Preterit Tense for Irregular Verbs Señor Jackson
Irregular Verbs The Spanish language is full of irregular verbs. These verbs are often irregular in all conjugation forms. SER and IR are irregular verbs Let’s investigate others!
Stem Changers in the Preterit Tense Some verbs take a new stem in the preterit tense. These verbs are categorized into 4 separate groups.
Irregular Endings The irregular verbs also take an irregular set of endings They come from a combination of the –AR and –ER/-IR endings e imos iste isteis o ieron
Group 1: I-Stems I-Stem changing verbs take an “I” in the preterit tense. These verbs include: ▫Hacer ▫Querer ▫Venir
Hacer The verb “hacer” changes to “Hic__” hice hiciste hicimos hicisteis hicieron hizo The 3 rd person singular box has an additional change. It takes a “z” to keep the same sound.
Querer Querer changes to “Quis__” in the preterit tense. The meaning also changes. “To try and succeed and to try and refuse” Quise Quisimos Quisiste Quisisteis Quiso Quisieron
Venir Venir changes to “Vin__” Vine Vinimos Viniste Vinisteis Vino Vinieron
Group 2: J-Stems The next group of verbs take a “j” in the stem. These verbs include: ▫Decir ▫Traer ▫-cir verbs
Decir Decir is both a J-stem and an I-stem. Therefore, it changes to “Dij__” dije dijimos dijiste dijisteis dijo dijeron
Traer Traer is also a J-stem. It changes to “Traj__” traje trajimos trajiste trajisteis trajo trajeron
-cir verbs Verbs that end in –cir are J-stems also. Some of these verbs include: ▫Producir ▫Conducir ▫Decir (as we already know )
Group 3: U-Stems The next group of verbs take a “u” in the stem. The U-stems include: ▫Poder ▫Poner ▫Saber
Poder Poder stem changes to “Pud__”. It also has a new meaning in the preterit: “to try and could or to try and fail.” pude pudimos pudiste pudisteis pudo pudieron
Poner The stem change for Poner is “Pus__”. puse pusimos pusiste pusisteis puso pusieron
Saber Saber changes to “Sup__” in the preterit tense. It’s meaning changes to “to just learn/find out” Supe Supimos Supiste Supisteis Supo Supieron
Group 4: V-stems The final group of verbs take a “v” in the preterit tense. These verbs include: ▫Andar ▫Estar ▫Tener
Andar Andar changes to “Anduv__” in the preterit tense. anduve anduvimos anduviste anduvisteis anduvo anduvieron
Estar Estar changes to “Estuv__” in the preterit tense. estuve estuvimos estuviste estuvisteis estuvo estuvieron
Tener The verb “tener” stem changes to “Tuv__”. tuve tuvimos tuviste tuvisteis tuvo tuvieron