Myotel Kick Off – WP4 – September 2007 Jos van Hillegersberg, Bart Nieuwenhuis, Björn Kijl
Overview Goals WP4 – Deployment Report WP4 Tasks WP4 Approach – Our View WP4 Overall Planning WP4 Expected Results Interdependencies between WP4 and other WPs Short Term Planning: Next Four Months Some Final Remarks Questions & Discussion
Goals WP4 – Deployment Report (1/2) Overall project goal –Feasibility investigation: deployment of a prototype myofeedback teletreatment (i.e. MyoTel) service. Myotel enables subjects with neck shoulder complaints to receive personalised adjusted remotely supervised treatment during their daily activities.
Goals WP4 – Deployment Report (2/2) Goals from WP4 Perspective –Investigating market acceptability in two different health care markets (in different countries) Patients with work related neck shoulder problems (occupational health care system) Patients with a chronic whiplash (rehabilitation care system) –Analyzing effectiveness for all key actors in the value network from an economic point of view How does MyoTel create value for all stakeholders –Customer value –Monetary value –…
WP4 Tasks 4.1 [T0] Scenario Development – First Opinion on Attractiveness, Value, and Risks [650 hr] –Analysis of current way of care provisioning –Initial market / business model / value network analysis 4.2 [T5] Service Qualification – Draft Business Plan/Case [1050 hr] –With active involvement of stakeholders as defined in T [T9] Service Deployment Report – Business Plan/Case [508 hr] –With active involvement of stakeholders as defined in T4.1
Approach First focussing on developing alternative (high level) scenarios and related business models and competitive strategies –Business model as a logical prerequisite for business process modeling / business case Scenarios –Alternatives: one (commercial) service provider, several (non commercial) providers using a technology platform, license models, Myotel as a product or a service, … → implications for business model → implications for business case Business models –Value proposition –Value network (e.g. government organizations, insurance companies, professionals, patients, employers, telecom operators, hardware providers) –Financial model (sharing revenues and cost) –Technology (type of infrastructure, who owns the infrastructure, …) Building (alternative) business case(s) (quantification) –From a high level to a more specific business case –Commercial (micro economic) or broader (macro economic) view?
WP4 Overall Planning Planning: tight schedule in first four months –Tasks and deliverabes T4.1 Scenario development (T0-T3/4) –T0+2: D4.01 Description of service/deployment strategy –T0+4: D4.02 Market analysis –T0+3: D4.04 Trans European dimension T4.2 Service qualification (T5-T17) –T0+9: D4.05 Harmonization, interoperability and standard –T0+9: D4.03 Draft business and deployment strategy T4.3 Service deployment plan (T9-T17) –T0+17: D4.03 Final business and deployment strategy
WP4 Expected Results Deployment report – Business Plan/Case –Market research –Scenarios –Competitive strategy Sustainability of the service, competitors, competitive products, … –Business model Value proposition (Service definition, User population, …) Value network (Service costs and benefits for value network actors, …) Financial model (Financing requirements, …) Technology (Platforms, communication technologies, …) –Business case (quantification) –Management and management control systems necessary to roll out the service –Timing for initial and full deployment –… Material for dissemination to industrial and medical communities (WP5)
Interdependencies between WP4 and other WPs (excl. WP1/5) Four CoEs: RRD, Ugent, RUB, OGOT Contributing to early identification and involvement of key actors in countries concerned Contributing to aspects of legal and financial organisation and market characteristics of national health care systems
Interdependencies between WP4 and other WPs (excl. WP1/5)
Short Term Planning: Next Four Months (1/4) M1-4: –T4.1 Scenario development Deliverables T0-4: –D4.01 High level description of service/deployment strategy (T0+2) –D4.04 Trans European Dimension (T0+3) –D4.02 Market analysis (T0+4)
Short Term Planning: Next Four Months (2/4) M1-4: T4.1 Scenario development –D4.01 High level description of service/deployment strategy (T0+2) M0: Stakeholder identification (together with CoEs) –Development of first alternative competitive strategies, business models and value network structures M1: Service item identification and assessment (together with CoEs, patients and professionals) –Idea registration (survey) M1: Evaluation stakeholder/service item identification, with a focus on aspects like attractiveness, feasability, value, and risks
Short Term Planning: Next Four Months (3/4) M1-4: T4.1 Scenario development –D4.04 Trans European Dimension (T0+3) Basis: D4.01 High level description of service/deployment strategy (T0+2) Focus needs to be crystalized –Differences and similarities w.r.t. regulation, health care organisation, culture, customer preferences, …
Short Term Planning: Next Four Months (4/4) M1-4: T4.1 Scenario development –D4.02 Market analysis (T0+4), focus on M0-3: Customer groups, segments, size of markets, etc. M0-3: Technology –Technological developments M0-3: (Changes in) regulation M3-4: Business model (implications) –Service, Technology, Organisation, Finance
Some Final Remarks Planning: tight schedule in first months –First focusing on high level business model / value network research Scientific contribution needs to be crystalized Focus D4.04 (T0+3) Trans European dimension and D4.05 (T0+9) Harmonisation, interoperability and standard need to be crystalized
Questions & Discussion Information from D4.02 Market analysis (T0+4) and D2.01 Technological and Organisatiol Needs Assessment (T0+4) useful for / part of D4.01 Service/deployment strategy (T0+2)? –Depending of aim of D4.01 Relation between D4.01 and D4.03 Draft/Final Business and Deployment Strategy (T0+9/T0+17) –D4.01 as draft of draft version of D4.03? How to ‘proof’ / test real life feasibility? –Venturing (entrepreneurship / venture capital approach) Vision, Alpha Offering, Beta Offering, Market Calibration & Expansion