ICT FP7 Theme Meeting with FIA Caretakers 29 APRIL 2009, Brussels
Agenda 11:30 Welcome, state of play, objectives of the day: Joao Da Silva 12:00 FI Content: state of advancement: Thomas Skordas 12:40 Lunch Break 13:30 FIA Prague Sessions: 7 groups of FIA Caretakers 7 x 20 mins / FIA Prague BO Session 16:00 Conclusions and next steps: Joao Da Silva 16:15 End of the meeting
29 APR Meeting: FIA Caretakers and INFSO Staff FIA Caretakers MANA: Alex Galis, Henrik Abramowicz FCN: Theodore Zahariadis, Petros Daras, Andrew Oliphant FISO: John Domingue RWI: Neeli Prasad, Mirko Presser, Manfred Hauswirth FIRE: Susanna Avessta, Tassos Gavras TSP: Brian Foley, Michel Riguidel, Nick Wainwright, Volkmar Lotz FISE: Mike Boniface, Spiros Spirou DG – INFSO Joao da Silva, Bernard Barani, Franco Accordino, Peter Fatelnig Break-out session caretaker managers and FI Content Task Force: Rainer Zimmermann, Remy Bayou, Paulo de Sousa, Miguel Montarelo Navajo (D1), Luis Rodriguez-Rosello, Isidro Laso Ballesteros (D2), Jesus Villasante, Anne-Marie Sassen, Sandro D’Elia (D3), Gerald Santucci, Manuel Mateo Goyet, Juan Santaella (D4), Per Blixt, Max Lemke, Georgios Tselentis (F4) Jacques Bus, Yves Paindaveine, Thomas Skordas (F5)
Introductory Remarks and Next Steps What has happened since we last met? –Interactions with IND on a PPP on the FI –End of INFSO Task Force work on “Instruments” –Establishment of Inter-service Group for a Communication on "The Future Internet: a PPP for recovery through innovation" –Panel of High Level Experts formulated views on the FI –MS invited to join the Forum on FI –FIA Prague Agenda and BO Sessions
ICT FP7 Theme Future Internet Content Meeting with FIA Caretakers 29 APRIL 2009, Brussels INFSO D / F Task Force on the FI Content The views expressed in this presentation are purely those of the speaker and may not in any circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of the European Commission
FI and DG INFSO (JAN – JUL 2009) Task Force Content Experts Technical Experts Task Force Instruments [Model for a PPP] Visionary Experts DG INFSO G. Camarillo S. Dustdar J. Magen S. Paulus J-C Hourcade J-C Hourcade Y. Neuvo Y. Neuvo R. Posch R. Posch R. Saracco R. Saracco W. Wahlster W. Wahlster “A Model for the PPP” (TF Instruments) Report of the Visionary Experts Scenarios, Research Challenges and Priorities for the FI (TF Content and Technical Experts)“Outcomes” M. Montarelo Navajo (D1) I. Laso Ballesteros (D2) A-M Sassen, S. d’Elia (D3) M. Mateo Goyet (D4) G. Tselentis (F4) Y. Paindaveine (F5) Animation: T. Skordas (F5) P. Chastanet (D1) A. Zwegers (D3) O. Nielsen (F5) Animation: P. Fatelnig (D5)
… since our last meeting Scenarios [CT] CT = Caretakers EC = European Commission 06 FEB Brussels 29 APR Brussels MAY FIA PRAGUE 06 MAR Brussels FI Challenges Integrated Scenarios [EC, CT] 08 APR Integrated Functionalities [EC] Analysis of Reports on FI Challenges [EC] … FIAStockholm ICT WP ’11-’13 S …
FI Content - Methodology: from Scenarios to research challenges (1) Building research challenges use “scenarios” as a tool since scenarios help visualise the future and put in context how technologies will be used Scenarios have been categorised in 4 groups: incremental-citizen visionary-citizen incremental-businessvisionary-business time Short term Long term Society Economy [CIT-INC] [BUS-INC] [CIT-VIS] [BUS-VIS]
FI Content - Methodology: from Scenarios to research challenges (2) CIT-INC BUS-INC CIT-VIS BUS-VIS Integrated Scenarios + Functionalities Integrated Scenarios + Functionalities Research Challenges and Priorities [CIT-INC] [BUS-INC] [CIT-VIS] [BUS-VIS]
Reports analysed on the Future Internet FIContent X-ETP Vision Document X-ETP Vision Document SRAs 5 ETPs SRAs 5 ETPs eMobility NESSI NEM ISI EPOSS Other Inputs ISTAG Reports Reports from other Countries Japan Korea USA … FIA Caretakers White Papers Scenarios, etc. National ICT Research Directors National MS Initiatives Finland (SHOK) Spain Germany (G-Lab) France (GRIF) Sweden Belgium Italy The Netherlands Ireland … Visionary Experts 90+ FIA ICT FP7 Projects
