Towards a Morphological Analyzer for Old Norse
Morpholog. Analyzer - CHLT Introduction Goal: a computer program that analyzes morphological structure of Old Norse words and generates declension tables Two analyzers A1, A2; both output all possible declension paradigms for inputted word A1: input headwords from a dictionary database or manual input A2: input inflected words from saga texts [Show sample query A1 without details]
Morpholog. Analyzer - CHLT Broader Context (1) Input (mss) Marked-up transcript Normalized text Analyzer Output (declension tables)
Morpholog. Analyzer - CHLT Broader Context (2) CLHT Project Scandinavian Section, UCLA (Prof. Timothy Tangherlini) –Developing Old Norse morphological analyzer Det Arnamagnæanske Institut, Københavns Universitet (Matthew Driscoll) –XML markup of Old Norse texts
Morpholog. Analyzer - CHLT Computational Environment Written in Perl Database: MySQL Server: Apache Running on Linux machine –
Morpholog. Analyzer - CHLT Linguistic Environment Zoega’s Dictionary of Old Norse - Icelandic augmented with additional headwords from the Old Norse dictionary project, Ordbog over det norrøne prosasprog(ONP) at Københavns Universitet Fornrit normalization Verification of performance: comparison with forms in Bower (1994), Gordon (1956) Focus on non-poetic lexicon
Morpholog. Analyzer - CHLT Analyzer Structure (General) MySQL database In: (head)word Analyzer Find root Find endings Apply sound changes Out: declension(s)
Morpholog. Analyzer - CHLT Analyzer Structure (Database) Tables exist for: –adjectives (regular endings, exceptions) –articles (free, suffixed) –dictionary –nouns (regular endings, exceptions) –possessive pronouns –verbs (regular endings, exceptions, anomalous, strong_ablaut)
Morpholog. Analyzer - CHLT A1 Structure (Specific 1) Input: Head word Declension information Part of speech Translation
Morpholog. Analyzer - CHLT A1 Structure (Specific 2-1) A1 pseudocode (nouns): Translate declension info into MySQL format Extract most likely endings from words in declension info Determine root of head word Create MySQL statement
Morpholog. Analyzer - CHLT A1 Structure (Specific 2-2) Receive all declension paradigms that fit declension information Apply regular sound changes Replace exceptional forms Output results [Show sample queries with details]
Morpholog. Analyzer - CHLT Outlook (1): Accomplishments Zoega in electronic, parsable format Show sample of complex Zoega entry] A1 outputs paradigms for all parts of speech in Zoega
Morpholog. Analyzer - CHLT Outlook (2): A1 Performance n (112)v (110)a (25) Correct92.8 % Exceptions Incorrect Form dispute
Morpholog. Analyzer - CHLT Outlook (3): Next Steps Improve A1 performance: general, compound words, etc. Expand databases of exceptions Improve verification method Implement A2 beyond experimental stage Connect analyzers to XML-tagged text