Institute of Environmental Physics and Remote Sensing IUP/IFE-UB Physics/Electrical Engineering Department 1 NORS/NDACC UV-VIS Working Group Meeting Brussels, Institute of Environmental Physics and Institute of Remote Sensing University of Bremen NORS WP4: Advanced characterisation of NORS data products Andreas Richter, Folkard Wittrock and the WP4 Team
2 Main Objectives of NORS WP4 “Ensure that the products provided by NORS are tailored so that the data can be used directly as validation data in the GMES atmospheric service (= GAS = MACC-II).” Harmonization of data in terms of format and contents Full characterisation of data with respect to integration volume, resolution, and sensitivity Full description of uncertainties Comparison to satellite data used for assimilation in GAS
3 Changes to current NDACC UV/vis approach Application of NDACC UV/vis data in GAS necessitates important changes in approach: Data of interest Both stratospheric and tropospheric column amounts, profiles and surface concentrations Data formats Common GEOMS HDF/netCDF format for all instruments and products Data provision NRT or within a few weeks, not months / years Uncertainties Detailed error budget needed for assimilation system Application Automated use for daily validation
4 Structure of NORS WP4 Task 4.1 Data Formats Task 4.2 Information Content and Harmonization of Networks / Techniques Task 4.3 Uncertainties Task 4.4 Comparison to Satellite Observations
5 Structure of WP4 Task 4.1 Data Formats Collection of current formats and contents Iteration with data providers and GAS Harmonisation of data files following GEOMS (Generic Earth Observation Metadata Standard) Definition of new formats by all data providers for WP3 and WP7. If needed, development of conversion tools => GEOMS standards will be applied ULg, UBremen, BIRA-IASB, INTA, UBern, KIT, CNRS, MPIC, UH, S&T
6 Structure of WP4 Task 4.2 Information Content and Harmonization of Networks / Techniques Characterisation of vertical sensitivity and resolution Analysis of horizontal displacement and averaging using different RTMs Development of CH 4 retrievals for NDACC and TCCON using overlapping windows Standardisation of retrieval settings Comparison of periods with parallel measurements of same quantity using different NORS techniques Documentation of procedures and results U. Bremen, BIRA-IASB, INTA, UBern, KIT, CNRS, ULg, MPIC, UH
7 Structure of WP4 Task 4.3 Uncertainties Collection of existing error assessments Execution of additional sensitivity studies and theoretical uncertainty estimates Consistent documentation of results Recommendation for harmonized uncertainty reporting KIT, U Bremen, BIRA-IASB, INTA, UBern, CNRS, ULg, MPIC, UH
8 Structure of WP4 Task 4.4 Comparison to Satellite Observations Evaluation of existing studies comparing satellite and NORS type data Definition of validation approach and protocol Execution of additional comparisons where possible and needed Report on consistency INTA, UBremen, BIRA-IASB, INTA, UBern, KIT, CNRS, ULg, MPIC, UH
9 Summary With NORS, a small subset of NDACC UV/vis stations will move to –Rapid data delivery –Use of GEOMS formats –Detailed measurement and error characterisation –Comparison between different NDACC measurement systems As a result, data will be much more applicable for use in data assimilation and model / satellite data validation It is foreseen to extend this approach to other stations after the project if resources are available => If successful, the NORS approach will substantially enhance the usability of NDACC UV/vis data and hopefully open an opportunity for future funding through link to the operational GAS service
10 Deliverables of WP4 NoTitleLeadDue D4.1Data format definitionsULg D4.2Data user guideBIRA-IASB D4.3Error budgetsKIT D4.4Data representativenessUBremen D4.5NORS data consistencyUBremen D4.6Methane data assessmentUBremen D4.7Consistency with satellite dataUBern
11 Milestones of WP4 NoTitleLeadDue MS 2Formats agreementUlg MS 8Start of NDACC – TCCON x-calibration UBremen MS 10Unceratinties in NORS data products KIT MS 11Start verification of NORS data products UBremen MS 13Multi-D characterisation of NORS data products UBremen