DPC High-resolution multi-disciplinary monitoring of active fault test-site areas in Italy S5S5S5S5 Roma 24/03/ 2010 S5 Project High-resolution multi-disciplinary monitoring of active fault test-site areas in Italy Test site Alto-Tiberina fault S5 Project High-resolution multi-disciplinary monitoring of active fault test-site areas in Italy project web site: Task 1 Test site Alto-Tiberina fault
Updated Map of the Multi-Parametric Network Installed Around the ATF
Almost there… About 3 months before the end of the project the majority of the deliverables have been reached. Now besides the need for the very last elaboration the remaining time should be spent to interpret the data in a coherent framework. For this reason we want to organise for the end of April a TASK1 meeting to study, compare and discuss the results of the WPs. For that time we may have available new seismological data coming from the newly installed stations in the ATF area by the complementary AIRPLANE project (MIUR; see map of the network in the previous slide). A brief summary for each deliverable assured by the WPs: 1.WP1_1 finished with the preparation of the automatic procedures to analyse continuous seismological data streams (D1). 2.Despite the people of WP1_2 had some problems with the code they decided to use to process the data, they are now ready for the final stage of the processing and for the end o April they will provide V P images of the shallower portion of the basin (D2). These images will be interpret to designate the best location for a shallow borehole ( m deep) with seismological instrumentation (D3). 3.WP1_3 is ready for the final elaboration, they are waiting the last two months to acquire the most updated as possible GPS time series to provide the velocity field (D4) and both strain and geodetic moment rate maps of the area (D5). 4.A definitive version of the balanced cross sections for the area has been presented and discussed by the WP1_4 people at the meeting while the map containing the isobaths of the ATF will be released at the end of April, ready for the final discussion (D6). 5.The same timing for the WP1_5 dealing with the geological and geomorphological maps (D7).