批判性思考教學與研究 講演者:溫明麗國立台灣師範大學教授http://web.ed.ntnu.edu.tw/~t04008 日期: 2007 年.


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Presentation transcript:

批判性思考教學與研究 講演者:溫明麗國立台灣師範大學教授 日期: 2007 年

Outline The Nature of CT The Nature of CT Why do we need critical thinking? Why do we need critical thinking? The functions of Critical Thinking The functions of Critical Thinking As a Critical Thinker As a Critical Thinker Elements of thoughts and Domains, Key Performance Indicators, and Standardizing Your Thoughts Elements of thoughts and Domains, Key Performance Indicators, and Standardizing Your Thoughts How to teach for Critical Thinking? How to teach for Critical Thinking? 3 types of Questions, Socratic Questioning 3 types of Questions, Socratic Questioning Role-Playing Role-Playing Research: Set up a research theme, Literature Review – critical reading, Methods for Critical Readings Research: Set up a research theme, Literature Review – critical reading, Methods for Critical Readings

The Nature of CT Definition: An autonomous person to think dialectically, through enquiry, reflection, emancipation, and reconstruction to make one ’ s own life more reasonable, including feeling, attitude, action, habits of mind, and moral judgment. Definition: An autonomous person to think dialectically, through enquiry, reflection, emancipation, and reconstruction to make one ’ s own life more reasonable, including feeling, attitude, action, habits of mind, and moral judgment. 精神 : Reason + Affection 方法 : thesis  antithesis  synthesis Questioning  Questioning … Reflection  Reflection … 精神 : Reason + Affection 方法 : thesis  antithesis  synthesis Questioning  Questioning … Reflection  Reflection …

質疑與反省能力舉隅 觀察入微 觀察入微 明確認知 明確認知 解釋與分析 解釋與分析 演繹與歸納 演繹與歸納 比較與對比 比較與對比 預測與推論 預測與推論 反證與辯證 反證與辯證 少婦與老嫗

解放與重建能力舉隅 謙沖與知汝無知 再度檢證自己的價值觀 創造替代方案 多元思考方式 認同暫時真理觀 精確選擇與判斷 舉一反三之轉化能力

The functions of CT Critical thinking can get rid of our garbage data and ideas, and then deeply internalize powerful ideas. (去蕪存菁) Critical thinking can get rid of our garbage data and ideas, and then deeply internalize powerful ideas. (去蕪存菁) Successfully solve problems: Successfully solve problems: a) Defining the problem precisely a) Defining the problem precisely b) Checking to ensure something you can control b) Checking to ensure something you can control c) Formulating possible solutions and working out alternatives c) Formulating possible solutions and working out alternatives Know-yourself better: SWOT analysis Know-yourself better: SWOT analysis

As a Critical Thinker Recognize the quality of my life. Recognize the quality of my life. Identifying productive experiences. Identifying productive experiences. Replacing garbage ideas with powerful ideas. Replacing garbage ideas with powerful ideas. Maximizing the effectiveness of actions. Maximizing the effectiveness of actions. Minimizing the weaknesses. Minimizing the weaknesses. Gearing up self-confidence. Gearing up self-confidence. Motivating to learn more continuously. Motivating to learn more continuously.

Elements of thoughts and Domains Different field Different field Changing field Changing field Integrated field Integrated field New field New field CT Solving problem InformationInterpretationImplicationViewpointAssumptionConcept Questions at issue

Key Performance Indicators Productivity Productivity Quality of work Quality of work Initiative Initiative Ability to solve problems Ability to solve problems Teamwork Teamwork

Standardizing Your Thoughts Information Interpretation Assumption & Criticism

How to teach for Critical Thinking? Questions using Questions using Socratic questioning Socratic questioning Role-playing Role-playing

3 types of Questions Focus on the elements of thought: purpose, concepts, assumptions, information, opinions Focus on the elements of thought: purpose, concepts, assumptions, information, opinions Focus on the standards of thought: clarity, accuracy, relevance, depth, breadth Focus on the standards of thought: clarity, accuracy, relevance, depth, breadth Distinguishing commonality & differences Distinguishing commonality & differences

Socratic Questioning Example: 蘇格拉底的例子 Example: 蘇格拉底的例子 Methods: Truth, Meaning, Extending the breadth and depth of thinking. Methods: Truth, Meaning, Extending the breadth and depth of thinking. Strategy: Strategy: What do you mean? What do you mean? Is your basic point A or B? Is your basic point A or B? Why do you pick up this point? Why do you pick up this point? How you get this decision? How you get this decision? Could you explain it further? Could you explain it further?

Socratic Discussion Common Senses Most people are lazy Conflicting views What are the Reasons Evidences Assumptions What do we always think?

Role-Playing Facts Facts Beliefs Beliefs Judgments Judgments Truths Truths步驟: Discern the differences between the above concepts  Proposing opposing views  Reconstructing new views  Reconstructing new views

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課程設計 考量學生學習成效 考量學生學習成效 重視家長的選擇權 重視家長的選擇權 配合學校的計畫 配合學校的計畫 善用社區的資源 善用社區的資源 經費與師資的充足 經費與師資的充足 文化與社區的價值觀 文化與社區的價值觀


學習類型分佈 – 思、覺、行、盼 行動型 How How 思 盼 覺 歷 程 演說型 What If 理想型 Why Why 分析型 What What

The characteristics of Learning Styles 分析型:「 what 」 style (思 + 盼) 分析型:「 what 」 style (思 + 盼) 擅長分析、敏銳細微、深思熟慮 擅長分析、敏銳細微、深思熟慮 行動型:「 how 」 style (思 + 行) 行動型:「 how 」 style (思 + 行) 身手矯捷、快人快語、追求實效 身手矯捷、快人快語、追求實效 理想型:「 why 」 style (覺 + 盼) 理想型:「 why 」 style (覺 + 盼) 想像力豐富、具前瞻性、追根究底 想像力豐富、具前瞻性、追根究底 演說型:「 what if 」(覺 + 行) 演說型:「 what if 」(覺 + 行) 滔滔不絕、善於論辯、旁敲側擊 滔滔不絕、善於論辯、旁敲側擊

Set up a research theme What: meaning, contents, framework, resources, situations … What: meaning, contents, framework, resources, situations … Why: motivations & abilities, aims, contributions Why: motivations & abilities, aims, contributions How: Methods & designs How: Methods & designs Is it significant: In what way? To whom? How long (When)?--- Vision Is it significant: In what way? To whom? How long (When)?--- Vision

Literature Review – critical reading AbstractConcepts List the topic sentences List the main ideas Transfer the ideas into figures

Methods for Critical Readings Taking notes and preparing it for the convenient and effective use. Taking notes and preparing it for the convenient and effective use. Grasping the main idea and its sub-ideas: Grasping the main idea and its sub-ideas: 相似與相同、對立 相似與相同、對立 Reorganizing the data. Reorganizing the data. Expending the idea via explanation, interpretation, gathering data, assess assumption, giving examples, application … Expending the idea via explanation, interpretation, gathering data, assess assumption, giving examples, application … Viewing the opposite points. Viewing the opposite points. Proposing your critique on it, making strategies or suggestions. Proposing your critique on it, making strategies or suggestions.

Keep you feel at peace with the world! Watching the world carefully, and enjoying the life… 生命的磚塊.pps 生命的磚塊.pps