The American Flag and Other Symbols Foundations of United States Citizenship Lesson 1, Chapter 6
What is the history of the American flag? The Second Continental Congress officially adopted the American flag in Philadelphia on June 14, 1777 . The design called for 13 stripes, alternating red and white A union—the upper left corner of the flag—with 13 stars, white in a blue field Francis Hopkinson is probably responsible for the stars in the American flag. Foundations of United States Citizenship Lesson 1, Chapter 6, The American Flag and Other Symbols
What is the history of the American flag? (cont’d) During the Revolutionary War, patriots made flags for our new nation. Betsy Ross The claim that she designed the first flag of the United States is based on family traditions. Grandson William J. Canby claimed Grandma Betsy made the 1st flag. Foundations of United States Citizenship Lesson 1, Chapter 6, The American Flag and Other Symbols
What is the history of the American flag? (cont’d) Grand Union Flag First flag of the colonists that looked like the present Stars and Stripes Also known as the Congress Colors, the “First Navy Ensign, or the Cambridge Flag Design: 13 stripes, blue field with two crosses Foundations of United States Citizenship Lesson 1, Chapter 6, The American Flag and Other Symbols
What is the history of the American flag? (cont’d) In 1794, Congress passed an act requiring that the flag have 15 stars and 15 stripes. This became the official flag from 1795 to 1818. It played a role in historic events. Inspired the “Star Spangled Banner” Foundations of United States Citizenship Lesson 1, Chapter 6, The American Flag and Other Symbols
What is the history of the American flag? (cont’d) Capt Samuel C. Reid, USN, suggested Constant of 13 stripes, but one star added to blue field for each new state added to Union April 4, 1818: President Monroe accepted bill that reflected Reid’s ideas. Capt William Driver called the flag “Old Glory” before a voyage. Foundations of United States Citizenship Lesson 1, Chapter 6, The American Flag and Other Symbols
What is the history of the American flag? (cont’d) The flag changed as new states were admitted to the Union. Last added stars were for Arizona, New Mexico, Alaska and Hawaii. With the 50-star flag came a new design and arrangement of stars in the union. Foundations of United States Citizenship Lesson 1, Chapter 6, The American Flag and Other Symbols
What is the history of the American flag? (cont’d) Colors used in the American flag White: purity and innocence Red: hardiness and valor Blue: vigilance, perseverance, and justice An American flag with 50 stars was raised for the first time on July 4, 1960, at Fort McHenry in Baltimore Harbor. The American flag is traditionally a symbol of liberty and freedom. Foundations of United States Citizenship Lesson 1, Chapter 6, The American Flag and Other Symbols
What is the history of the American flag? (cont’d) Elements in the design of today’s flag 13 horizontal stripes—7 red and 6 white, alternating Union of white, five-pointed stars on blue field Blue field in the upper quarter of the flag next to the staff, extending to the lower edge of the fourth red stripe from the top Number of stars equal to the number of states in the Union Foundations of United States Citizenship Lesson 1, Chapter 6, The American Flag and Other Symbols
What laws and regulations govern the flag? United States Code Can be found in the Congressional Archives in Washington DC Executive orders and presidential proclamations Foundations of United States Citizenship Lesson 1, Chapter 6, The American Flag and Other Symbols
When should the flag be displayed? Display flag only from sunrise to sunset on buildings and on stationary flagstaffs in the open. Can display all-weather flag 24 hours a day if properly lit at night. Can display flag in good weather on all days, especially certain holidays. Foundations of United States Citizenship Lesson 1, Chapter 6, The American Flag and Other Symbols
Flag Display Review Flag Code Brochure Handed out in class Foundations of United States Citizenship Lesson 1, Chapter 6, The American Flag and Other Symbols
Lesson 1, Chapter 6, The American Flag and Other Symbols January – New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, Inauguration Day February – Lincoln’s Birthday, Washington’s Birthday, Presidents’ Day March/April – Easter May – Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day June – Flag Day July – Independence Day August -- 000000 Foundations of United States Citizenship Lesson 1, Chapter 6, The American Flag and Other Symbols
Lesson 1, Chapter 6, The American Flag and Other Symbols September – Labor Day, Patriot Day, Constitution Day October – Columbus Day, Navy Day November – Election Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day December – Pearl Harbor Day, Christmas Day Foundations of United States Citizenship Lesson 1, Chapter 6, The American Flag and Other Symbols
When should the flag be displayed? (cont’d) The flag should be displayed Daily on or near the main administration building of every public institution On election days in or near every polling place During school days in or near every schoolhouse Foundations of United States Citizenship Lesson 1, Chapter 6, The American Flag and Other Symbols
