Sulaiman Al-Khadhari, MBBCh, FRCPC Assisstant Professor of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Kuwait University Head, Department of Psychiatry, Kuwait Center for Mental Health (KCMH) Chair, Faculty of Psychiatry, Kuwait Institute of Medical Specializations (KIMS) Head, General and Geriatric Psychiatry Units (KCMH)
The Era of no Mental Health Services! 1940: The first premises 1949: The first extension to the buildings 1949: the first specialized Psychiatry and Neurology Centre 1959: Psychological Medicine Hospital 1965: The first psychiatric clinic was opened at the school health department 1992: AI Raggai Center, PTSD Late 1990s: Opening of psychiatric OPDs in General Hospitals
Clinical Services: ◦ One psychiatric hospital and satellite clinics ◦ General units covering catchment areas ◦ Subspecialty units in addiction, child, geriatrics, forensic Education: ◦ Undergraduate Psychiatry education, KU, 6 Weeks ◦ Sporadic educational activities, no morning rounds for staff ◦ Postgraduate education for Family Medicine Residents ◦ Psychology student teaching and clinical training ◦ Pharmacy student teaching and clinical training ◦ Under graduate occupational therapy student teaching and clinical training Research: ◦ Limited
Psychological Medicine Hospital became Kuwait Center for Mental Health (KCMH) Clinical Services: ◦ General Psychiatry unit with 4 teams ◦ Subspecialized units in Schizophrenia, Mood and anxiety, Child and Adolescents, Addiction, Geriatrics, Forensics, Consultation- Liaison, and Brain Stimulation ◦ Satellite General Clinics in almost all hospitals ◦ Opening of Satellite Child Psychiatry Clinics ◦ Inpatient Child and Adolescents Section 1 st in ME ◦ Expansion of addiction services –halfway house, Al-anon, 1 st in ME ◦ GP Mental Health Clinics Supervised by staff from KCMH ◦ Psychological services ◦ Working with other agencies to reform Private Sector’s Services
Education: ◦ Undergraduate Psychiatry education, KU, 8 Weeks ◦ CME educational activities on 2 days, including a grand round ◦ Daily morning rounds for all staff ◦ Establishment of the office of education ◦ Postgraduate Residency Program in Psychiatry ◦ Postgraduate education for Family Medicine Residents ◦ Ongoing education for GP mental Health Clinics ◦ 4 major workshops in different topics in Psychiatry in collaboration with international institutes ◦ 1 st symposium for half way houses in the gulf ◦ Psychology student teaching and clinical training, both under and postgraduate ◦ Pharmacy student teaching and clinical training ◦ Under graduate occupational therapy student teaching and clinical training ◦ Experts from the hospital are invited to present regionally and internationally
Research: ◦ Over 10 publications published or submitted for publications ◦ 5 major research grants submitted for funding and the 6 th approved, all in collaboration with international institutes ◦ Ongoing collaboration with Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar ◦ Experts from the hospital are collaborating with others in the region to write the Arab Guidelines for the treatment of MDD
Clinical Service: ◦ In addition to the above: Opening Psychiatric Departments in the general hospitals Expanding Community Services Collaboration with other governmental bodies and agencies Collaboration with International Centers Mental Health Act Private Sector Education: ◦ In addition to the above: Collaboration with International Centers Annual Conference and workshops Research: ◦ In addition to the above: Collaboration with International Centers