Regional Development in Turkey This week in the light of some figures and numbers gathered from Turkish Statistical Institute (for ) we will discuss the disparities in regional development of Turkey.
Districts of Turkey
LFPR Those who are over 16 and employed for pay and are actively seeking for work or waiting call back from previous employments are considered in the labour force. Labour force participation rate is defined as; Labour Force/Population. Let’s look at some regional figures regarding LFPR in Turkey.
INFLATION Now let us look at the inflation data for selected regions.
HOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURE As you all know same levels of inflation might have different effects on different households depending on the main consumption items of each household. Let us now look into the details of household expenditure in selected regions of Turkey.
REGIONAL TRENDS IN MIGRATION Regional trends in migration is an important indicatior of the basic “North-South” difference in a country. Let us first consider the classical theory of migration and than look into interregional migration in Turkey.
Assumptions of the Classical Model Perfect competition in all markets CRTS No barriers to migration Perfectly flexible factor prices Homogeneous factors of production Complete information about factor returns in all regions
The classical model suggests that there will be no wage differentials. However, evidence tells us that “wage differentials” concept is a fact. Futher migration cannot solely be attributed to wage differentials.
Too restrictive? Labour is not homogeneous and the migration data includes workers with different skills. Migration data also includes those not in the labour market. Low-wage regions may be high-wage locations for particular industry sectors. A substantial number are returning migrants moving back to their region of origin. Some move for individual advancement, whilst others move as part of a career plan or because of company transfer policies (companies may move key workers around different plants). Wages are not perfectly flexible; “sticky wages”. Positive costs are associated to migration.
Let us now consider interregional migration patterns in Turkey.
REGIONAL DISPARITIES IN SCHOOLING Schooling and education opportunities are also important drivers of regional development. Further such opportunities have important influences over migration as well. Let us now look at the number of schools, teachers and students in different regions of Turkey.
HEALTH SERVICES Finally we will look into regional disparities regarding health services in Turkey.