Slide 5-88 Side A Exposure Side A Walk-around 100 R Street Command Sequence # 8
Slide 5-89 R Street Sprinkler/StandpipeConnection Side A Walk-around 100 R Street Command Sequence # 8
Slide 5-90 Side B Side A Sides A and B Walk-around 100 R Street Command Sequence # 8
Slide 5-91 Side C Walk-around 100 R Street Command Sequence # 8
Slide 5-92 Side DSide A Sides A and D Exposure D1 Exposure D2 Sprinkler/StandpipeConnection Walk-around 100 R Street Command Sequence # 8
Slide 5-93 Interior of Outlet Store Heavy Fire Load Walk-around 100 R Street Command Sequence # 8 Sprinkler Piping Heavy Timber Mill Construction
Slide 5-94 Walk-around 100 R Street Command Sequence # 8 Interior of Outlet Store Heavy Fire Load Sprinkler Piping Heavy Timber Mill Construction
Slide 5-95 COMMAND SEQUENCE # 8 1ST ALARM RESOURCES Engine 1Engine 1 Engine 2Engine 2 Engine 3Engine 3 Truck 1Truck 1 Squad 1Squad 1 Battalion Chief 1Battalion Chief 1 – All companies staffed with four firefighters – Battalion Chief 1: 30-minute response
Slide 5-96 Heavy fire, four windows second floor, Side A. Medium smoke upper floors. Occupants have been removed. Building contains sprinklers and standpipes. Side B Side A 100 R Street Command Sequence # 8 Saturday March 2 Wind out of the South 15 MPH Temperature 25°F
Slide 5-97 N Rail Road Right of Way Perth Street 4-Story Building Outlet Warehouse 6-Story 4 Bay Loading Dock – 1 story Row houses 2-1/2 Story Row houses 3-Story Parking Lot R Street 16th S T R E T A B C D Sprinkler/Stand- pipe Connection
Slide 5-98 WHAT IS THE SITUATION? (SIZEUP) On location at 100 R Street, six-story building, 75' x 300', mill construction, occupied as outlet stores.On location at 100 R Street, six-story building, 75' x 300', mill construction, occupied as outlet stores. Heavy fire and smoke windows showing from four windows, second floor Side A.Heavy fire and smoke windows showing from four windows, second floor Side A. All occupants have been removed.All occupants have been removed. Exposures Side A are three-story occupied dwellings separated by a 20 foot street.Exposures Side A are three-story occupied dwellings separated by a 20 foot street. Exposure D1 is a one-story loading dock, directly attached.Exposure D1 is a one-story loading dock, directly attached. Exposure D2 is 2-1/2-story occupied dwelling 25 feet from building.Exposure D2 is 2-1/2-story occupied dwelling 25 feet from building. No other immediate exposures.No other immediate exposures. Engine 1 is establishing R Street Command.Engine 1 is establishing R Street Command. Sizeup report example:
Slide WHAT CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED? INCIDENT OBJECTIVES Contain and control fire in room/ building of origin.
Slide WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE? INCIDENT STRATEGY(IES) Exposure protectionExposure protection Confinement/ExtinguishmentConfinement/Extinguishment Special equipmentSpecial equipment VentilationVentilation
Slide HOW ARE YOU GOING TO DO IT? INCIDENT TACTICS Exposure protection Exposure protection – Deploy large-diameter hoseline for water supply – Deploy one 2-1/2-inch hoseline to Side A second floor for interior exposure protection – Deploy one 1-3/4-inch hoseline to Side A third floor for exposure protection Confinement/Extinguishment Confinement/Extinguishment Deploy two 2-1/2-inch hoselines to second floor Side A for confinement/extinguishment Special equipment Special equipment Deploy two 2-1/2-inch hoselines to sprinkler/standpipe connection Side A Ventilation Ventilation – Vent roof apertures of fire building – Horizontal ventilation all floors of fire building
Slide IMPLEMENT THE WATER SUPPLY FIXED SYSTEMS ACTION PLAN Communicate assignments clearly to all resources operating on the incident.
Slide EVALUATE THE WATER SUPPLY FIXED SYSTEMS ACTION PLAN Evaluate progress every 10 minutes.Evaluate progress every 10 minutes. Obtain feedback reports from resources operating on the incident.Obtain feedback reports from resources operating on the incident.
Slide R Street Command Sequence # 8 Side B Side A Heavy fire, four windows second floor, Side A. Medium smoke upper floors. Occupants have been removed.
Slide SALVAGE The tactical operation of protecting property from damage.
Slide PRINCIPLES OF SALVAGE To minimize damage to building and contentsTo minimize damage to building and contents To protect building from structural damage due to weight of waterTo protect building from structural damage due to weight of water
Slide SALVAGE TACTICS Protect building contents In placeIn place By removalBy removal Control water flow within buildingControl water flow within building Remove water from buildingRemove water from building
Slide SALVAGE TACTICS (cont'd) Ventilate to remove smoke and heatVentilate to remove smoke and heat Remove debris from buildingRemove debris from building Cover building openings to protect from weatherCover building openings to protect from weather
Slide COORDINATION AND PLANNING Rapid extinguishment reduces loss.Rapid extinguishment reduces loss. Conserve water during firefighting operations.Conserve water during firefighting operations. Ventilate early.Ventilate early.
