2 nd National Staff Meeting April 19 – 21, 2006 Tagaytay City Updates on FOURmula 1 for Health (NSM Resolution No ) Mario C. Villaverde, MD,MPH,MPM,CESO III Assistant Secretary Sectoral Management and Coordination Team
Updates on FOURmula 1 for Health (NSM RESOLUTION NO ) 2 nd National Staff Meeting April 19 – 21, 2006 Tagaytay City PURPOSE I.To provide updates on the action taken by concerned F1 Teams relative to the NSM policy decisions/agreements in support to F1 implementation II. To determine areas for improving F1implementation and interfacing between the DOH central, CHD and other partners.
Updates on FOURmula 1 for Health (NSM RESOLUTION NO ) 2 nd National Staff Meeting April 19 – 21, 2006 Tagaytay City HIGHLIGHTS OF THE RESOLUTION I.Urges officials of the DOH and its attached agencies to implement the recommended strategies and KRA for F1. II. Focus on manageable set of interventions. III.Designate F1 Full Time point persons and/or composite teams at all levels down to the field implementation sites in cooperation with the LGU’s.
Updates on FOURmula 1 for Health (NSM RESOLUTION NO ) 2 nd National Staff Meeting April 19 – 21, 2006 Tagaytay City IV.Provide technical support for strengthening capacities and expertise in the F1 location. V. Manage communication flow from national to local and vice versa and ensure availability of reliable and timely data to guide implementation. VI. Provide support to LGU’s as appropriate in applying tools and methods (e.g. LGU scorecard, quality seals of approval) and evaluate the impact of Health services and changes in the health system. HIGHLIGHTS…
Updates on FOURmula 1 for Health (NSM RESOLUTION NO ) 2 nd National Staff Meeting April 19 – 21, 2006 Tagaytay City UPDATE NO. 1 Identified F1 Flagship Programs, Projects and Activities (PPA’s) to jumpstart Implementation. *Critical,doable and manageable given available resources.
Updates on FOURmula 1 for Health (NSM RESOLUTION NO ) 2 nd National Staff Meeting April 19 – 21, 2006 Tagaytay City HEALTH SERVICE DELIVERY Identified sites for implementation of strategies for disease free zone and intensified disease control. Ongoing development of a comprehensive health service delivery plan.
Updates on FOURmula 1 for Health (NSM RESOLUTION NO ) 2 nd National Staff Meeting April 19 – 21, 2006 Tagaytay City HEALTH REGULATION Harmonization of PHIC accreditation & SS certification through issuance of MC No. 2 (Feb 2006) Income retention measures for BFAD/BQ and all regulatory agencies worked out through the budgetary process. Ongoing development of regulatory cluster strategic and investment plan. Drafted admin issuances to lower drug prices.
Updates on FOURmula 1 for Health (NSM RESOLUTION NO ) 2 nd National Staff Meeting April 19 – 21, 2006 Tagaytay City HEALTH FINANCING A. NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAM 64% coverage of the 2004 Philippine population with 24.3% in the sponsored program. Accredited health facilities/source providers for greater access to services. Launched new benefit packages in 108 TB-DOTS centers, 103 maternity clinics, 119 free standing dialysis clinics. Ongoing improvement of collection efficiency.
Updates on FOURmula 1 for Health (NSM RESOLUTION NO ) 2 nd National Staff Meeting April 19 – 21, 2006 Tagaytay City HEALTH FINANCING B. NATIONAL FINANCING REFORMS Developed Health Sector Expenditure Framework Developed a proposal for restructuring of DOH budget Development of Performance Based Budgeting (PBB) framework for service delivery
Updates on FOURmula 1 for Health (NSM RESOLUTION NO ) 2 nd National Staff Meeting April 19 – 21, 2006 Tagaytay City GOOD GOVERNANCE A.LOCAL HEALTH SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT Advocated to F1 sites; Governors Summit held January Finalization of 16 Province-wide Investment Plans for Health (PIPH). Documentation of good practices in preparation to roll out planning.
Updates on FOURmula 1 for Health (NSM RESOLUTION NO ) 2 nd National Staff Meeting April 19 – 21, 2006 Tagaytay City GOOD GOVERNANCE B.MANAGEMENT AND TECHNICAL LEADERSHIP OVER F1 IMPLEMENTATION Secured financing for critical F1 PPAs through the National Program Support for Health Reforms Finalization of Rationalization Program Undertaken National Investment Planning to determine cost requirements to implement F1 PPA’s
Updates on FOURmula 1 for Health (NSM RESOLUTION NO ) 2 nd National Staff Meeting April 19 – 21, 2006 Tagaytay City GOOD GOVERNANCE Ongoing development of the necessary policy /legislative instruments (through the policy matrix conditionalities). Adopted SDAH through joint planning, monitoring process with development partners.
Updates on FOURmula 1 for Health (NSM RESOLUTION NO ) 2 nd National Staff Meeting April 19 – 21, 2006 Tagaytay City GOOD GOVERNANCE C.INTERNAL MANAGEMENT SUPPORT Ongoing reforms on Public Finance Management (eg. implementation/piloting of E-Ngas). Improved procurement process through the use of standard bidding documents. Improved logistics system (eg. Repair of Quirino warehouse, assessment of CHD warehouse.)
Updates on FOURmula 1 for Health (NSM RESOLUTION NO ) 2 nd National Staff Meeting April 19 – 21, 2006 Tagaytay City FIELD IMPLEMENTATION AND COORDINATION Undertaken orientation sessions and planning workshops. Facilitated development of PIPH in the 16 sites. Scaled-up advocacy for health reforms.
Updates on FOURmula 1 for Health (NSM RESOLUTION NO ) 2 nd National Staff Meeting April 19 – 21, 2006 Tagaytay City UPDATE NO. 2 Policy documents have been crafted/ for approval to supplement AO/DPO on F1. 1. Supplemental Guidelines for FICT/RICT/LICT. 2. Financing Strategy for F1 3. Executive Order on SDAH. 4. Designation of F1 fellows/point persons.
Updates on FOURmula 1 for Health (NSM RESOLUTION NO ) 2 nd National Staff Meeting April 19 – 21, 2006 Tagaytay City UPDATE NO. 3 Meeting by National Health Planning Committee in the steering committee for F1 held. Expanded Health Sector Reform Technical Coordinating Group.
Updates on FOURmula 1 for Health (NSM RESOLUTION NO ) 2 nd National Staff Meeting April 19 – 21, 2006 Tagaytay City ISSUES Need to further develop and operationalize F1 concepts. Need to organize capability building activities at all levels. Need for stronger involvement of DOH units and attached agencies in F1 implementation. Need to integrate and interface national and local plans.
Updates on FOURmula 1 for Health (NSM RESOLUTION NO ) 2 nd National Staff Meeting April 19 – 21, 2006 Tagaytay City NEXT STEPS Finalization of National/ Local Investment Plans Finalization of Budget Restructuring Reallocation of Budget to support F1 activities. Organization of retooling/re-training activities for F1 PPA’s
Updates on FOURmula 1 for Health (NSM RESOLUTION NO ) 2 nd National Staff Meeting April 19 – 21, 2006 Tagaytay City Thank You!