The Green Team is the Biggest Loser! By Student A Student B Student C Student D
Coach Simmons Physical Education Class Biggest Loser Project Green Team Each student in our group successfully loss weight during the project. A total of 21 lbs was loss amongst us and 3 points was shaved off of our overall BMI. Student BMI Before / After Student A Obese / Obese Student B Overweight / Overweight Student C Normal / Normal Student D Overweight / Normal BMI Chart 2 Week Weight/BMI Progress BMI Chart 2 Week Weight/BMI Progress Week 1Week 2Week 1Week 2 Weight In Pounds Weight In Pounds Height In Feet Height In Inches 10 Height In Inches 44 Total Height 70 Total Height 76 BMI BMI BMI Chart 2 Week Weight/BMI Progress BMI Chart 2 Week Weight/BMI Progress Week 1Week 2Week 1Week 2 Weight In Pounds Weight In Pounds Height In Feet Height In Inches Total Height 73 Total Height 67 BMI BMI
BMI Formula and how to insert into excel spreadsheet 1 Enter "Weight in Pounds" in cell A3, "Height in Feet" in cell A4, "Height in Inches" in cell A5, "Total Height" in cell A6 and "BMI" in cell A7. 2 Enter "=C4*12+C5" in cell C6 to have Excel calculate the total height. 3 Enter "=C3/C6^2*703" in cell C7 to calculate the BMI. 4 Enter the weight and heights of different people in cells C3 through C5 and the BMI will appear in cell C7.
Exercises Good for Health and Weight Loss