Systematic Conservation Planning, Land Use Planning and SEA in South Africa Sustainable development embodied in Constitution Secure ecologically sustainable development and use of natural resources and promote conservation In South Africa: Cape Floristic Region, Succulent Karoo are global hotspots Protected area network is inadequate to conserve a representative sample of biodiversity and supporting processes Environmental law: EIA mandatory; SEA not mandatory EIA has limited effect in dealing with biodiversity impacts Municipal law calls for SEA in preparing spatial development frameworks for land use planning
Systematic Conservation Planning Two key building blocks: spatial layers and targets Considers biodiversity structure and composition (‘pattern’), and process Draws on societal vision & objectives – who needs plan & for what Decides on most appropriate scale – different scales answer different needs Sets explicit, defensible targets [% species, species-area relationships, transformation, irreplaceability, threat] Involves key stakeholders: implementers, specialists, local communities Uses ‘land classes’ or biodiversity surrogates [habitat and geographic variables] Focuses on landscapes, not at species level [heterogeneity & process] Explores options to achieve vision, objectives and targets Best option: tailored to purpose and use, capacity to implement
Biodiversity Pattern: Land classes Ecological processes: coastal-inland, upland-lowland, soil transition, climate (EW, NS) Ecosystem services, mainly regulating and supporting Threatened, focal or umbrella species Local inputs and values Spatial Development Framework VISION OBJECTIVES TARGETS OPTIONS CATEGORIES LAND USE & MANAGEMENT CHECKS Implementers - capacity Ecosystem values & services, mainly cultural & provisioning Specialist inputs
Spatial Planning using Systematic Conservation Planning Example - Overberg Municipality Ecosystem status: much Critically Endangered vegetation in global & national contexts Highly fragmented; threatened fragments with high connectivity provide ‘building blocks’ to enable process to persist Safeguard soil / vegetation transitions, upland-lowland gradients, coast-inland, & coastal corridors Conserve protected areas, special or unique habitats Protect catchments, wetlands, coastal buffer & other NB ecosystem service areas Spatial planning categories tied to land use and management recommendations Planning categories cut across land ownership
Systematic Conservation Planning and Impact Assessment – positives and negatives Positives Objectives & outcomes-driven, not baseline-driven Provides ‘significance thresholds’ for use in EIA Useful for screening purposes Provides a clear trigger for further investigation Sound basis for decisions, compensation ‘Buy in’ from stakeholders, shift in perspectives Negatives Challenges of scale Accessibility and interpretation of products Risk of clearing ‘to target’ Sufficient consideration of threatened and locally endemic species?