The system of recognition, validation and certification of competence/skills (RVCC) in Portugal… …emerged because of the low levels of basic education, qualification and professional certification of the adult population, in comparison with European countries. Necessity of recomposition of the educative systems… … also the articulation of the systems of education and training. led to system of RVCC
A. Reception B. Diagnosis/triage C. Referral Educational and training pathways Outside the Center D. Process of recognition, validation and certification of educational and/or professional competences: B1, B2, B3 or secondary level and/or career options of the national catalog of qualificationsB1, B2, B3 or secondary level E. Personal Development Plan -Educational and training courses for Adults; -Educational and trainig courses for young; -Professional Courses; -Technological specialization courses; -... Certification by the training/educational Institution Parcial certification (jury) Total certification (jury) Flow diagram Phases of intervention Center of New Opportunities
Referral D. Process of recognition, validation and certification of educational competences Phases of the RVCC process D1. Recognition of competences (individual and/or group sessions for the balance of skills with the RVCC Team) D2. Validation of competences (session with the candidate and the RVCC Team to confront the Portfolio’s candidate with the Key-Competence Guide, and to decide the future course for the adult according to the validated skills) D3. Certification of competences (jury) - Total certification Emission of a personal plan of qualification (PPQ) Flow diagram Structural axes of RVCC process Conclusion of the RVCC process Certification Complete through modular training; educational courses for adults,… D3. Parcial certification (jury) Emission of PPQ E. Personal Development Plan
RVCC team Technical Administrative Technical of diagnosis and referral RVC professionals Trainers (professor/teacher) for the various key areas of competence Coordinator Director
A. Reception B. Diagnosis C. Referral Educational and training pathways Outside the Center D. Process of recognition, validation and certification of educational and/or professional competences Phases of the professional RVCC process D1. Recognition of competences D2. Validation of competences D3. Certification of competences (jury)
Educational and training pathways Outside the Center D. Process of recognition, validation and certification of educational and/or professional competences Phases of the professional RVCC process D1. Recognition of competences D2. Validation of competences D3. Certification of competences (jury) Referral to training course or especific training (FM) Emission of PPQ (when is necessary to adquire knowledge and professional competences) Auto-training or training in the work place Total certification Parcial certification E. Personal Development Plan (after RVCC)
Some instruments contruted instruments Reception manual for the candidate Data base of all educational and training offers existing near the Center Autobiographical guide (one for the candidate, another for the team ) Grid to exchange feedback with the External Evaluator (previous to the jury)
Conclusion According to the interviews conducted, the RVCC process is considered as a process of great importance, not only in academic terms (because it confers a diploma), but especially in personal terms, because it allows individuals to become aware of their own competencies.