1 ESCAP/WHO Field Results on Communication Wei Liu Session 3, Sixth Meeting of the Washington Group on Disability Statistics, Kampala, Oct 10-13, 2006
2 Questions W6 Because of a physical, mental, or emotional health condition, do you have difficulty communicating, (for example understanding or being understood by others)? D1.5How much difficulty did you have in generally understanding what people say? D1.6 How much difficulty did you have in starting and maintaining a conversation?
3 Sensitivity and Specificity
4 Sensitivity by Age
5 Specificity by Age
6 Sensitivity by Country
7 Specificity by Country
8 Endorsement Rates (any difficulty with communication)
9 Endorsement Rates by Country
10 Spearman Rank Correlation
11 Correlation between Communication Questions and Life Activities Questions
12 Correspondence Analysis between W6 and D1.5
13 Correspondence Analysis between W6 and D1.5 (cont.)
14 Correspondence Analysis between W6 and D1.6
15 Correspondence Analysis between W6 and D1.6 (cont.)
16 Results Summary In general, WG Q showed good specificity but very low sensitivity (28.4%) WHO DAS II questions on communication were more sensitive WG Q indicated higher sensitivity and lower specificity among older age groups
17 Results Summary (cont.) Fiji, followed by Indonesia, had significantly lower sensitivity scores W6 is significantly and moderately correlated with D1.5 and D1.6 D1.5 and D1.6 are significantly and highly correlated with each other W6 question, possibly due to the complicated phrasing, caused some cognitive problems