ICT models in OP4L Skopje, Macedonia
Page 2 Learner and team modeling concept Learning context modeling Online presence modeling in online learning environments OP4L services Introduction
Page 3 Learning context modeling in OP4L The notion of Learning Context In [Azouaou & Desmoulins, 2006], learning context is defined as a meaningful set of properties about what surrounds and gives meaning to something else, which means that if a learning context of a learner is defined, it should only consider properties that describe the learner and his/her environment.
Page 4 Ontologies for Learning Context Modelling We will make use of the following ontologies of the IntelLEO ontology framework [IntelLEO D3.2]: Learning Context Ontology [ Activities ontology [ User Model ontology [ Competences ontology [ Workflow ontology [ Annotations ontology [
Page 5 Learning Context Ontologies in Use Integration of data and content from diverse sources
Page 6 Identification of (implicitly present) social relations
Page 7 Learner and collaboration modeling in OP4L One of the primary goals of the Linked Data Web (Semantic Web) is to facilitate the linking and aggregation of data stored in distributed locations, and to allow for the “intelligent” use of that data by leveraging ontologies and reasoning techniques. Friend-of-a-Friend (FOAF) Project ( is a potential solution to sharing user profile data among siteshttp://
Page 8 Classes and properties of this ontology that are defined for the purpose of learning goals modelling.
Page 9 Classes and properties of the User Model ontology for modelling users and their team memberships
Page 10 Overview of Ontologies for Collaboration Modelling To model online and ad-hoc collaboration groups, within this project, we will rely on the appropriate concepts and relationships from the FOAF ontology, the SIOC ontology and the Relationship vocabulary. The FOAF Group class represents a collection of individuals and is intentionally quite broad, covering informal and ad-hoc groups, long-lived communities, organizational groups within a workplace, etc. Based on the FOAF Group class, the Online Presence ontology introduces opo:SharingSpace. Being a sub-class of foaf:Group, the opo:SharingSpace class represents a group of people to whom a certain online presence information is directed to, i.e., the intended audience for the user’s online presence information.
Page 11 The SIOC (Semantically-Interlinked Online Communities) Ontology provides the main concepts and properties required for representing relevant information about different kinds of online communities (e.g., message boards, wikis, weblogs, etc.) on the Semantic Web (i.e., in the machine processable format). sioc:UserAccount class sioc:Community class sioc:UserGroup class
Page 12 Some other SIOC properties that are useful for the OP4L project are the following: sioc:follows - Indicates that one sioc:UserAccount follows another sioc:UserAccount (e.g. one user follows another one on a micro-blogging service, such as Twitter); sioc:member_of - Establishes a relationship between a sioc:UserAccount and the sioc:Usergroup that the given sioc:UserAccount is a member of; its inverse property, sioc:has_member, indicates that a sioc:UserGroup has certain sioc:UserAccount as its member; sioc:subscriber_of - allows one to state that a sioc:UserAccount is subscribed to certain feed; its inverse property, sioc:has_subscriber, indicates which sioc:UserAccount is subscribed to the given feed. Some useful elements of vocabulary for describing different kinds of relationships between people, properties of the Relationship class, are: friendOf – represents a person who shares mutual friendship. This is a symmetrical property and every value of this property is a foaf:Person; mentorOf - represents a person who serves as a trusted counselor or teacher to this person; colleagueOf, worksWith, employedBy, and employerOf properties refer to workplace related relations between people.
Page 13 Online presence in OP4L Modeling Online Presence Online Presence Ontology (OPO)- developed aiming to enable the integration and exchange of Online Presence related data
Page 14 Integration of OPO and LOCO framework