Teaching and Learning in Functional Maths at E3
Mapping Guide
REFREF SKILLS STANDARDSRE F CURRICULUM STANDARDS R1R1 Understand practical problems in familiar contexts and situations C1Add and subtract using three- digit numbers R2R2 Begin to develop own strategies for solving simple problems C2Solve practical problems involving multiplication and division by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 R3R3 Select mathematics to obtain answers to simple given practical problems that are clear and routine C3Round to nearest 10 or 100 A1A1 Apply mathematics to obtain answers to simple given practical problems that are clear and routine C4Understand and use simple fractions A2A2 Use simple checking proceduresC5Understand, estimate, measure and compare length, capacity, weight and temperature I1Interpret and communicate solutions to practical problems in familiar contexts and situations C6Understand decimals to two decimal places in practical contexts C7Recognise and describe number patterns C8Complete simple calculations involving money and measures C9Recognise and name simple 2-D and 3-D shapes and their properties C1 0 Use metric units in everyday situations C1 1 Extract, use and compare information from lists, tables, simple charts and simple graphs
Coverage referenceC1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8C9C10C11 1Best Deal GameXXXX 2Worms and LaddersXX 3FractionationXX 4Muddled NumbersXXX 5The Budget GameXXXXXX 6The Best JobXXXXX 7Top TreatsXXXX 8Post Office GameXXXXXXXX 9Carrie’s BungalowXXXX 10Using MeasuresXX 11The Picnic GameXXXXX 12Using ShapesXXX 132D 3DX 14Where and When?XXX 15Paris or Malaga?XXX Maths in nature (entry 3 part)XXXX
WHERE AND WHEN ? Add and subtract using three- digit numbers Solve practical problems involving multiplication and division by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 Extract, use and compare information from lists, tables, simple charts and simple graphs C1 C2 C11 R1 R2 R3 A1 A2 I1 Sorting out which pieces of information are needed Disregarding irrelevant information Thinking through a plan for solving a problem Selecting appropriate mathematical procedures to solve a problem Applying mathematical procedures correctly Communicating solutions to practical problems, either verbally or by writing answers down so that they make sense Interpret solutions – deciding whether the solutions found correspond to the original informati
POST OFFICE ACTIVITY Add and subtract using three-digit numbers Round to nearest 10 or 100 Measure length and weight Understand decimals to two decimal places Complete simple calculations involving money and measures Recognise and name simple 2-D and 3-D shapes Use metric units in everyday situations Extract, use and compare information from tables C1 C3 C5 C6 C8 C9 C10 C11 R1 R2 R3 A1 I1 Sorting out which pieces of information are needed Disregarding irrelevant information Thinking through a plan for solving a problem Selecting appropriate mathematical procedures to solve a problem Applying mathematical procedures correctly Communicating solutions to practical problems, either verbally or by writing answers down so that they make sense
Budgeting Board Game Calculating with whole numbers Calculating with money Using a calculator C1 C2 C3 C6 C7 C8 R2 R3 A1 I1 Selecting appropriate mathematical procedures to solve a problem Applying mathematical procedures correctly Communicating solutions to practical problems, either verbally or by writing answers down so that they make sense