Rachelle A.~ Taylor B. ~ Alina N. ~ Aldrin O. ~ Brennen S. ~ Kit T. Violent Volcanoes Title to background information Score = 4 Methods to Data Chart Score =3 BY: Rachelle A.~ Taylor B. ~ Alina N. ~ Aldrin O. ~ Brennen S. ~ Kit T. http://www.solarviews.com/raw/mars/olympus.jpg
Where on Mars are the most violent volcanoes located? Research Question Where on Mars are the most violent volcanoes located? Our research question is important because our data could tell us if a certain area on Mars has more volcanic activity. If we ever inhabited Mars, we would know where we should not inhabit because of more, or more violent volcanic activity. Our science question is interesting because we get to learn about the size of a lot of the volcanoes on Mars and how violent they erupt. We could also find eruption patterns and know when to predict a big eruption.
Hypothesis Everyone’s Hypothesis - If the location of the volcano determines the violence level, then the most violent volcanoes will be located around 0 degrees longitude and 0 degrees latitude because it is warmer away from the Northern and Southern poles. http://www.akademy.co.uk/mars/images/mars%20face%20and%20north%20ice.jpg
Background Information http://www.wired.com/images_blogs/photos/uncategorized/2008/03/18/mars_volcano.jpg Background Information
What are volcanoes on Mars? Volcanoes are a vent in the crust of mars through which lava, steam , and ashes are expelled. They are mountain or hill like and usually have a crater at the summit. http://www.geography.learnontheinternet.co.uk/images/nathaz/volcanoxsec.gif
Example of violent volcanoes on Mars This Is a picture of Olympus Mons, the largest volcano on Mars. It is 24 kilometers high, and 550 kilometers wide. We think that this could be one of the more violent volcanoes on mars because it is the largest. http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap970915.html
How are volcanoes on Mars formed? Volcanoes on Mars are formed just like the volcanoes on Earth. Volcanoes on Mars are formed when molten rock, or magma underground builds up pressure and spews out of the ground. Larger volcanoes are formed by many eruptions in the same place. Make each step a bullet http://www.planetpals.com/images/LearnaboutVolcanos.jpg
Geologic Features studied Spacecraft NASA’s Mars odyssey Camera THEMIS Camera Image Type Visible image- to see details within craters MOLA- to see context of image and depth Geologic Features studied -Volcanoes -lava flows Geologic regions we focused on -The entire map of Mars Whole what? Please explain this one.
100 THEMIS IMAGES used to gather data. Sample Size 100 THEMIS IMAGES used to gather data. Categories of Data to be collected and why Image ID #- Keep track of the specific image analyzed Latitude/Longitude- Keep track of locations and their proximity Misc. Data- to record any other interesting information not warranted by our necessary data categories but certainly important to our study Direction of Lava Flow - This can help us because we can know where the violent volcano is located. Distance of lava flow (km) - If there is more lava or if it the lava is longer, this will tell us if it a violent volcano or not. Measurements Rough estimation relative to image parameter based on THEMIS camera’s Visible Image range of 18km Cant delete the blocks
Data Image Id Longitude (E/W) Latitude (N/S) Distance Of Lava Flow (km) Direction Of Lava Flow (Misc. Obsrv.) V01695013 72.2 0.1 5 there are plenty wind streaks I03887002 -242.01 -20.13 9 has modified craters near it V05948001 209.33 -6 has a canyon V06335017 183.02 16.02 13 has destroyed craters V27451020 186.76 23.97 15.75 V08257003 217.16 -27.67 16 canyons surround it V05908002 237.38 16.82 has preserved craters V06483032 234.33 11.18 17.5 V07881023 236.42 2.38 18 V01663004 276.7 11.73 one preserved crater V03687008 226.88 18.17 V08805011 230.12 17 19 V27548035 265.38 2.14 30 V05834011 232.18 26.21 canyons are near V27427031 156.83 7.24 31.5 V27401034 189.19 23.5 V29333007 251.86 28.62 V27687002 243.15 -4.93 47.25 V27773025 254.55 4.96
V27662005 242.2 -21.02 63 V27400006 240.81 -21.11 V27786018 241.66 20.42 V27124028 258.73 11.06 V07819019 226.59 18.45 V05249002 207.37 -9.17 there are many craters V05384021 246.88 0.86 there are canyons V12935003 249.97 3.44 100km Southwest V01655001 173.56 -8.29 Southeast V24461003 59.08 -57.56 V16695002 173.03 -7.61 V13600002 174 -8.58 V23631002 250.36 -7.97 Northeast V22656012 271.48 17.1 V24565002 220.06 -14.31 I07900011 243.45 -5.58 V14057009 284.8 12.42 West V05446003 226.56 -9.54 12km South V21162005 133km V24342004 258.58 -20.1 150km Northwest V10089011 272.7 34.87 V23369001 247.05 -17.84 159km V01433010 69.38 6.87 15km V26607001 254.32 -1.68 16km North
V23270003 223.75 -12.03 175km East V03667003 106.93 -21.63 17km South V08257003 217.15 -27.66 South. Some Craters V10004001 227.54 -67 18km West. Wind Streaks Going Left V01653004 276.7 11.73 V01415006 229.64 14.85 V26479020 151.1 24.2 Southeast V26252003 241.08 -13.53 18km+ V04327009 134.43 40.64 19km 134.42 V25416003 238.65 -9.59 200km Southwest V26003005 223 -23.69 20km+ Northeast V25826016 265.61 15.22 West V08161005 106.7 -43 21km North V26413026 0.26 249.45 24km+ V25915003 243.8 -8.15 V26900026 242.15 18.27 25km+ V23020001 236.2 -8.7 2km V06399001 163.61 -2.89 30km
I01553002 232.19 -30.24 32km Northwest V28210012 249.31 19.99 33km+ South V25977017 230.35 21.21 34km North V28226002 14.24 30.93 42km+ Southwest. Craters on Volcano V26239019 232.11 21.99 Southwest V65473003 227.56 -9.54 45km V06312021 126.76 19.49 50km V02267007 140.93 35.17 55km Southeast V06234004 239.13 -23.33 55km+ V11377001 221.85 -2.39 57km V62064003 233.02 19.86 60km V25828004 232.15 -19.03 63km+ V07981019 233.24 8.76 65km V25428012 227.38 17.99 65km+ V10227011 251.43 31.88 67km V12884004 282.01 10.14 90km V22659008 184.96 17.31 V27488002 223.62 -9.74 NONE Not enough infor V27248028 279.96 -0.2 V27249022 253.9 20.13 V11204010 147.08 24.35 few windstreaks V03474007 247.05 0.45 Not enough info V01993009 120.84 21.39
What did your group learn from the data you collected? We learned that most of violent volcanoes are located around 0 degrees Latitude and 270 degrees Longitude because when we did the scatter chart of our data, we took the ones that had the longest lava flow and did another chart to see where it is. . We also learned that most volcanoes have craters near them. And we learned how to tell if it the volcanoes are violent or not.
What would you do to make the investigation better? We could even out the work in our group. We could also have used more images towards our data. We should have add more data to our data chart to show more of where the violent volcanoes are. Or we should have added more information on our methods and prediction.
Will the volcanoes erupt any time soon? Explain what scientific questions could branch off of this study to further scientific research about Mars Will the volcanoes erupt any time soon? What the largest lava tube on Mars? Is there any more lava on Mars? What does the distance of the lava tube tell us about the volcano? How does the distance of the lava tube affect the volcano?