Demonstration of sustained effective leadership in academic practice and academic development Evidence of impact on high quality student learning Draw from a broad range of experiences and activities Underpinned by how you apply and/or champion the Core Knowledge and Professional Values in carrying out the Areas of Activity Consider using examples of appropriate research and scholarly activity which underpin your practice as a leader 1 Evidence for D4 – Principal Fellowship
Include activity within your institution or wider (inter)national settings Your personal contribution to policy and strategy development effectively impacting on high quality teaching Show how any direct teaching and supporting learning that you still do is fully informed by the Dimensions of the UKPSF Provide a personal account focussing throughout on your own professional practice and decision-making: where you are describing team or institution wide activities ensure that you make clear your own specific contribution 2 Evidence for D4 – Principal Fellowship
Policy and Strategy development to promote and support others Sustained record of strategic leadership to enhance student learning Championing an integrated approach to academic practice across the institution or wider Strategic Leadership
Claim Personal Engagement Reflection Alignment Commitment Evidence based Quality Currency Sufficiency 4 Key principles (1)
Claim = application is a claim – not an assignment + authenticity is crucial Personal = personal to your experience Engagement = all based on examples of practice – not just theoretical Reflection = using the Framework dimensions to explore the how and why of your practice Alignment = demonstrating that your practice is aligned with the principles of the Framework Commitment = continuing commitment to the value and quality of Teaching & Learning – both your own and if appropriate others Evidence based = CPD and where appropriate scholarly Quality = more important than quantity – word count is only a guideline Currency = need to demonstrate relevance – no absolute rule on this – the sooner the better Sufficiency = use the words available to make a sufficient claim based on reflection on and evidence of impact
Applications should relate to your positive impact on student learning At D4, you must show sustained record of success/achievement Claims should evidence successful engagement with appropriate dimensions of UKPSF Learning may also take place through reflection on experiences which have not worked Claims should not be based on role, job description or status of individual Outcomes, impact and influence (and reflection of evidence of same) much more important than role, activities per se 6 Key principles (2)