Slide SIZEUP REPORT OF FIREGROUND CONDITIONS Initial reportInitial report To be given immediately upon arrival on location Exact location and conditions as observedExact location and conditions as observed – Nothing showing – Size of structure--stories and dimensions--type of construction--occupied or vacant – Smoke/Fire--location and density – Status of occupants--if known – Exposures---Sides A, B, C, D, or other – Engine __ is establishing ___ Street Command.
Slide SIZEUP REPORT OF FIREGROUND CONDITIONS (cont'd) Subsequent reportSubsequent report Information not immediately reported and/or information developed upon investigation. To be given ASAP or within 5 minutes. Progress reportProgress report To be given by the IC every 10 minutes until fire is under control.
Slide Side A Walk-around th Street Command Sequence # 9 13-story high- rise building, 75' x 75', fire-resistive construction, fire-resistive construction, occupied as medical laboratory/ offices. Standpipe connections located in fire towers. N
Slide Walk-around th Street Command Sequence # 9 Side A Side B
Slide Side B Walk-around th Street Command Sequence # 9 StandpipeConnection
Slide Walk-around th Street Command Sequence # 9 Side C Side B
Slide Walk-around th Street Command Sequence # 9 Side C
Slide Side D Walk-around th Street Command Sequence # 9
Slide COMMAND SEQUENCE # 9 1ST ALARM RESOURCES Engine 1Engine 1 Engine 2Engine 2 Engine 3Engine 3 Truck 1Truck 1 Squad 1Squad 1 Battalion Chief 1Battalion Chief 1 – All companies staffed with four firefighters – Battalion Chief 1: 30-minute response
Slide story high- rise, 75' x 75', fire-resistive construction, occupied as a medical laboratory/ office building. Heavy fire, one window, sixth floor, Side A. Medium smoke upper floors. All occupants have been removed. Activity th Street Command Sequence # 9 Side B Side A StandpipeConnection N
Slide th St. Medical Laboratory Tower 13 Stories: 75' x 75' Jones St. Fire Tower Fire Tower Elevator N Parking Lot Side A Side B Side C Side D Standpipe Connection th St. Sixth Floor
Slide WHAT IS THE SITUATION? (SIZEUP) Sizeup report example: On location at th Street, 13-story highrise building 75' x 75', fire-resistive construction, occupied as medical laboratory/office building.On location at th Street, 13-story highrise building 75' x 75', fire-resistive construction, occupied as medical laboratory/office building. Heavy fire and smoke from one window, sixth floor Side A, light to medium smoke upper floors.Heavy fire and smoke from one window, sixth floor Side A, light to medium smoke upper floors. All occupants have been removed.All occupants have been removed. No other immediate exposures.No other immediate exposures. Engine 1 is establishing 29th Street command.Engine 1 is establishing 29th Street command.
Slide WHAT CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED? INCIDENT OBJECTIVES Contain and control fire to room/ building of origin.
Slide WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE? INCIDENT STRATEGY(IES) Exposure protectionExposure protection Confinement/ExtinguishmentConfinement/Extinguishment Special equipmentSpecial equipment VentilationVentilation SalvageSalvage
Slide HOW ARE YOU GOING TO DO IT? INCIDENT TACTICS Exposure protectionExposure protection – Deploy large diameter hoseline for water supply – Deploy one 1-3/4-inch hoseline from seventh floor standpipe to seventh floor for exposure protection Confinement/ExtinguishmentConfinement/Extinguishment – Deploy one 2-1/2-inch hoseline from sixth floor standpipe for confinement/extinguishment – Deploy one 1-3/4-inch hoseline from fifth floor standpipe to sixth floor for backup line support Special equipmentSpecial equipment – Stretch two 2-1/2-inch hoselines to standpipe connection – Deploy water-absorbent materials to reduce water damage on sixth floor
Slide HOW ARE YOU GOING TO DO IT? INCIDENT TACTICS (cont'd) VentilationVentilation – Vent stairwells to roof. – Horizontal cross ventilation all floors SalvageSalvage – Provide salvage cover protection to floors and equipment below fire – Divert runoff water to prevent contamination
Slide IMPLEMENT THE WATER SUPPLY FIXED SYSTEMS SALVAGE ACTION PLAN Communicate assignments clearly to all resources operating on the incident.
Slide IMPLEMENT THE WATER SUPPLY FIXED SYSTEMS SALVAGE ACTION PLAN (cont'd) Evaluate progress every 10 minutes.Evaluate progress every 10 minutes. Obtain feedback reports from resources operating on the incident.Obtain feedback reports from resources operating on the incident.
