Regional Breeding for Wheat Stripe Rust Resistance in the Eastern United States David Marshall Plant Science Research Unit Raleigh, NC
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Wheat Stripe Rust
Epidemic Year % Loss Stripe Rust Epidemic Years and the States with Greater than 1% Yield Loss from 1976 to 2004.
Objectives: Identify stripe rust resistance/susceptibility in Eastern U.S. wheat cultivars, elite lines, and other germplasm. Identify the gene or genes involved resistance. Introgress stripe rust resistance into elite lines having regional/local adaptation. Distribute populations and fixed lines to cooperators.
Protocol: Established the Uniform Eastern Wheat Stripe Rust Nursery. In , had up to 20 entries from State breeding programs in FL, GA, NC, VA, MD, NY, MI, MO, IL, IN, KY, AR, and LA; private breeding programs – Westbred, AgriPro-Coker, and Genesis; and USDA/ARS. Seedling screening in Raleigh, NC. Field screening in Plains and Griffin, GA; Kinston, NC; Baton Rouge and Winnsboro, LA; Fayetteville, AR; San Antonio, TX, Pullman and Mt. Vernon, WA.
IT% DesignationPedigreeContributorSourceMean TERRAL LA841 GA8665-D4/GA85238-C3HarrisonLouisiana0.00 GA A35 Jackson/2*881130JohnsonGeorgia0.00 GA A /Kinsco//PIO 2628JohnsonGeorgia0.00 LA99042E- 62-B Ducula1(H2O)/Mason,F1//PIO26R61HarrisonLouisiana LA96140BU A70-2 VA /TX89D6435//C9134,F1/3/MasonHarrisonLouisiana GA E /C9134JohnsonGeorgia NC L910568/NCV //LA854111MurphyNorth Carolina MO MO /Pioneer 2552McKendryMissouri IL Tyler / HowellKolbIllinois A Patterson/F201R//INW0101/4/Patton/3/Clark*4/Ning 7840//Foster OhmIndiana
Identified 102 lines with resistance better than the "resistant" check (Pioneer 26R61). Infection types less than '3' and severities less than 18%. Identified adult-plant resistance in at least 8 lines: LA95171CA CCK9134/PIO2684,F1//90239A29-1-X(CL850643/PIO2548//C9877) 97C VA /Roane//Kristy B010973L880085/XW502 Coker 9511 L881060/L IL Tyler / Howell IL P88288C / IL / INW0412Huapei 57-2/Patterson
Several lines had combined stripe rust, leaf rust and powdery mildew resistance. FL91226A-X4Star'S'(IBW179)/C9105//F302/P2550,F5IDEO FL98031-D15-E48952-B-7/CM M-2Y,F1//P26R61 LA95171CA CCK9134/PIO2684,F1//90239A29-1-X(CL850643/PIO2548//C9877) LA98094-BUB B24-4-3/87167D8-2 GA A /* GA A35Jackson/2* GA E34AGS 2485/PIO 26R61 GA98249G1-5E / 2* GA011450DH2-5A45USG 3592/PIO 26R61 ARS TX85-264*2/TTCC512 (T.cylindricum) (=WX02ARS149-8) VA01W-205PION2684/ (WLR/3/MSY*3/BALKAN//SAL)// POCAHONTAS,F11 B L890145/LX 8728D INW0412Huapei 57-2/Patterson 99840C /INW0102//F201R/Foster E U90-1A//ZX90-2C1/P2580
Regional Breeding scheme for introducing resistant sources: A. Backcross-Bulk (minor genes) 1. Several resistant sources x Adapted type 2. Backcross to Adapted type 3. Select in BC1 through F3 for low terminal severities B. Accelerated Population Development for major genes 1. Resistant source x Adapted type (crosses made in February) 2. F1 planted in NZ in May, F2 in NC in Nov, F3 in NZ in June, F4 in in Nov.