eHealth & Smart Health networks Smart Energy Networks FI: Scenarios Smart Transport Networks Game Machine Telephone PC DVD Audio TV STB DVC Smart Living S m a r t S p a c e Future Internet
From Scenarios to Functionalities (an example of the Tool used) Functional requirement Example Scenario BUS-VIS: „The Modalia Times“ An open information platform allowing for inter-model transport coordination and planning Example Scenario CIT-VIS: Me, Anywhere, Aboveware Add your scenario here... Ambient technology Self-powered, networked sensors „Walking over piezo-pads or dynamic redirection of pedestrian flows“ Sensors and actuators have become common place and are embedded everywhere e.g. in buses or bus information systems to deliver instant schedule information Real-time location tracking of millions of entities „All vehicles, incl. passenger cars, are location tracked real-time Active monitoring by personal sensors Personal monitoring and sensing devices may forward information to authorized individuals and doctors Semantic development Semantic modeling of personal services „The Node provides you with the service you are looking for“. Semantic modeling of Environmental Effects „Eco-bonus“, „Eco-management“
… and to a conceptual architecture Autonomy Trustworthiness Sustainability Infrastructure Networking Components (Service) Platform Things/Content Clouds/Grids Delivery Service Media Adaptation Test bed Users Governance Socio-economic issues …
Test bed Users Sustainability Infrastructure Networking Components (Service) Platform Clouds/Grids Delivery Things / Content Media Service Adaptation Autonomy Trustworthiness conceptual architecture (cnt’d) 3 Full Context Awareness 6 Large-scale computing 1 Device & Access technology 2 Network technology 1 Device & Access technology for ubiquitous systems 10 Content Creation & Universal Wikis 13 Dynamic content-centric networks 8 e-Govt applications 6 Collaboration 4 Assistive Technology 7 Large-scale Service Orchestration 7 Content 3 Notification Services 4 Service Orchestration 5 Semantic Development 10 Service Infrastructure 2 Context Awareness 9 Community Integration 12 Mixed Reality World VIS Functionalities INC Functionalities LEGEND 5 Community Development 8 Trust 11 System-wide Security & Trust Governance Socio-economic issues …
… but Scenarios Functionalities & Challenges Existing Reports on FI Functionalities & Challenges
eHealth & Smart Health networks Smart Energy Networks A view into the future: Smart “everything” Smart Transport Networks Game Machine Telephone PC DVD Audio TV STB DVC Smart Living S m a r t S p a c e Future Internet
FI: a more strategic view Smart Energy Smart Living Smart Transport Smart Health FI FI FI FI FI … …FI … ? Smart ? Smart ? Obj. 1.2 Internet of Services Obj. 1.4 Trustworthy ICT Obj. 1.6 FIRE Obj. 1.3 Internet of Things Obj. 1.1 The network of the Future Obj. 1.5 Networked Media & 3D Internet FP7 Challenge 1 Smart ?
Next Steps From now to FIA Prague – Continue work on functionalities, challenges / priorities At FIA Prague [12 May] – Present preliminary findings (scenarios//functionalities/research challenges) – Get feedback from FIA communities After FIA Prague – Consolidate findings [MAY – JUNE] – Start preparing ICT WP [2 nd Semester 2009 and 1 st 2010]
Agenda FIA Prague 12 May 8:30–11:00From FI Scenarios to Research Challenges Plenary session, Room TYCHO+KEPLER 8:30– 9:20Welcome Jan Gruntorad (CESNET) - 5 minutes Introduction, objectives Mario Campolargo / Joao Da Silva - 10 minutes Reinhard Posch, FI Scenarios from Visionary Experts - 15 minutes Peter Fatelnig, “Instruments for PPP” - 10 minutes Thomas Skordas “FI content – methodological approach” - 10 minutes 9:20– 10:40FI Scenarios, Functionalities, Challenges and Research priorities FIA Caretakers – 10 minutes each, times 7 Thomas Skordas – “Preliminary research challenges” – 10 minutes 10:40- 11:00Q&A - 20 minutes