Slide Side A Side B 13-story high- rise, 75' x 75', fire-resistive construction, occupied as a medical laboratory/ office building. Heavy fire, one window, sixth floor, Side A. Medium smoke upper floors. All occupants have been removed. Activity th Street Command Sequence # 9 StandpipeConnection
Slide Activity 5.2 Scenario 1 Salvage 122 M Street
Slide Sides A and D Side A 122 M Street Side D Walk-around 122 M Street Activity 5.2 Scenario 1
Slide Side B Walk-around 122 M Street Activity 5.2 Scenario 1
Slide Side C Walk-around 122 M Street Activity 5.2 Scenario 1
Slide Side C Exposure C1 Walk-around 122 M Street Activity 5.2 Scenario 1
Slide Side D Exposure C2 Walk-around 122 M Street Activity 5.2 Scenario 1
Slide ACTIVITY 5.2 SCENARIO 1 1ST ALARM RESOURCES Engine 1Engine 1 Engine 2Engine 2 Engine 3Engine 3 Truck 1Truck 1 Squad 1Squad 1 Battalion Chief 1Battalion Chief 1 – All companies staffed with four firefighters – Battalion Chief 1: 30-minute response
Slide Heavy fire and smoke third floor, Side C. All occupants have been removed. Second-floor occupancy directly below has an expensive art collection. Side C Walk-around 122 M Street Activity 5.2 Scenario 1
Slide N Exposure C1 Exposure C2 Parking Side A Side B Side C Side D 122 M St.
Slide LR BR Ba K 45' 25' Side A Third Floor Side B Side C Side D 122 M St.
Slide Activity 5.2 Scenario 2 Salvage th Street
Slide Sides A and B Side B Side A Walk-around th Street Activity 5.2 Scenario 2
Slide Side B Side A Sides A and B Walk-around th Street Activity 5.2 Scenario 2
Slide Side C Walk-around th Street Activity 5.2 Scenario 2
Slide Sides A and D Side A Side D Walk-around th Street Activity 5.2 Scenario 2
Slide ACTIVITY 5.2 SCENARIO 2 1ST ALARM RESOURCES Engine 1Engine 1 Engine 2Engine 2 Engine 3Engine 3 Truck 1Truck 1 Squad 1Squad 1 Battalion Chief 1Battalion Chief 1 – All companies staffed with four firefighters – Battalion Chief 1: 30-minute response
Slide Side B Side A Sides A and B th Street Activity 5.1 Scenario 2 Medium smoke second and third floors Side A and B. All occupants have been removed. First-floor occupancy uses various acids for mixing.
Slide Activity 5.2 Scenario th Street Heavy smoke second and third floors, Sides A and D. Medium smoke Side C. All occupants have been removed. Sides A and D Side A Side D
Slide story Warehouse 1-story E 3-story Office 3-story Warehouse E 50' Fire on Second Floor N 75' E Side A Side B Side C th St. Side D
Slide Activity 5.3 Large Exercise 3 Three-Story Bank/Office BuildingThree-Story Bank/Office Building th Street900 16th Street
Slide Side A Walk-around Large Exercise th Street Three-story bank building, 125' x 175', noncombustible construction, building is sprinklered and contains standpipe connections in stairways, occupied by 250 employees. N
Slide Side A Walk-around Large Exercise th Street
Slide Sides A and B Walk-around Large Exercise th Street Side A Sprinkler/Standpipe Connection Side B Side B
Slide Side B Walk-around Large Exercise th Street
Slide Side C Sides B and C Walk-around Large Exercise th Street Side B
Slide Side C Walk-around Large Exercise th Street
Slide Side C Walk-around Large Exercise th Street
Slide Side C Sides C and D Walk-around Large Exercise th Street Side D
Slide Side D Walk-around Large Exercise th Street
Slide Side D Sides A and D Side A Walk-around Large Exercise th Street
Slide Side A Side D Sides A and D Walk-around Large Exercise th Street
Slide Side A Walk-around Large Exercise th Street
Slide LARGE EXERCISE 3 1ST ALARM RESOURCES Engine 1Engine 1 Engine 2Engine 2 Engine 3Engine 3 Truck 1Truck 1 Squad 1Squad 1 Battalion Chief 1Battalion Chief 1 – All companies staffed with four firefighters – Battalion Chief 1: 30-minute response
Slide Side C Large Exercise th Street Conditions upon arrival: Friday 2 p.m. Heavy fire three windows, third floor, Side C. Report of occupants trapped on the third floor. Second floor is the main computer floor, National Bank.
Slide rd Floor Offset Interior Elevator Shafts Elevator Shafts N Drive-Through Teller Parking Sprinkler/Standpipe connection Side A Side B Side D Side C th St. Covered Truckway Stairs
Slide Large Exercise th Street Conditions 15 minutes after arrival. Side C
Slide Conditions 30 minutes after arrival. Side C Large Exercise th Street
Slide Large Exercise th Street Side C Conditions 40 minutes after arrival.
Slide TRANSFER OF COMMAND REPORT PROCEDURE Location and extent of fireLocation and extent of fire Control effortsControl efforts Deployment of resourcesDeployment of resources Need for additional resourcesNeed for additional resources To be delivered to the next commanding officer arriving at an incident