¿Qué es “reported speech”? “Is used to relay information about what someone said, without using a direct quote.” In other words… Austen said that he liked Lynzi. Madie said that she was going to ask Austen on a date. Lynzi said that she would fight Madie for Austen. SAID = preterit tense of DECIR Now we need to focus on the SECOND VERB.
To report what people did… The second verb in the sentence must be put into the PRETERITE TENSE. Nico said that he went to the theater. Nico dijo que FUE al teatro. The Spanish 3 class said that they cheated. La clase de Español 3 dijo que hizo trampas.
YOU TRY… My parents said that they ate at the Olive Garden. Mrs. Knight said that she suspended (suspender) the seniors. Austen said that he liked Lynzi.
To report what people were planning to do… The second verb in the sentence must be put into the IMPERFECT TENSE. Nico said that he was going to the theater. Nico dijo que IBA al teatro. The Spanish 3 class said that they were going to cheat. La clase de Español 3 dijo que hacía trampas.
YOU TRY… My parents said that they were going to eat at the Olive Garden. Mrs. Knight said that she was going to suspend (suspender) the seniors. Madie said that she was going to ask Austen on a date.
To report what people said they were going to do in the future… The second verb in the sentence must be put into the CONDITIONAL TENSE. Nico said that he would go to the theater. Nico dijo que IRÍA al teatro. The Spanish 3 class said that would cheat. La clase de Español 3 dijo que haría trampas.
YOU TRY… My parents said that they would eat at the Olive Garden. Mrs. Knight said that she would suspend (suspender) the seniors. Lynzi said that she would fight Madie for Austen.
To report what somebody told another person to do… The second verb in the sentence must be put into the SUBJUNCTIVET ENSE. Nico said that you should go to the theater. Nico dijo que VAYAS al teatro. The Spanish 3 class said that Señor Rudis should allow them to cheat. La clase de Español 3 dijo que Señor Rudis les permita hacer trampas.
YOU TRY… My parents said that we should eat at the Olive Garden. Mrs. Knight said that Doctor Donovan should suspend (suspender) the seniors. Austen said that Lynzi should fight Madie.
So what is the difference between: Nico dijo, > and Nico dijo que FUE al teatro. Nico dijo, > and Nico dijo que IBA al teatro. Nico dijo, > and Nico dijo que IRÍA al teatro.
PARA REPASAR 1. DECIR + PRETERITE = to report what people DID 2. DECIR + IMPERFECT= to report what people WERE PLANNING TO DO 3. DECIR + CONDITIONAL= to report what people WOULD DO IN THE FUTURE 4. DECIR + QUE + CHANGE OF SUBJECT + SUBJUNCTIVE = to report what somebody told another person what to do