10:09:30 AM WP4: Heliosphere and Terrestrial effects Background CME arrival time, L1 solar wind parameters, SEP, magnetopause location, radiation belt flux, Dst, auroral oval latitude, ionospheric Joule heating, ionosperic scintillations, TEC Selection of focus parameters Wide scope:
10:09:30 AM WP4: Heliosphere and Terrestrial effects Methods and goals Methods used on Soteria Goals to be reached by Soteria Use pictures/movies
10:09:30 AM WP4: Heliosphere and Terrestrial effects Overview of deliverables Deliverables Finished: D4.1 –Catalogue of selected events, lead DTU D4.2 –Report: Interplanetary propagation, lead Hvar D4.3 –Report: Solar wind-magnetosphere coupling and terr. impact, lead MTA-KFKI-RMKI D4.5 –Report: Ionospheric scintillations, lead IEEA Deliverables Due (by end of project): D4.4 –Report: Geomagnetic diagnosis, lead UOulu D4.5 –Report: Space weather modeling, lead KULeuven D4.6 –Report: Data Assimilation report, lead Noveltis D4.7 –Online predictive and diagnostic tools, lead ROB
10:09:30 AM WP4: Heliosphere and Terrestrial effects Key Successes Best results Outstanding papers/talks Use pictures/movies