How you refined your question. Include things like: o Research proposal o Any s/communication with others you have had that helped you decide on (or refined) a topic o A summary of how your question has changed throughout the process o Make sure you highlight exactly what your final question is o Mindmaps, lotus diagrams, PMI’s, SWOT’s etc… that show how you refined your Q. o How you’re going to look at presenting your outcome May look at how this has progressed throughout the process if applicable
How you planned the research processes. Include things like: o Timelines o A contents page of things that you’ve done o A break down of what you’re hoping to achieve o Records of s and summaries that you’ve written up from them
How the research developed. Include things like: o Highlighting and annotating – making specific reference to the relevance to your question o Any interviews, notes, data collection o Notes of what you have learned through the process o Key areas of how the research has developed o If practical, where you have sourced materials, budgets etc… o Things that have shown that you’ve used initiative. E.g. lists of interviews, observations, experiments, surveys, focus groups etc… Indicating how and why they were useful to your project specificaly
Analysis of the information and exploring ideas. Include things like: o Survey results, including graphs etc... With analysis o Samples of the surveys you handed out with annotations/notes on what questions were aiming to achieve
Development of knowledge and skills specific to the research. Include things like: o Any experiments you’ve conducted o Notes from observations or surveys outlining how theory has been applied in practice o Receiving professional feedback on anything you’ve created
Understanding and development of one or more capabilities. Include things like: o worksheet used to identify relevant capabilities o generalisations and connections relating capabilities to question o examples of how understanding of capabilities improved over time o preparation and reasoning for discussion questions
A list of all references you’ve used. Write it up as a normal bibliography. Include: o Books o Internet o Journals o Interviews o Focus groups o Video o Radio programs
Needs to be presented as either: o 2 pages written You can use the question suggestions provided or create your own using a combination of questions that you think will help you show more clearly how you’re achieving the performance standards o 10 minutes unbroken audio You are responsible for getting this formatted and on a disc to be handed in with your folders
Make sure the writing is largely enough to read clearly Print your 10 pages out in colour Put headings clearly marking which criteria is being addressed in the 10 pages. o P1 – consideration and refinement of a question o P2 – Planning or research processes o D1 – Development of the research o D2 – Analysis of information and exploration of ideas o D3 – Development of knowledge and skills o D4 – Understanding and development of one or more capabilities