Marmut class - 4.B (svišti) in Prague ZOO
We can speak English! Snažili jsme se komunikovat pouze anglicky Hledali jsme různá zvířata a učili se, jak se řeknou anglicky Sami jsme se stali zvířaty, a museli jsme pomocí angličtiny zjistit, kdo jsme
Who am I ? Am I big? No, you aren't. Am I a bird? No, you aren't. Am I a mammal? Yes, you are. Am I white or grey? Yes, you are. Am I a mouse? Yes, you are! Well done!
Do I live in Africa? …, you don't. Am I a mammal? …, you are. Do I live in a cold place? …, you do. Do I eat meat?..., you don't.
Who am I? I am very big and grey. I can swim. But who am I??? Am I a submarine?
agama...? … tu musím v ZOO najít! :)
I don't live in water!
Our teacher is a zebra!!! Where is his pyjamas?
What is he doing?
Hello down there!
Is this a bird???
Does this horse eat grass?
Two small gorillas.
How many gorillas are here? 17
And here? 11.5
What are these gorillas doing?
The end Good bye!SNAP!