OPTIRAIL WORKSHOP · OCTOBER 23, 2014 · BRUSSELS WP1: “In depth analysis of maintenance requirements for a Smart maintenance system”
OPTIRAIL WORKSHOP · OCTOBER 23, 2014 · BRUSSELS D1.1 : Knowledge available on maintenance operations and surveying systems-high speed and conventional lines. D1.2: Create and analyze an updated tool based on early version of CoVer. D1.3.Traceable database of measurements and tests, made over time on track under study. D1.4: Fuzzy knowledge base containing description regarding performance/objectives to be reached. Have set the criteria from Optirail began
OPTIRAIL WORKSHOP · OCTOBER 23, 2014 · BRUSSELS D1.1 : Knowledge available on maintenance operations and surveying systems-high speed and conventional lines (Public) Maintenance operations over the time The tracks along the corridors SUBSTRUCTURE SUPERSTRUCTURE TRAFFIC THERESHOLDS QUALITY INDEX
OPTIRAIL WORKSHOP · OCTOBER 23, 2014 · BRUSSELS D1.2: Create and analyze an updated tool based on early version of CoVer. Objetive: Analyse the EU requirements and needs for smart railway maintenance. Ensure that all relevant requirements are CoVeRed and when relevant, understood by the involved parties for each corridors in order to create a common practice, a common interpretation and common aplication. Simplify and assure the identification and handling of requirements.
OPTIRAIL WORKSHOP · OCTOBER 23, 2014 · BRUSSELS D1.3: TRACEABLE DATABASE OF MEASURENTS AND TEST, MADE OVER TIME ON THE TRACK UNDER STUDY Analysis of the different surveying methods, measures and equipment SURVEYING METHODS MEASURES EQUIPMENTS DECISION SUPPORT EQUIPMENTS Maintenance inspection systems used on study cases. Study cases. Data dumping.
OPTIRAIL WORKSHOP · OCTOBER 23, 2014 · BRUSSELS COMPUTER WORLD Fuzzy Logic other computer intelligence approaches. Regulations Expert Knowledge Monitoring systems Constrains Translating Harmonization D1.4. Fuzzy knowledge base containing description regarding performance/objectives to be reached.