TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT TRANSCAT meeting Warsaw, Poland – 2.-3.10.2003 WP 3 - Requirement.


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Presentation transcript:

TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT TRANSCAT meeting Warsaw, Poland – WP 3 - Requirement specifications Plans, activities and current status Presented by Jiří Horák - VSB-TU Ostrava TRANSCAT

TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WP 3 – main objectives Definition of set of appropriate indicators Comparison and evaluation of selected existing DSS for water catchment management Suggestion of important aspects of the target system –main functions, reliability, –type of users, scaling of applications, –appropriate methods of collecting and processing data, –application domains, the way of data source updating, –the scheme of distribution.

TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Task 3.1 Analysis of end-user requirements

TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Task Analysis of end-user requirements Selection, definition and description of potential end-users by all project participants. Identification of user's knowledge level, computer skill, hardware and software possibilities to identify the actual environment. Definition of requested functionality - declaration of obligatory and optional requested functions. Recommendation for the level of user friendliness and automation Recommendation for the localisation level (lingual, legislative, convention requirements).

TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Task Analysis of end-user requirements Main tool for identification of stakeholders, problems, regional validity, data availability: Questionnaire – prepared by Geo Group, VSB-TUO supplement it by „Conditions for implementation of a target system“. April, 30th – September, 2nd low response. Not rely only on questionnaire => preparation of „Specification of stakeholders“ for proposed DSS ENDUSER.DOC (distribution in June, 10 th ; August, 1 st ) description of a type of subject, activity, role (enduser x benefitors) and motivation; count Request for partners to complete the list Low response – only AUTh, AMGA, IWP, IC

TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Task Analysis of end-user requirements it continues... A review of activities by type of end-user:

TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Task Analysis of end-user requirements Meeting with stakeholders: –In every pilot area Meeting with partners (examples): –Ostrava, , representatives of WP1, WP3, WP5, WP7 coordination of activities done in these WPs, discussion about target and features of TRANSCAT DSS, stakeholders, preparing of questionnaire and steering committee –Prague, July 2 nd, August 6 th ; WP1 – WP3

TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Task Analysis of end-user requirements Development of UML model for TRANSCAT DSS Object oriented analysis and design of the system Enterprise Architect v.3.6 using UML is recommended also in implementation documents for WFD –Business Process Model –Use Case Model –Identification of users –Formal requirements –Class model Including WFD GIS data model Design phase – specification of data structures as well as programming modules

TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Questionaries End-user specifications docs Data groups docs WFD National level legislation End-user interviews HTML documentation Text documentation Summary tables Analytic stage Requirements Business process Use Cases Class diagram Design stage Class model Component d. Deployment d. repository Task UML Model Documentation Parts of program code Database

Business Process Model

TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Task Analysis of end-user requirements The task is over, summarisation of obtained information is under finishing. We are still waiting for your replies - questionnaires, endusers Task 3.4 follows in development of system specifications





TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Task 3.2 Analysis of existing DSS

TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Review of existing projects and DSS’s - specification of data requirements, modularity, the user interface, explicitness of results and way of creating recommendations, the field of applications, determination of end-users what are possibilities/barriers to integrate these DSS to one system/metasystem Barriers, differences in functionality, in technology environment EUWARENESS, SLIM and MERIT + others Task Analysis of existing DSS

TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Preparation „Structure of desired information“ Contacted coordinators of these projects, request to send us such information 21 projects, 8 responses, 4 provide useful information (HarmonIT, HarmoniQuA, Mulino, EUWARENESS) analysis of available documentation for every system, providing a retrieval study and ask authors and contact persons of each project to provide additional information Task Analysis of existing DSS

TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Basic information prepared: –EUWARENESS –HarmonIT –HarmoniQua –HarmoniRIB –Harmoni-CA –Mulino –SMART –LOWRGREP –Tisza River Task Analysis of existing DSS List of contacted projects: Possible contribution, but still shortage of information: –SLIM –BMW –Clime –Daufin –FIRMA –Gouverne –TempQSim –HarmoniCOP –EuroHarp

TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Shortage of already finished systems or published information about methodology etc. Preparation a Status report of our analysis of existing systems, summarisation of information in following fields: –Main deliverables –Development of DSS –Timeline of project –Project methodology –Stakeholder motivation –Definition of end-user –Conditions June, 24 th (v1), August 1 st (v2), September (v3,4) Conferences: HARMONI-CA Task Analysis of existing DSS

TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Task Analysis of existing DSS Timetable of selected projects (includes only projects with known timetable)

TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT DSSs: –Floodworks –European Flood Forecasting System. Modelling and Decision Support Framework –The European River Flood Occurrence and Total Risk Assessment –MIKE SHE/SHYLOC –SMS/WMS/GMS –SWAT – Soil and Water Assessment Tool –UPM - Urban Pollution Management –InfoWorks –MODULUS –IRMA-SPONGE/DSS Large Rivers –concept DSS (HarmoniRiB) –mDSS3 (Mulino) –CatchmentSIM, –WaterWare DSS (SMART) Task Analysis of existing DSS

TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Task summary of „DSSs“ - kind of modelling …it continues...

TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Task Analysis of existing DSS The task is over, information will be used in Task 3.4 and by FEEM in WP2 we are not fully satisfied with the results concerning DSS systems -> we continue with our effort to obtain more information and provide testing and evaluation of them Cooperation with partners in evaluation of models, prepocessor/postprocessor and DSSs. we appeal to you for the help: –providing of trial or full version of DSS, –provide contact to users of DSS (genuine DSS), –prepare a description of modelling modules/systems which you use We plan to finish the report ”Analysis of selected DSS for the water management domain in borderland regions” (D3.1) according the time schedule (end of 2003).

TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Task 3.3 A review of data sources for both countries in each testing area

TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Declaration of primary data groups which are valuable for water management Establishment of metainformation system - application of MIDAS system Recognition of relevant data sources on central level Recognition of relevant data sources on local level in every testing area: –identification of organisations managing data, –terms of using –quality aspects Task A review of data sources for both countries in each testing area

TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Tools: Questionnaire, distributed by Geo Group on April, 30 th proposal of data groups suitable for target system - DATAGROUPS.DOC, distributed on June, 10 th structure of metadata for documentation of data - METADATA.DOC, distributed on June, 10 th –based on ISO 19115:2003, mainly core metadata metainformation system MIDAS was not implemented yet –dependent on the realization of a project for state administration – implementation of ISO and related norms in relational database structure and then development of appropriate web interface - multilingual –Now collecting of data description through text documents –Realisation probably during 2004 Task A review of data sources for both countries in each testing area

TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Task A review of data sources for both countries in each testing area recognition of relevant data sources on central level utilisation of joined European data - over cross problems with inconsistency of country-oriented data from part of pilot areas European and world data documented in metainformation system/projects: –MEGRIN GDDD SABE –EuroRegioMap –GEODAN –GEIXS –GTOPO 30 –CORINE LAND COVER DATA we would like to give a recommendation what data and for what purpose should be used (relevant to TRANSCAT objectives)

TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT The task is under finishing, still little response from partner’s pilot areas – only CZ, GE (Geo Group), GR; notes from SP the review for every pilot area is prepared - preliminary form - need to be completed information will be used in Task 3.4 Task A review of data sources for both countries in each testing area

TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT example from Bela river area Task A review of data sources for both countries in each testing area

TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Task 3.4 Evaluation of indicators and related activities and selection the set of appropriate indicators and activities

TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Evaluation of data, which are available (existing data) or which can be obtained (by e.g. additional measurements or digitalisation) Selection of appropriate data – 1 st primary indicators, methods of their obtaining, recommendation of condition for obtaining and usage of data Integration of results from Proposal of requirements for DSS system Quality assurance, Creating and publishing final version of report (DL3.2) Task Evaluation of indicators and related activities and selection the set of appropriate indicators and activities.

TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Development of TRANSCAT DSS prototype Web mapping system based on GIS Programming of basic features Indication of possible function (starting level) Free and Open Source solution Demonstration of features of target system Modification according end user specification and system analysis -> Results Task Evaluation of indicators and related activities and selection the set of appropriate indicators and activities.

TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Task Evaluation of indicators and related activities and selection the set of appropriate indicators and activities Schedule Integration of results from 3.1 and st version of WEBgameDSS - without data nd version of WEBgameDSS - including data (original + simulated) proposal of requirements for DSS system - design, data, suggestion of important aspects of the target system etc. - 1st version (cooperation with SRI-PAS) - distribution to TRANSCAT partners (comments...) tuning, quality assurance final version “Specifications of requirements for the DSS system design” Deliverable D3.2, Report, Restricted to our group.

TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Workpackage 3 Thank you for your attention Jiri Horak Institute of Geoinformatics VSB-Technical University of Ostrava Czech Republic others