Early Start - Dual Enrollment 11 th /12 th grade Public high school In good standing Meet university admission requirements Have required ACT/PLAN scores or WorkKeys Certificate Eligible Students
Early Start - Dual Enrollment College Level General Education Courses Courses in BOR Articulation Course List Developmental and Technical Courses Eligible Courses
Early Start - Dual Enrollment Public 4-year universities Public 2-year colleges Public technical colleges Some Private institutions Eligible Institutions
Early Start…Demand Growing
Updates to Framework Framework – effective fall 2011 Framework – effective fall 2011 – Students requiring developmental English or math will not be eligible to enroll in any college level, degree credit course – Students must have test scores that places them into college level English and math OR – Students must have successfully completed college level course or developmental course(s) that places them into college level English and math
Updates to Framework Framework – effective immediately Framework – effective immediately – High school must provide to college Copy of test scores Copy of test scores Copy of college transcript/grade report to verify grade earned in previous participation in Early Start Copy of college transcript/grade report to verify grade earned in previous participation in Early Start
Board of Regents At its February 2008 meeting “…voted unanimously to accept the recommendation of the Planning, Research, and Performance Committee to adopt the Louisiana Core 4 academic core as the Regents’ Core for entry into 4-year institutions, to become effective with the high school graduating class of 2012.”
From 2-year to 4-year Louisiana Transfer Degree To eliminate barriers that prevent students from successfully transferring between and among secondary and postsecondary institutions.
Student Transcript System Collection Cycles Collection Cycles – February, June, September – May be more frequent in future Data available to public and some private institutions Data available to public and some private institutions Beginning June 2011 Beginning June 2011 – Core calculations R1 (TOPS) R1 (TOPS) C4 and C6 (Core 4) C4 and C6 (Core 4)
LouisianaConnect Louisiana’s first Purpose Network, connecting Students, Parents, Counselors, Postsecondary Institutions, Employers and Access Organizations Louisiana’s first Purpose Network, connecting Students, Parents, Counselors, Postsecondary Institutions, Employers and Access Organizations College & Career Connection Integrated Planning Tools Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) Scholarships & Grants Counselor & Parent Dashboards Powered by DOE Data
Louisiana’s First Choice for College Access More information and detailed demonstration at LOSFA workshops