the supported commander’s requirements. (EX: Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) sourced w/ Navy & AF personnel) Individual Augmentee (IA): Personnel on JMDs serving at a HQ level in support of a COCOM. (EX: AF service member filling a billet on CSTC-A staff) MESSAGE: Joint Deployment Terminology TALKING POINTS: JF/CS – USAF units deployed to perform their core mission in place of units from another service: e.g., RED HORSE providing combat engineering support to Army units ILO – USAF units formed, trained and deployed to execute missions outside their USAF core competencies; e.g., SF performing detainee operations Ad-hoc forces – individual USAF specialist formed into units and trained to meet specific mission requirements; e.g., EOD and Intel personnel performing counter-IED, weapons intelligence collection or tactical intelligence, Air Advisors, and Provincial Reconstruction Teams IA – individuals deployed to augment combat headquarters staff operations with individual core skill sets; e.g., Joint, Coalition, or other Service-support 5 March 2010 22 UNCLASSIFIED