We provided support of all database activities during the ATLAS testbeam period. A full Conditions Database (CondDB) package has already been released. Our group was appointed with full responsibility for the Detector Calibration and Alignment databases The implementation of online and offline Conditions Database provided the basic concepts for the LCG-COOL development A proof-of-concept interface between the Conditions Database and the Configurations Database, using the CERN Linux distribution Web- and QT-based browsers (KondDBExplorer) were created for CondDB Provisioning of the CondDB interfaces to the DCS and TDAQ systems Consolidation of the participation with the hardware development effort of the Muon Central Trigger Processor: design of the Muon Overlap Resolution Circuit Training ground for CERN people: Information Systems and Data Acquisition for ATLAS What was achievedWhat is proposed ATLAS Databases: Evaluating the CondDB-COOL-LCG and the ROOT relational I/O efforts Extension of the Conditions Web Browser and of the Database Editor Re-implemention of the interface from ATLAS DCS (PVSS) that we have developed and inclusion of the new developments from LCG and ROOT Support and migration of our online Conditions Database Interface (CDI) between the online system and the offline databases, to make it compatible with the new LCG/ROOT developments Development of a new interface for the online configuration databases Development, validation and testing of the electronics associated with several components of the ATLAS Muon Central Trigger Processor. This task enters a new phase with the purpose of constructing the final system Participation in the study and validation of the calibration and alignment strategies for the ATLAS detector. This task will be performed in the framework of the alignment of the ATLAS Silicon Vertex Detectors as well as in the Calorimeter calibration The team plans to continue contributing decisively to the advance of the knowledge in the domain of the information systems for HEP experiments, assuming an important role in the necessary developments for the success of the ATLAS experiment. The team Interface to DCS Interface to TDAQ Calibration & Alignment LVL1 electronics LCG application area Our software, developed for ATLAS is part of the LCG persistent framework Open Source software We are using standard GNU tools for a portable development strategy, to make our applications reusable in any environment and platform U. Católica Coimbra Helmut Wolters FEUP Jaime Villate João Simões Lourenço Lopes João Batista Diogo Caracinha FCUL António Amorim José Augusto Guiomar Evans Amélia Maio Belmiro Pinto Nuno Barros Conditions DB KondDBExplorer Necessary resources Human resources: Ongoing: 1 BI (M.Sc.) + 4 BTI (Lic./Bach.) Required: 1 BPD + 1 BI (M.Sc.) + 1 BIC + 2 BTI (Lic./Bach.) Missions: Participation at congresses (ATLAS T/DAQ, FLT, Databases) Short-term stays; participation at conferences. Equipment: Computer hardware and network infrastructure (Gb switch) and farm upgrade Electronics development hardware Database Access DCS TDAQ Athen a Muon Central Trigger MCT Processor Interface 1 - "Online Software for the ATLAS Test Beam data acquisition System", J. Flammer, A. Amorim, L. Pedro, D. Klose, and J. Lima et. al. "Proceedings of 2003 IEEE Real Time Conference", Montral, Canada, "LCG Conditions Database Project Overview", A.Valassi, D. Dllmann (CERN); A. Amorim, N. Barros, T. Franco, D. Klose, and L. Pedro (FCUL); S. Schmidt (University of Mainz); V. Tsulaia (University of Pittsburgh). "Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics" CHEP 2004, Interlaken, Switzerland, "An Open Source based implementation for ATLAS Conditions Data", A. Amorim, J. Lima,, L. Pedro, C. Oliveira, and N. Barros. "Proceedings of 2003 IEEE Real Time Conference", Montral, Canada, "Addressing the persistency patterns of the time evolving HEP data in the ATLAS/LCG MySQL Conditions Databases", A. Amorim, D. KLose, L. Pedro, N. Barros, T. Franco (FCUL); A. Valassi, and D. Duellmann (CERN). "Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics" CHEP2004, Interlaken, Switzerland, "The WEB interface for the ATLAS/LCG MySQL Conditions Databases and performance constraints in the visualization of extensive scientific/technical data", A. Amorim, D. Klose, J. Castilho, L. Pedro, N. Barros, and T. Franco (FCUL); A. Vaniachine (ANL). "Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics", CHEP2004, Interlaken, Switzerland, "Conditions Databases: the interfaces between the different ATLAS systems", A.Amorim, D.Klose, L. Pedro, N.Barros, T.Franco (FCUL); D. Burckhart-Chromek, D. Liko, J. Flammer, J. Cook, L. Mapelli, M. Dobson, R. Hawkings, R. Jones (CERN); A. Perus, A. Schaffer (LAL) (IN2P3) (LAL) (ParisXI); D. Malon (ANL); E.Badescu, M. Caprini (IFIN-HH); A. Kazarov, I. Soloviev, S. Kolos, Y. Ryabov (PNPI); M. Mineev, and V. Kotov (JINR); Y. Alexandrov (FIAN). "Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics" CHEP2004, Interlaken, Switzerland, "The Configurations Database Challenge in the ATLAS DAQ System", A.Amorim, D.Klose, L. Pedro, N.Barros (FCUL); D. Burckhart-Chromek, D. Liko, J. Flammer, L. Mapelli, M. Dobson, R. Jones (CERN); E. Badescu, M. Caprini (IFIN-HH); A. Kazarov, I. Soloviev, S. Kolos, Y. Ryabov (PNPI); M. Mineev, V. Kotov, S.Korobov, and Y. Alexandrov (FIAN). "Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics" CHEP2004, Interlaken, Switzerland, "Control in the ATLAS DAQ System", A.Amorim, D.Klose, L. Pedro, N.Barros (FCUL);D. Burckhart-Chromek, D. Liko, J. Flammer, L. Mapelli, M. Dobson, R. Jones (CERN);E. Badescu, M. Caprini (IFIN-HH);A. Kazarov, I. Soloviev, S. Kolos, Y. Ryabov (PNPI);M. Mineev, V. Kotov, S.Korobov, and Y. Alexandrov (FIAN). "Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics" CHEP2004, Interlaken, Switzerland, "Resolução da sobreposição de muões para a experiência ATLAS/CERN" Diogo Caracinha, Phillipe Farthouat, A. Amorim, José Soares Augusto, Proceedings de REC2005, Universidade do Algarve, Ed. João M. P. Cardosa e José Carlos Alves, Feb FCUL – Nuno Barros (CondDB depuration, LCG-COOL); FEUP – Pedro Andrade (CERN Library GRIDs), FEUP - Miguel Branco (ATLAS/CERN Database), FEUP - Ricardo Rocha (GRID Middleware Develoment)