About the GREEN-TAS Project Project Location: Jordan Starting date: 01/2/2006 Expected ending date : 31/7/2008 Duration in months : 30 Tasks : 8 tasks
PARTNERS Hashemite University Movenpick Hotels in Jordan Jordan University of Science and Technology University of Cyprus AEOLIKI Ltd Ministry of Environment
GREEN-TAS OBJECTIVES 1. To analyze the tourist industry in Jordan and the prevailing opportunities and constraints related to the hotel accommodation sector 2. To develop strategies and policies for the improvement of the hotels ’ environmental performance in Jordan 3. To identify and analyze success stories in relation to the hotels ’ environmental performance in order to exploit the European and other best practices and know-how on the hotels ’ environmental performance
4. To elaborate real cases (pilot studies) for the determination and monitoring of the environmental impacts of the hotel sector in Jordan 5. To develop and implement methodologies for the enhancement of the hotels ’ environmental behavior and performance in Jordan
6. To perform an economic analysis for the application of EMS in the hotels in Jordan 7. To develop methods and tools for the monitoring and reporting of the hotels ’ environmental actions, impacts and improvements 8. To disseminate this methodology and make it available among those concerned 9. To develop a guiding tool for implementation of environmental hotel best practices 10. To develop a relevant e-training module
NOTESENDSTARTDELIVERABLELEADER UNDERTAKEN BY TASK DONE 31/8/20061/2/2006D1,D2,D3,D4 HU HU, MoE, JUST, UCY 1 DONE 30/9/20061/4/2006D5, D6 UCY UCY,AEOLIKI,HU 2 DONE 31/5/20071/10/2006D7,D8,D9 HU UCY,AEOLIKI,HU, MOVENPICK, MoE 3 DONE 31/12/20071/6/2007D10,D11,D12, D13 AEOLIKI UCY,AEOLIKI,HU, MOVENPIC 4 ONGOING 31/5/20081/1/2008D14,D15,D16 UCY UCY,AEOLIKI,HU, JUST 5 Planned 31/7/20081/3/2008D17,D18,D19,D 20,D21 MoE UCY,AEOLIKI,HU, JUST,MoE 6 ON GOING 31/7/20081/2/2005 JUST UCY,AEOLIKI,HU,J UST,MoE, MOVENPICK 7 ON GOING 31/7/20081/2/2005 HU UCY,AEOLIKI,HU, JUST,MoE, MOVENPICK 8
All Deliverables of T1,T2,T3 & T4 have been finalized. All Deliverables of T1,T2 & T3 were submitted to the Commission.
DELIVERABLES OF TASK 1 (1/2/ /8/2006) NOTES DATE OF COMPLETION DESCRIPTIONDELIVERABLE DONE30/4/2006 Description of the tourism industry in Jordan D1 DONE31/7/2006 Analysis of environmental problems related to the tourism hotel industry in Jordan D2 DONE31/5/2006 Actors involved in the tourism industry, their role and responsibilities D3 DONE31/8/2006 Set of proposals to develop environmental policies in regards to the tourist sector D4
DELIVERABLES OF TASK 2 (1/4/ /9/2006) NOTES DATE OF COMPLETION DESCRIPTIONDELIVERABLE DONE 31/7/2006 Description and analysis of selected success stories D5 DONE 30/9/2006 Evaluation of various alternative environmental systems to be implemented in Jordan D6
DELIVERABLES OF TASK 3 (1/10/ /5/2007) NOTES DATE OF COMPLETION DESCRIPTIONDELIVERABLE DONE 15/1/ Environmental review reports, one for each hotel D7 DONE 31/3/2007 Set up of targets for environmental improvement D8 DONE 31/5/ Reports concerning the case studies performed D9
DELIVERABLES OF TASK 4 (1/6/ /12/2007) NOTES DATE OF COMPLETION DESCRIPTIONDELIVERABLE DONE31/7/2007 Developing an environmental policy for each of the two MP Hotels D10 DONE30/11/2007 Developing an audit report for each of these hotels D11 DONE31/12/2007 Environmental objectives for each of these hotels D12 DONE31/12/2007 Developing procedures and systems for the implementations of the EMS D13
Summary of Activities
The web site of the project was designed and loaded by JUST
A kick off meeting at the Hashemite University was held on March 9th, 2006 Meetings
A kick-off meeting in Brussels was held on 6-7 June 2006
A Steering Committee 1st meeting was held at Hashemite University, 26 June 2006
Steering Committee Jordan Society of Tourism & Travel Agents Jordan Environment Society Jordan Hotel Association Jordan Tourism Board Tourist Guide Association Hashemite University Jordan University of Science and Technology Ministry of Tourism Ministry of Environment Movenpick Hotels in Jordan University of Cyprus AEOLIKI Company/ Cyprus
EC Mission Meeting Movenpick Hotel, Dead Sea, Jordan 14th October 2006
Partners meeting was held on September 25th, 2006, Amman-Jordan
Steering Committee 2 nd Meeting Hashemite University Zarqa, Jordan 18th April 2007
A total of 8 site visits to Euro-Med Region Countries were carried out Site Visits
Two visits were conducted to make environmental analyses of the current situation and performance in the two M ö venpick Hotels of Dead Sea and Petra (case studies). This was accompanied with distributing a number of surveys on hotels in the Dead Sea and Petra areas (as well as other regions in earlier stages) regarding details about different environmental performances and operations taking place in these hotels.