How should the flag be positioned and displayed? In a procession with another flag or flags Marching right or front and center of line On a float in a parade On staff or suspended, folds falling free On a vehicle, railroad train, or boat Not draped over any surface On a motorcar Staff attached to chassis or right fender Foundations of United States Citizenship Lesson 1, Chapter 6, The American Flag and Other Symbols
How should the flag be positioned and displayed? (cont’d) No other flags or pennants above it Exceptions: services at sea, U.N. flag National colors only on vehicles designed for colors and color guards If displayed with crossed staffs, flag on and staff in front Foundations of United States Citizenship Lesson 1, Chapter 6, The American Flag and Other Symbols
How should the flag be positioned and displayed? (cont’d) Display flag flat or hanging free. With other flags of states/localities/societies On separate staffs: Flag in center, at highest point Hoist American flag first, lower last On same halyard: American flag at highest point No other flags/pennants above or to right of American flag Foundations of United States Citizenship Lesson 1, Chapter 6, The American Flag and Other Symbols
How should the flag be positioned and displayed? (cont’d) With flags of other nations Separate staffs, equal size, same height On horizontal staff or angled staff from windowsill, balcony, or front of building Union at peak of staff (unless at half-staff) Over a sidewalk, on rope from house to pole Hoist out from building, union first Foundations of United States Citizenship Lesson 1, Chapter 6, The American Flag and Other Symbols
How should the flag be positioned and displayed? (cont’d) Against a wall or in a window Union uppermost, to flag’s own right Over the middle of the street Vertically, union toward north or east Flat on speaker’s platform Above and behind speaker In ceremony for unveiling statue/monument Not as covering for object Foundations of United States Citizenship Lesson 1, Chapter 6, The American Flag and Other Symbols
How should the flag be positioned and displayed? (cont’d) When flying the flag at half-staff First, hoist it to the peak for an instant. Then, lower it to the half-staff position. Before it is lowered for the day, hoist it to the peak again. On Memorial Day, display the flag at half-staff until noon only. Foundations of United States Citizenship Lesson 1, Chapter 6, The American Flag and Other Symbols
How should the flag be positioned and displayed? (cont’d) Presidential order: Fly flag at half-staff upon death of important government figures. Flag may be displayed at half-staff for death of other officials or foreign dignitaries. Governor of state/territory/possession may decide to fly national flag at half-staff upon death of present or former official of that government. Foundations of United States Citizenship Lesson 1, Chapter 6, The American Flag and Other Symbols
How should the flag be positioned and displayed? (cont’d) Fly flag at half-staff after death of President or former president Vice president, Chief Justice, retired Chief Justice, or Speaker of the House Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, secretary of an executive or military department, former vice president, governor of a state/territory/possession Member of Congress Foundations of United States Citizenship Lesson 1, Chapter 6, The American Flag and Other Symbols
How should the flag be positioned and displayed? (cont’d) When covering a casket Place flag with union at head and over left shoulder. Do not lower flag into grave or let it touch ground. When displayed with United Nations flag American flag should be on right and above United Nations flag. Foundations of United States Citizenship Lesson 1, Chapter 6, The American Flag and Other Symbols
What is the proper way to show respect for the flag? Never dip the flag to any person or thing. Never display the flag with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress. Never let the flag touch anything beneath it. Foundations of United States Citizenship Lesson 1, Chapter 6, The American Flag and Other Symbols
What is the proper way to show respect for the flag? (cont’d) Never carry the flag flat or horizontally. Never use the flag as apparel, bedding, or drapery. When using bunting, always arrange it with blue above, white in the middle, and red below. Foundations of United States Citizenship Lesson 1, Chapter 6, The American Flag and Other Symbols
What is the proper way to show respect for the flag? (cont’d) Never use or store the flag in a way that might tear, soil, or damage it. Never use the flag as a ceiling covering. Do not put any markings on the flag. Never use the flag to receive, hold, carry, or deliver anything. Foundations of United States Citizenship Lesson 1, Chapter 6, The American Flag and Other Symbols
What is the proper way to show respect for the flag? (cont’d) Never use the flag for advertising. Never use any part of the flag as a costume or athletic uniform. Wear a flag pin on the left lapel near the heart. If a flag is worn out, destroy it in a dignified way (burning). Foundations of United States Citizenship Lesson 1, Chapter 6, The American Flag and Other Symbols