B ureau O ntnemingswetgeving O penbaar M inisterie Paul Notenboom Public Prosecutor Public Prosecutor Deputy director of B.O.O.M., Criminal Assets Deprivation Bureau of the Public Prosecution Service, the Netherlands Deputy director of B.O.O.M., Criminal Assets Deprivation Bureau of the Public Prosecution Service, the Netherlands
B ureau O ntnemingswetgeving O penbaar M inisterie Goal To keep criminal assets away from the criminals forever To keep criminal assets away from the criminals forever
B ureau O ntnemingswetgeving O penbaar M inisterie Investigating a criminal act Goals: -convicting criminals / criminals / rounding up rounding up criminal criminal organisations organisations -taking away criminal criminal capital capital preliminary investigation arrest & search prosecution Criminal investigation financial investigation crime Execution action plan Goals: -convicting criminals / criminals / rounding up rounding up criminal criminal organisations organisations -taking away criminal criminal capital capital
B ureau O ntnemingswetgeving O penbaar M inisterie criminal investigation financial investigation decision to prosecute: trial plea bargaining dismissal Decision to prosecute confiscation deprivation injured parties tax authorities other countries ?
B ureau O ntnemingswetgeving O penbaar M inisterie Investigative Powers: Open sources Open sources –Land Register –Chambers of Commerce –the Internet Semi-open sources Semi-open sources –registration number register –register of births, deaths and marriages Police registers Police registers
B ureau O ntnemingswetgeving O penbaar M inisterie Investigative powers: Searching a dwelling or premises Searching a dwelling or premises Recording confidential information Recording confidential information Recording communication by means of a technical device (tap) Recording communication by means of a technical device (tap)
B ureau O ntnemingswetgeving O penbaar M inisterie Investigative powers: Post capture Post capture Observation Observation Entering a closed place and the powers in this place Entering a closed place and the powers in this place Claiming the provision of traffic data Claiming the provision of traffic data Claiming other data Claiming other data
B ureau O ntnemingswetgeving O penbaar M inisterie Investigative powers: Infiltration Infiltration Pseudo purchase Pseudo purchase Systematic enquiries Systematic enquiries
B ureau O ntnemingswetgeving O penbaar M inisterie Decision making framework Legal – is it allowed? Legal – is it allowed? Practical – is it possible? Practical – is it possible? Tactical – is it effective? (risks and opportunities) Tactical – is it effective? (risks and opportunities) Proportionality – the violation of the rights of the suspect / civilian weighed against the severity of the crime or the purpose of the investigation Proportionality – the violation of the rights of the suspect / civilian weighed against the severity of the crime or the purpose of the investigation Subsidiarity – are there any other (less invasive) possibilities or methods of investigation to obtain similar results? Subsidiarity – are there any other (less invasive) possibilities or methods of investigation to obtain similar results?
B ureau O ntnemingswetgeving O penbaar M inisterie Questions?