An environmental policy for each of the two M ö venpick hotels has been developed and signed by the management. EMS has been launched at the two hotels with a long-term objective plan to be verified as EMAS by mid The EMS identifies clear targets, concrete deadlines and budgetary requirements for all actions to be completed.
Developing an audit report for each of these hotels was done after launching the EMS at the two M ö venpick Hotels. An internal audit and a management review took place place in collaboration with AEOLIKI consultants and other partners of the project on 14th – 18th of November 2007.
Targets and recommendations have been set for the MPs in Dead Sea and Petra after Eco-mapping was carried out throughout the resort.
Dissemination Activities
Three thousands copies (3,000) of leaflets (Fold-out type) in Arabic and English describing the project and its objectives and the program via which it is financed were issued. These were widely distributed to hotels, guests, environmental police, NGOs, Jordanian and Cypriot universities, ministries and other public authorities, they were also distributed to the hotels of M ö venpick in Dead Sea and Petra, and through them leaflets were distributed to guests and to employees, police in the site of Petra, and environmental police.
Participation of UCY at the European Initiative “ Researchers Evening ”, 22nd September 2006, organised by the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation. The researchers and postgraduate students of the GAIA laboratory informed the public and distributed approx. 200 information leaflets for the research taking place at GAIA including the GREEN-TAS project.
A poster was designed and published to the public in several places, and was distributed to all participants of the second steering committee meeting.
Press release in local Jordanian newspapers to publicize the projects activities and results (such as these on the dates 16/3/ 2006, 3/4/2006, 3/9/2006, 10/10/2006 in "al-Rai", which is the number one newspaper in Jordan).
The website ( was launched for the first time on May The website consists of the following: Project Description, Methodology, Activities, Progress Results, Dissemination, Partners, Gallery, Useful links and Contacts. It describes the GREEN-TAS project in details and it incubates all the results of the project so that it can be accessible by all the partners over the net. All the activities, progress reports, visits and gallery are posted on the web as the project grows. GREEN-TAS Website
The GAIA Laboratory of Environmental Engineering (UCY) website describes all European, National and International projects and activities in which it has participated in. A brief description is given of the Green-TAS project, partners, duration and the project website link: (
Number of presentations in different meetings and workshops about the project: Washington State University, U.S.A in September Valencia University, Spain in December Yarmouk University, Jordan in January 2007 University of Cyprus, Cyprus in September 2006.
Two articles were published in scientific journals; one has already been published in the Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Thermal Engineering: Theory and Applications; which took place on May 2007, Amman, Jordan. This paper is entitled: "Potential of Energy Savings in the Hotel Sector in Jordan “ ; This paper is accepted for publication in the international scientific journal: "Energy Conversion and Management". A scientific paper was accepted in the 1st Maghreb Conference on Water Treatment and Desalination (CMTDE 2007) held on 7th to 10th December 2007 in Tunisia; this paper is entitled: “ Current Situation of Water Consumption and Conservation in the Tourist Accommodation Sector in Jordan ”. This paper is accepted for publication in the international scientific journal: "Desalination".
A brochure was designed (in 4 languages) which includes information about energy consumption, solid waste, and water consumption. This brochure is being reviewed by MP in order to approve it.